Town or Parish Council: Melton Parish Council
1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022
A | Total CIL income carried over from previous years | £490,741.54 |
B | Total CIL income received (receipts) | £106,599.57 |
C | Total CIL spent (expenditure) | £89,652.46
Total CIL requested to be repaid in the year | £0 | |
Total value of CIL receipts subject to a Repayment Notice served in any year that has not been repaid
£0 | |
D | Total CIL repaid in the year following a Repayment Notice | £0 |
E | Total CIL retained at year end (A+B-C-D) | £507,688.65 |
CIL Expenditure
Items to which CIL has been applied: | Amount spent £ |
Purchase of flagpole
£158 |
Purchase of second SID and solar panel | £3,205 |
Resurfacing and enlarging of Playing Field car park and installation of barrier fencing | £46,423.53 |
Grit bins (x2) | £336.96 |
Purchase of dog poo bin at Longwood Fields | £195 |
Purchase of additional CCTV camera | £245 |
Tree Safety Works | £480 |
Emergency Tree Works | £880 |
Road Safety improvements – Melton Road/Hill | £4,244.86 |
Purchase of bike racks at Playing Field car park | £113.70 |
Pavilion Project
£21,141 |
Purchase of 2 noticeboards (St Andrews and Melton Hill) | £1,894 |
Melton Recreation Ground sign (50% payment) | £1,485 |
Signage for divested land (x12) | £462.72 |
Conservation area signs (x2) | £40 |
Fencing for divested land | £305.79 |
Cigarette bin | £63.61 |
Winifred Fison Parking Improvements | £1,735 |
Divested land improvements | £98.21 |
Tree and channel clearance works at Hall Farm Road | £1,560 |
Tree Works at Bury Hill | £1,280 |
Emergency Tree Works | £280 |
Divested Land Drainage Channel Clearance | £945 |
Speed Indicator Device Posts (x 2) | £380 |
Bury Hill Bus Shelter Improvements
*payment accrued in FY 2021/22 |
£1,700.08 |
Total spent
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