Requests from Planning & Transport and Recreation Committees
At the Planning & Transport Meeting on the 8th June 2022 it was agreed that the following items would be brought to Full Council for approval:
- Proposal to include Bredfield Road and Pytches Road in the Woodbridge 20mph scheme – Councillors appreciate and understand the concerns of residents regarding speeding. The concern with a 20mph limit is that it needs to be enforced to be effective and if drivers speed in a 30mph zone they will almost certainly speed in a 20mph zone. It was felt that designing out the problem (eg speed bumps, chicanes etc) may be more effective. There were also concerns about the unknown costs for the Council if they did agree for these Melton roads to be included in the scheme. It was AGREED that if the cost could be borne by others, or that the costs for Melton would be negligible, then it should be supported but more detail was needed before committing the council. It will be taken to Full Council next week for ratification.
Since the meeting the following has been received from SCC after enquiring about potential cost implications of adding the road to the scheme:
I think at this stage MPC can only show an expression of interest as it will be difficult for me to work out costs as there are some unknowns. In the Woodbridge 20 scheme we’d envisage signing the roads off Bredfield Road to the west at 20mph. If Bredfield Road is included I suspect the residents in Bury Hill and other side roads to the east would want a 20mph limit on their roads which will certainly increase costs of the overall scheme.
I’m meeting WTC this week with colleagues to start a conversation about the mini-Holland scheme and how this fits with the WB20 and I was going to raise the potential add-on of Bredfield Road.
Perhaps I can feedback to you, after that meeting?
- Bredfield Road Pedestrian Improvements – Cllr Nicoll has agreed to fund £4k of the costs of the feasibility study and Cllr Smith-Lyte has offered to try to fund the remaining £3,611.44. If she is unable to fund in full then members AGREED to propose to Full Council that up to 50% (£1,800) should be funded from the Parish Neighbourhood CIL funds. It has been confirmed that the verge is deemed to be Highway’s (email received from SCC Highways engineer on 7th June 2022) and the feasibility study includes the possibility of installing a pedestrian refuge.
- Speed Reduction for Wilford Bridge Road – it was AGREED that it should be proposed to Full Council that MPC should pay for the speed limit report (£800-1200). The estimate to carry out the design, TRO and works ranges from £5-10k.
- SID – It was AGREED that a proposal would be taken to Full Council to upgrade the latest SID to one with a smiley/angry face for £500 but that a 4th SID would not be purchased at this time. The Clerk is liaising with the company who supplied the original SID about a solar panel and battery improvements.
- Neighbourhood Plan – It was also AGREED to propose to Full Council that MPC start work on amending the Neighbourhood Plan, including reference that access through St Andrew’s is not suitable. Cllr Gradwell offered her assistance with the refresh.
- Quiet Lanes – It was AGREED to propose to Full Council that Saddlemaker’s Lane should be included in Wave 4. A resident has emailed their comments that Quiet Lane signs won’t make the slightest difference to the way motorists use the road. However, members felt that by having signs alerting motorists that these roads are used by walkers, horse riders and cyclists it would act as a warning that some might take note of.
At the Recreation Meeting on the 18th May it was agreed that the following items would be taken to Full Council for approval:
- Hall Farm Road Sports Ground – The football goal and basketball hoop are scheduled to be installed w/c 30th May. It was suggested that the area should be renamed the Hall Farm Jubilee Park. Cllr Harvey-Smith will be asked to garner resident’s opinions on this, and it will be taken to Full Council for consideration. It would be good to have an information board about the land/history/conservation work etc which could also have the official name on it.
Suggested names are The Green, The Green of Hall Farm, Jubilee Green.
- Jubilee Roundel – It was suggested that a Jubilee roundel should be added to the Beacon and potentially on the new Recreation sign (see appendix A). A laser etched version costs £160 per roundel. If created using chemical etching the price could be lower – I am awaiting a price.
Members are asked to decide the following:
- Agree if Bredfield Road/Pytches Road should be included in the Woodbridge 20mph zone, subject to the costs being borne borne by others, or that the costs for Melton would be negligible.
- Agree to fund up to £1,800 for the Bredfield Road feasibility study costs if Cllr Smith-Lyte cannot fund the full £3,611.44
- Agree to fund the speed limit report for Wilford Bridge Road
- Agree to upgrade the latest SID to one that has an angry/smiley face
- Agree to commence work on refreshing the Neighbourhood Plan, including referencing that access through St Andrew’s is not suitable
- Agree if Saddlemaker’s Lane should be included in Wave 4 of the Quiet Lanes Scheme
- Agree the name of the Hall Farm Road Sports Ground and if an information board should be funded from CIL
- Agree if a Jubilee roundel should be ordered for the Beacon and Recreation Ground sign.
Pip Alder
Clerk, Melton Parish Council
June 2022
Appendix A