
MPC(21)116.11 Hall Farm Close Land

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on November 15, 2021



At the Recreation meeting on 10th November 2021, two households from Hall Farm Close raised the issue of the small area of trees adjacent to their houses. They have been in contact with East Suffolk Council/Suffolk Coastal in the past as it was an area that was neglected and subject to littering. The trees are causing issues for their garden and the areas is becoming very overgrown. The patch is only accessible through the residents’ gardens after ESC fenced off the patch of trees. After discussion it was agreed that the Asst Clerk would speak to a Tree Surgeon for advice and bring back to Recreation in January 2022.

However, the question was raised later in the meeting if the Council was at liberty to sell or lease any of the land it owns. The residents are open to the possibility of leasing the land from MPC and managing the area, maintaining it as a wildlife haven, and have indicated they would be prepared to pay legal costs. It would be the fenced off section of the small wooded area on the map below.

The Council does have the power to purchase, sell or lease property and land but the land is subject to the covenant that it is primarily maintained as public open space. Any lease to a third party should be subject to restrictions on any structures being erected and renewable at the option of both parties every three years so as not to fetter the Council’s discretion.


map of hall farm close


Councillors are asked to consider leasing the land to the residents for a peppercorn rent.




Pip Alder

Assistant Clerk to the Council

November 2021