Risk Register

Risk Register

Risk Register

Area of riskRisk IdentifiedDate UpdatedRisk Level (H/M/L)Management of RiskCommentRisk Owner
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) ASB on all land/property owned by Melton Parish Council28/02/2024HThere is now improved CCTV and better lighting and the lack of seating at the Pavilion appears to have deterred people loitering. Agreed to reduce risk to Low by FERM on 14/12/22. Increased to High on 19/04/23 due to vandalism to the public toilet and reports of drug taking and dealing in the parish. Residents are advised to report any incidents of ASB to the police via 101 (phone or online) and Cllr Crawford is going to connect with the Safer Neighbourhood Team. It is hoped that the new solar powered lights being installed in the car park in Nov 2023 will improve CCTV footage and act as a deterrent. An upgrade to the car park camera will be reviewed by Recreation Working Group now the lights have been installed. The office has made contact with our assigned Community Police Officer and liaises with them on a regular basis.Continue to monitorFull Council and Recreation
FinancialFinancial risks facing the Council 20/03/2024MMembers of the Council are conscious that economic uncertainties and unforeseeable events may well have a serious impact on the Council’s financial position, and this risk will be closely monitored. Strategies for mitigation will be developed as required. A Budget Risk EMR has been created at the end of FY 2021/22 as part of this mitigation strategy. It was agreed to increase the rating to High on the 28th September due to the current economic uncertainty in the country. The Council will exercise tight control over expenditure in this FY. The Precept for 23/24 has been increased and a further £5k added to the Budget Risk EMR (making it £10k). Steps have
been taken to address the risk of sums not covered by the FSCS, as highlighted by the Internal Auditor, by investing in the CCLA. The account has now been opened and funds in excess of £85k with the Suffolk Building Society have been transferred so the risk was reduced to medium in March 2024.

Continue to monitor and manageFull Council
StaffingProject / work overload / Staffing issues/ Illness13/09/2023HSteps taken by the Council to reduce the staffing workload have been successful. The reduction of meetings and the change to Working Groups has resulted in a more manageable workload and the ability to work proactively rather than just reactively. However the risk remains high as with only three members of staff if there are any absences or changes the impact on the Council will be significant.MonitorFull Council and FERM
Maintenance OfficerManaging risks associated with the employment of the Council’s Maintenance Officer17/01/2024MTraining modules in Health and Safety and Working at Height delivered for Village Handyperson. 1-1 training undertaken on safe use of a petrol strimmer / brushcutter on 28 January 2019. Keep in view for additional training requirements.
Accreditation for qualification on carrying out Play Area checks was renewed on 11 August 2021.
Maintenance Officer has an allergy to bees and wasps which requires him to carry an EpiPen and antihistamine. Office will assist with purchase of any necessary equipment.
MonitorFull Council and Recreation
Divested LandAdditional unexpected costs09/02/2022MProvision of Sinking Fund EMR. Regular maintenance and checks carried out. MonitorFull Council and Recreation
Pavilion OperationsManaging risks associated with the operation of the new Pavilion28/02/2024MThe full running costs of the Pavilion are unknown due to rising inflation and uncertainty on how often it will be hired. Costs and charges will be monitored and adjusted where necessary. Could be ASB issues especially with the public toilet. Risk increased to High in Nov 22 as it is about to open. Risk reduced to Medium in April 23 as now that the Pavilion has been running for 4 months and there is a better estimate on costs and income the financial risks have reduced. A Working Group is being set up to look at out of hours cover.MonitorFull Council and Recreation
Councillor AbsenceIf all 2nd authorising Councillors are away simultaneously very limited payment options are available to the office and emergency decision making is limited.20/07/2022LMitigated by office collating Councillor holiday dates. Financial Regs will be updated to allow Clerk/Asst Clerk to authorise and 2nd authorise payments in an emergency. MonitorFull Council and FERM
CommunicationsIf the Melton Messenger stops being printed and distributed the Council's method of communicating with all households will be severely impacted.28/02/2024LLiaise with St Andrews and consider alternative options. Reduced to Low in Feb 2024 as there has been an increase in advertising in the MM.MonitorFull Council
Councillor VacanciesLack of Councillors could impact the effectiveness of the Council and prevent meetings from being quorate28/02/2024LRecruitment campaign to be undertaken in 2024. Reduced to Low in Feb 2024 as there is currently only one Councillor vacancy.MonitorFull Council
Working Group VacanciesLack of Councillors on Working Groups could make the groups ineffective.20/03/2024HCurrent vacancy of Deputy Chair. Potentially require a new Chair of FERM from May 2024.Encourage Councillors to take on roles in Working Groups.Full Council and FERM