
MPC(22)M07 Minutes of Full Council from 16th November 2022

Full CouncilMinutes Uploaded on November 24, 2022


Minutes of the Meeting of Melton Parish Council held on Wednesday 16th November 2022 commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT.


Cllr Porter (Chair)

Cllr Banks

Cllr Brown

Cllr Darby

Cllr Gradwell

Cllr Martin

Cllr Taylor

Cllr Hilson

Cllr Holmes

Cllr Harvey-Smith

Cllr Packard

Cllr Stearn

Cllr Crawford


Cllr James

Cllr Biggle

In Attendance:

P Alder Clerk and Executive Officer to Melton Parish Council 

F Waters Assistant Clerk to Melton Parish Council

Cllr Smith-Lyte District Councillor

Agenda – Part 1/2 – Open to the Public

Item No              Item to be discussed

22.91                  To receive apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs James and Biggle.

22.92                  Declarations of Interest

22.92.01                To receive Declarations of Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.92.02                To consider any applications for dispensations

There were none

Members were reminded that they are responsible for ensuring their Register of Interests is up to date

22.93                  Public Participation Session 

22.93.01                To receive a Report from the District Councillor

Cllr Smith-Lyte gave a verbal report on the work she has been doing including helping residents with difficult situations, meeting Bredfield Road residents about community speed watch, responding to the Carter-Warburg appeal and the contamination issue at Deben Meadows. The Green Party Councillors are questioning the need for ESC to appoint a new Strategic Director on such a high salary and they are challenging the ethical supply chain at ESC. She pointed out that there might be some disruption to refuse collection due to threatened strike/work to rule action. A full written report will be issued later.

22.93.02                To receive a report from the County Councillor

Cllr Nicoll sent his apologies. No report was received although it was noted he had been in regular correspondence with the office and had attended the recent Love Woodbridge and Melton presentation.

22.93.03                To consider village matters raised by Members of the Public or Councillors

No members of the public were present. Cllr Martin had passed on our thanks to Transition Woodbridge at the Climate Change event at the Tide Mill. A note of thanks will be included in the next Melton Messenger. It was suggested that Christmas cards should be sent to those who help the Parish Council. This was later superseded by a decision to invite the volunteers to the Christmas gathering on the 6th December.

22.94                  To approve the Minutes of Full Council from 28th September 2022

22.94.01                It was RESOLVED that minutes MPC(22)M06 previously distributed, be received, noted and signed as a correct record by the Chair.  Cllr Darby asked if there had been any further discussion of the Village Emergency Plan. It was proposed that a working group is set up in January 2023 to deal with this, although the Clerk did express concern that it could be quite onerous to keep the information up to date.

Proposed by: Cllr Brown                   Seconded by: Cllr Martin

22.95                  To receive and consider Minutes of Committees

22.95.01                Planning and Transport 19th October 2022

Minutes PLA(22)M07 (draft) were received and NOTED

22.95.02                Recreation Committee 5th October 2022

Minutes REC(22)M05 (draft) were received and NOTED

22.95.03                FERM Committee 12th October 2022

Minutes FERM(22)M04 (draft) were received and NOTED

22.96                  To consider Financial and Internal Control Matters

22.96.01                To receive and consider the financial management and budget reports for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 October 2022

Papers MPC(22)96.01 and MPC(22)96.01a-f were received and noted. The bank statements were checked and signed as accurate against the financial statements.

22.96.02               To consider 1st draft budget for 2023/24

Papers MPC(22)96.02 and MPC(22)96.02a containing the draft budget were considered, which proposes asking for a Precept of £117,261 for 2023/24. This was the outcome of the meeting of Budget Working Group on the 7th November. Cllr Martin asked if the Precept should be increased further to remove the deficit. After discussion it was agreed that the increase should not be above the current rate of inflation and Councillors are conscious of the financial constraints facing households. The budget has been made as lean as possible and we are slowly closing the gap. Even with the increase Melton’s precept still remains the lowest of 19 similar Parish/Town Councils in East Suffolk. The budget and precept request will be formally approved at the January meeting of Full Council. It was RESOLVED to accept the draft budget.

Proposed by: Cllr Brown                   Seconded by: Cllr Banks

22.96.03                To consider grant giving in 2022/23

Paper MPC(22)96.03 was received and discussed. After consideration it was RESOLVED to AGREE to give grants to Melton Primary School (£235), SARS and Deben Community Farm (£250) and Woodbridge Salvation Army (£265).

Proposed by: Cllr Gradwell                  Seconded by: Cllr Harvey-Smith

22.96.04                To consider risk issues

The Risk Register was reviewed and it was AGREED to lower the Pavilion project to a low rating and increase the Pavilion operations rating to high as it is about to open. The Covid related risk will be reviewed by FERM in December.

Proposed by: Cllr Porter                  Seconded by: Cllr Gradwell

22.96.05                To consider updated report on Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Grant Funded projects

Paper MPC(22)96.05 previously distributed was received and after a lengthy discussion it was RESOLVED to AGREE that the highest priority was Beresford Drive play park followed by the Rec Ground play park and bike track. Bike racks at the Pavilion are also considered a high priority. Replacing the MUGA and playpark fencing is a medium priority. The tennis court resurfacing, solar panels and EV charging points were made a low priority. It was AGREED to earmark £1.5k of CIL to purchase heavy duty gazebos for the fete and to purchase a defib using the bequest and potentially a grant from Cllr Smith-Lyte. A plaque marking the bequest would be placed on the defib.

