
FRM(21)32 Pavilion Project Update

FERMFERM Agendas & Papers Uploaded on July 26, 2021



Below is a link to the information on the Council’s website:


This short report updates Councillors on recent developments.

Following the decision by Full Council to prioritise the demolition of the existing structure and my instructions, the architect commissioned an asbestos survey. This cost £465.00 net of VAT. As the cost was under £1k this was progressed under delegated authority and is being reported for compliance with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 elsewhere on the Agenda of this meeting.

The survey has been undertaken and the result was negative.

The architect is now proceeding to seek prices for the demolition and removal of the existing pavilion. He is aware of our requirement to ensure that secure power and water supplies are retained, and also of the need to provide temporary container storage and provide a cover to protect the surface of the new car park from the demolition trucks.

He anticipates that he should be in a position to provide the Council with contractor’s prices during August.


  1. That Councillors note the report
  2. Given that Full Council does not meet until 22 September, it is recommended that in order to make a decision quickly on the appointment of a demolition contractor once prices are available, that the delegation arrangements agreed by Full Council on 5 May 2021 (Minute 21.52.08) should be used. That is that the decision is delegated to the Clerk / Assistant Clerk in conjunction with the Chair / Vice-chairs / Chairs of Committees. The decision can then be submitted to Full Council for ratification.

William Grosvenor

Clerk and Executive officer to the Council

22 July 2021