Risk Register
Area of risk | Risk Identified | Date Updated | Risk Level (H/M/L) | Management of Risk | Comment | Risk Owner |
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) | ASB on all land/property owned by Melton Parish Council | 27/01/2025 | L | Jan-25: No reports of ASB activity have been received since Oct 2024. This item will always be a risk for the Council to manage but we feel it is a Low risk | Monitor | Full Council and Recreation |
Financial | Financial risks facing the Council | 27/01/2025 | M | A new tenant for the first floor office has been found and terms have been agreed. The ‘Budget Risk’ EMR is still in place and could be increased in April 2025. | Monitor | Full Council |
Staffing | Project / work overload / Staffing issues/ Illness | 27/01/2025 | L | New staff are in place and settled. Computer systems have been updated, meaning working from home to cover illness is much easier. | Monitor | Full Council and FERM |
Maintenance Officer | Managing risks associated with the employment of the Council’s Maintenance Officer | 27/01/2025 | M | Training modules in Health and Safety and Working at Height delivered for Village Handyperson. 1-1 training undertaken on safe use of a petrol strimmer / brushcutter on 28 January 2019. Keep in view for additional training requirements. Accreditation for qualification on carrying out Play Area checks was renewed on 11 August 2021. Maintenance Officer has an allergy to bees and wasps which requires him to carry an EpiPen and antihistamine. Office will assist with purchase of any necessary equipment. May 2024: Play park qualification expires in November 2024 and needs renewing. This may be something undertaken by office staff. | Monitor | Full Council and Recreation |
Divested Land | Additional unexpected costs | 27/01/2025 | M | Provision of Sinking Fund EMR. Regular maintenance and checks carried out. Reviewed but no amendments. | Monitor | Full Council and Recreation |
Pavilion Operations | Managing risks associated with the operation of the new Pavilion | 27/01/2025 | L | Out of hours covered by office staff on a rota. Bookings/income have increased. | Monitor | Full Council and Recreation |
Councillor Absence | If all 2nd authorising Councillors are away simultaneously very limited payment options are available to the office and emergency decision making is limited. | 27/01/2025 | L | Mitigated by office collating Councillor holiday dates. Financial Regs updated to allow Clerk/Asst Clerk to authorise and 2nd authorise payments in an emergency. Reviewed but no amendments. | Monitor | Full Council and FERM |
Communications | If the Melton Messenger stops being printed and distributed the Council's method of communicating with all households will be severely impacted. | 27/01/2025 | L | Liaise with St Andrews and consider alternative options. Reduced to Low in Feb 2024 as there has been an increase in advertising in the MM. Reviewed but no amendments. | Monitor | Full Council |
Councillor Vacancies | Lack of Councillors could impact the effectiveness of the Council and prevent meetings from being quorate | 27/01/2025 | L | Council full at present time. | Monitor | Full Council |
Working Group Vacancies | Lack of Councillors on Working Groups could make the groups ineffective. | 27/01/2025 | L | All vacancies have been filled. | Monitor | Full Council and FERM |