
MPC(22)96.02 Draft Budget 2023/24

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on November 9, 2022



This report sets out the workings behind the first draft budget for the financial year commencing 1st April 2023, as recommended by Budget Working Group following a meeting on 7th November. The full set of figures is in paper MPC(22)96.02a and the two papers should be read together. 

The Council is required to set its budget and precept requirement at its meeting in January 2023 and advise East Suffolk Council of its precept requirement by 28 January.

The precept requested for 2022/23 was £104,536.  East Suffolk Council has notified a 2.1% increase in the taxbase (the number of Band D-equivalent properties) for next year. This means if MPC wanted to receive the same amount in 2023/24 that would result in a reduction of 2.08% on the parish element of council tax bills. If MPC wanted to keep the Band D charge the same as this year (£54.87) it would yield a precept of £106,756.17.

Budget Working Group considered the cost forecasts for 2023/24, noting the substantial impact of inflation on pay and other costs.  The Budget Working Group has recommended an increase of £10,504.83 (represents an extra 10 pence per week for a Band D-equivalent properties), which would be a little below the consumer price index inflation. The details are set out in the notes below and the recommended precept for next year is £117,261.00. Savings have been made where possible and the budget will require careful monitoring over the next financial year.

Full Council is recommended to consider this draft budget as a basis for the precept claim for 2023/24.

Pip Alder

 Clerk and Executive Officer to the Council

 November 2022


Pavilion £8,450 (payments)

£6,000 (receipts)

Electricity and Water costs have been increased significantly but it is hoped the electricity costs will be lower due to solar panels and batteries.

Running costs cover maintenance, cleaning, business rates and ad hoc expenses.

The income estimate is based on hire enquiries that we have received so far.

Recreation £19,550 (payments)

£3,950 (receipts)

Increase on greenspace management costs in line with inflation. There could be a saving on greenspace additional works (either not required or paid out of CIL. Play area checks increased to cover cost of zip wire check. Tree works may not be required, and some could be paid out of CIL.
Planning and Transport £2,000 (payments) It might be possible to cover the NP refresh through grants
Office Administration £36,974.24 (payments)

£19,004 (receipts)

Savings have been made where possible (postage/printing/telephone) and inflationary/known rises have been included.
Full Council £14,010 (payments)

£117,531 (receipts)

This includes the Precept request of £117,261. Savings have been made where possible and inflationary/known rises have been included. Grant giving remains at 2022/23 figures.
Staff Costs £72,510.00 The pay rise for 2022/23 has been approved adding £1925 to every scale point. 2023/24 assumes a 5% increase for 2023/24 and each member of staff progressing one scale point. All three members of staff are enrolled in the pension scheme. Employer contributions may reduce to 22% in 23/24.

Maintenance Officer@ SCP9 (£12.66 per hr) x 18hrs per week = £11,850

Asst Clerk @ SCP19 (£15.20 per hr) x 20hrs per week = £15,808

Clerk @ SCP31 (£20.34 per hr) x 25hrs per week = £26,442

Total: £54,100

Provision for Employee NI costs:

Gross earnings for NIC: – where employees earn over the secondary threshold (currently £758pcm) NI is charged at 15.05% on the excess.

Anticipated costs for 2023/24:

Clerk = £5,484.52

Asst Clerk = £1,010.16

Maintenance. Officer = £414.48

Total: £6,909.16

Anticipated employer pension costs for 2023/24

£12,443 or £11,902

Employee pension contributions are already provided for in the calculation of the gross salaries payable.

This budget will need reviewing once the 2023/24 pay rise is known and if there are further tax adjustments.