
MPC(21)103 Pavilion project – update and tender report

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on September 21, 2021



Below is a link to the information on the Council’s website:


This report updates Councillors on recent developments and seeks approval to appoint a contractor to undertake the demolition of the existing pavilion.

Following the decision by Full Council to prioritise the demolition of the existing structure and my instructions, the architect commissioned an asbestos survey. This cost £465.00 plus VAT. As the cost was under £1k this was progressed under delegated authority and was reported for compliance with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 to Finance, Employment and Risk Management (FERM) Committee on 28 July 2021.

The result of the survey was negative, and the architect proceeded to seek prices for the demolition and removal of the existing pavilion.

Tenders were sought from the following 5 contractors and the results were as follows:

Contractor A – £15,121.00 This figure includes the actual costs associated with dealing with UK Power Networks (UKPN) and CCTV

Contractor B – £16,465.00 This figure excludes the costs associated with dealing with UKPN but does include the costs associated with CCTV

Contractor C – £16,627.00 This figure includes provisional costs associated with dealing with UKPN and CCTV

Contractor D – £19,216.50 This figure includes provisional sums for dealing with UKPN and CCTV

Contractor E – £21,667.00.

The advice received from the architect is that there is nothing to choose between the contractors in terms of their ability to undertake the contract. The choice can therefore reasonably be made based on price alone. The lowest two tenderers have confirmed that they can mobilise and commence work within 2-3 weeks of being appointed, subject to UKPN being able to complete the relocation of the electricity supply to a new UKPN green box located on the pavilion side of the path opposite the existing supply pole. It was originally thought that the mains power supply could be temporarily relocated from the pavilion to the storage facility procured by the Council for use until a new building is commissioned. However UKPN have since confirmed that they require the provision of an independent green cabinet under their control, from which the electricity supply can then be routed to a secure facility for its use by both the contractor and the Council as required. The cost of the cabinet will need to be met by the Council.

UKPN undertake to carry out their work within 6 weeks of being instructed. The instructions were issued by the architect on 20 September so the latest start date for the demolition works is likely to be around 1 November. The main work of dismantling the building and carting the debris away should take about 3 days. Instructions were issued to all tenderers that if appointed they should provide their own welfare facilities, provide full temporary protection for the car park area, and for the protection of any trees and hedges near to the site. Removal of debris etc. from the site will be via the use of small dumper trucks with transfer to lorry at the car park to minimise impact on the playing field. The contractor will be required to have all the necessary insurances in place, including public liability, and insure the building / site during the demolition. The commission will be governed by a standard JCT contract, and prior to start of works, the contractor will be required to prepare and issue a programme of work for approval.

Melton Parish Council has purchased a metal shed, powder coated in green, 9ft 11” x 12ft in size, for both the storage of essential equipment, and to house the utilities user connections and CCTV equipment. It will need to sit on a light concrete base which can eventually be removed after the new build is complete. The cost was £541.66 plus VAT. It represents an economic investment; storage rented or provided by the contractor would be much more expensive and the shed will be available for use elsewhere once no longer required for the pavilion project. The purchase was made under the delegated arrangements for decision-making set up at the Council’s Annual General Meeting on 5 May. It will be delivered to site on 30 September and the Council’s Maintenance Officer will meet the appointed contractor on site to agree the detailed location, erection and setting up, and the access arrangements to the shed for utilities and CCTV.

In order to progress as quickly as possible to the new build stage, I have asked the architect to prepare the specification ready for issue to tenderers with a view to having prices available for Full Council at its meeting on 17 November if at all possible.


Full Council is recommended to:

  1. Resolve to appoint Contractor A to undertake the demolition contract.
  2. Resolve to delegate to the Chair of the Council, the Vice-chairs, and Chairs of Committees in conjunction with the Clerk and Assistant Clerk to the Council (under the delegation arrangements agreed on 5 May by Full Council), any decisions or approvals subsequently required to enable the demolition contract to proceed as expeditiously as possible.
  3. Note and confirm the arrangements for the purchase and installation of the storage shed as reported above.
  4. Endorse (or vary as Councillors wish) the request to the architect to proceed with the preparations for letting the contract for the new build and in that connection resolve either to use the delegation arrangements to approve the final specification or resolve to call a Special Meeting of Full Council for the purpose to avoid delay.

 William Grosvenor

Clerk and Executive officer to the Council

21 September 2021