The announcement today by Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner to cancel May’s local elections in Suffolk is very disappointing. We support the principle of devolution which should mean...
Suffolk on the fast-track towards complete council restructuring and devolution
A press release from Suffolk County Council... Ministers wants Suffolk at the front of the queue Suffolk’s county, borough and district councils to be abolished Work starts on...
Declaration of Result – Suffolk Coastal Constituency
Declaration of Result of Poll Suffolk Coastal...
Notice of Election
The following documents detail the candidates standing for election on the 4th July and the polling station locations: Notice of Election Agent - Suffolk Coastal Statement of Persons...
Election Hustings – 13th June – 7pm at St John’s Church, Woodbridge
Thursday 13th June 2024 at 7:00pm St John's Church Woodbridge IP12 1HS An opportunity to hear the candidates standing for Suffolk Coastal in the General Election. Doors open...