
MPC(21)116.08 Winifred Fison Parking

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on November 15, 2021


Winifred Fison House Parking – update and request to approve spend from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds

 A draft plan for the parking spaces has been received from Highways which is appended to this report. The Highways Engineer has advised the Assistant Clerk that it would be quicker and cheaper to apply for a minor works licence (£1k) and appoint Highway Assurance to carry out the works. We were also advised that a desktop safety audit should be carried out.

The brief and plan have been sent to Alpha Consultants and they have quoted £735.00 to undertake the audit.

A quote for £37,729.79 has been received from Highway Assurance for carrying out the parking and landscaping works. Because the project involves works to the highway we are limited in terms of who can be appointed to do the work. Grasscrete is the most economic surface (as shown in the draft plan below), but in terms of wearability and attractiveness may not be the most appropriate. An alternative recommendation is to use permeable block paving (see image 1) which would cost an additional £2k.

permeable paving

Image1 Permeable block paving

£50k of CIL has been allocated for this project (see CIL report also being taken to this meeting of Full Council).

Highways have advised that the double yellow line should remain to prevent people parking on the road and blocking the parking spaces.

The Assistant Clerk is also investigating the feasibility of including an EV charging point as part of this project. Grants could be available to help fund this element.

Map of parking area


Full Council is recommended to agree that:

  1. The Council should apply for a Minor Works Licence at a cost of £1,000
  2. Alpha consultants should be appointed to undertake the desktop safety audit in the sum of £735.00
  3. Highway Assurance should be appointed to carry out the works for a cost of £37,729.79 with an extra £2,000 for the permeable block paving.


William Grosvenor

Clerk and Executive Officer to the Council

15 November 2021