
Closure of Wilford Bridge Road, Melton tomorrow night, Friday 20 September.

For your awareness, Suffolk Highways is in the process of applying for a road closure to enable further pothole repairs to be carried out along Wilford Bridge Road, Melton tomorrow night, Friday 20 September.

Although we understood that all repairs along Wilford Bridge Road had been completed last Friday 13 September, as previously advised, this was not the case. Unfortunately, our systems were not showing the correct information due to a delay in confirmation from the supply chain partner responsible for completing works and we apologise for this error.

Whist our supply chain partner aimed to complete all repairs last Friday as planned, one of the defects (in the centre of the road opposite the entrance to Melton Train Station) was much larger than ordered upon their arrival. As this was the most severe, they prioritised its repair and repairs on two further defects, on the westbound carriageway close to the rail crossing, have subsequently been rescheduled to be carried out tomorrow night.

Suffolk Highways appreciates the importance of this location to residents of Melton as well as those living in the villages on the peninsula to the east, and the frustrations that closing the road can cause. We will only ever close the road when it is unavoidable not to and we continue to do all that we can to help minimise disruption to local road users.

Should our permit application be approved, we will ensure that works are carried out after 10pm tomorrow, to enable their impact to be minimal.

We have also requested further reassurance from our supply chain partners that, in future, they will keep us informed of any issues on works scheduled to be carried out under road closures so that we can provide advance notification to communities regarding any potential return visit to site.

No further defect repairs are currently ordered for Wilford Bridge Road, but we will continue to inform the local community of works scheduled in future.

Once again, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused by this further closure.

Kind regards,

Suffolk Highways