
Adoption of Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

East Suffolk Council has adopted a new Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on 3rd May 2022. The Affordable Housing SPD provides guidance to support the implementation of planning policies relating to affordable housing.

The Affordable Housing SPD replaces the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (May 2012) that covers the former Waveney area and the Supplementary Planning Guidance 2 Affordable Housing (July 2004) for the former Suffolk Coastal area.

The Affordable Housing SPD, Consultation Statement, Adoption Statement and other supporting documents are available to view on the East Suffolk Council website at:

Physical copies of documents are also available to view at the Councils Customer Service Centres and libraries. Should there be any difficulties in accessing copies of the document you can contact East Suffolk on 01394 444557 or for assistance.