Proposed by: Cllr Stearn               Seconded by: Cllr Martin

22.96.06                To consider proposal from Highways regarding Yarmouth Road speed repeater roundels

Paper MPC(22)96.06 previously distributed was discussed. It was RESOLVED to AGREE to instruct Highways to install 5 repeater 30mph roundels on Yarmouth Road.

Proposed by: Cllr Gradwell                  Seconded by: Cllr Harvey-Smith

22.96.07                Report of decisions made by Clerk/Assistant Clerk under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014

Paper MPC(22)97.07 detailing three decisions (access road and calculations, and tree works) was received and noted.

22.97                  To receive an update on the Pavilion and Opening Ceremony

Paper MPC(22)97 previously distributed was received and discussed. It was RESOLVED to AGREE not to install a CCTV camera at an additional cost. After discussion it was AGREED that a pop up café would be trialled for 4-8 weeks on weekend mornings, using the kitchen only (serve through the hatch), making it clear that it was a trial and that all rubbish must be removed after the hire. The office will negotiate a rate although £50 a session was suggested. The Christmas gathering will take place at the Pavilion as a test event, from 6-8pm on the 6th December and invitations will be extended to all Councillors and their partners, volunteers and the former Clerk. Cllrs Taylor and Packard offered to help set up the event. It was RESOLVED to AGREE that the formal opening event/celebration will take place on Saturday 25th March where a plaque will be unveiled by Cllr Porter.

Proposed by: Cllr Gradwell                  Seconded by: Cllr Taylor

22.98                  To receive an update on the Love Woodbridge & Melton project

The SCC project team gave a presentation to Woodbridge TC and Melton PC on the 9th November. The feasibility study is being submitted later this year/early 2023 (date tbc). MPC expressed concerns about the zone naming (intimated that Melton was a tiny element of the project) and the impact that the proposed measures could have on surrounding roads, eg Melton Road, Woods Lane, Station Road, The Street and Wilford Bridge Road. There also appeared to be little consideration of the impact that SZC and Bentwaters traffic will have on the area. It was RESOLVED to AGREE that the Clerk would email the project team, copying in Cllr Nicoll and the Woodbridge Town Clerk explaining our concerns and asking for the proposal to be shared with MPC before it is submitted otherwise MPC would have no option but to withdraw its support for the project.

Proposed by: Cllr Gradwell                  Seconded by: Cllr Banks

22.99                  Melton Fete 2023

The date of the 2023 fete is the 8th July. Ten stalls have confirmed already and Cllr Darby will contact the Guide/Brownie leader as they have offered to attend. There was some confusion about the charges levied on Pawticulars (should have been 10% of profits) in 2022. It was RESOLVED to AGREE that their donation of £25 would be refunded from the Fete EMR.

Proposed by: Cllr Gradwell                  Seconded by: Cllr Darby

22.100                Thermal Imaging Project

Cllr Martin reported that they are waiting for further information and the SCC website to go live before promoting the service. A page with a form has been set up on the MPC website in preparation.

22.101                Sizewell C

Cllr Banks reported that the High Court refused a judicial review but the SZC campaign groups have vowed to fight on using a High Court procedure to seek a hearing of the case. Therese CoffeyMP wrote to the Secretary of State seeking a meeting to discuss the conditions of the order, especially the water supply strategy. No further news has been received about this. The financing has still not been confirmed but the Autumn Statement on the 17th November might bring further news.

22.102                Assets of Community Value

Cllr Gradwell discussed paper MPC(22)102 which was previously distributed. Councillors were happy to support recommending that McColls should become an ACV. The Clerk and Cllr Gradwell will discuss the process.

Proposed by: Cllr Banks                 Seconded by: Cllr Darby

To receive and consider reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies

22.103.01              Burness Parish Room Management Committee

There was not much to report. Cllr Gradwell will speak to the manager to ensure the defib is registered with the ambulance service as when it was used last weekend it was not on the database.

22.103.02              Melton Trust

Cllr Martin reported that they hadn’t received many applications from individuals.

22.103.03              Melton Primary School 

The Clerk reported that the new head was in post and there had been a positive response so far.

22.103.04              Melton Messenger

Cllr Brown reported that they had lost some regular advertisers recently. It was suggested that an advert for the Pavilion should be put in the Melton Messenger. The Clerk will liaise with Cllr Brown.

22.103.05              ASB Co-ordination meetings 

These meetings are no longer taking place so this item will be removed from future agendas.

22.103.06              Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC)

Nothing to report

22.103.07              Melton, Woodbridge and Deben Community Partnership

Cllr Packard reported that there had been discussions about Warm Rooms and Repair Sheds.

22.103.08              Suffolk Disability Forum

Cllr Darby reported that several issues have been identified in Woodbridge regarding narrow pavements, lack of dropped kerbs and benches and overhanging shrubs/branches.

22.104                To consider Items for the Melton Messenger

Bat box event (26 boxes constructed), thanks to Transition Woodbridge and Pavilion kit out will be included in Cllr Porter’s next article.

22.105                Chair’s urgent business

Cllr Porter pointed out that there will be an election in 2023 so if any councillors are not intending to re-stand to let him know.

22.106                Date of next meeting

The next meeting of Full Council will take place on Wednesday 18th January 2023, commencing at 7pm at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT. After consideration of the confidential item and there being no further business the meeting closed at 21:26.