To Members of Melton Parish Council:
Dear Councillor,
You are summoned to attend the Ordinary Meeting of Melton Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 30th March 2022, commencing at 7pm, at the Melton Parish Council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.
Pip Alder
Clerk and Executive Officer to the Council
21st March 2022
The Committee shall consider the environmental impacts of all the decisions which it makes in accordance with these terms of reference.
Agenda – Part 1/2 – Open to the Public
Item No Item to be discussed
22.22 To receive apologies for absence
22.23 Declarations of Interest
22.23.01 To receive Amendments to the Register
22.23.02 To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda
22.23.03 To receive Declarations of Non-Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda
22.23.04 To consider Full / Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared
22.24 Public Participation Session
22.24.01 To receive a Report from the District Councillor
22.24.02 To receive a report from the County Councillor
22.24.03 To consider village matters raised by Members of the Public or Councillors The opportunity for members of the public to put questions to their Councillors and the opportunity for members of the public or Councillors to raise matters of concern / interest in the village, including any matters relating to policing in the parish.
22.24.04 Statement by the Chair on the Annual Melton Award
22.25 To consider co-option to the Council in respect of the vacancy
Prospective Councillor to introduce themselves and answer any questions from Members
22.26 To approve the Minutes of Full Council and Special Full Council
22.26.01 MPC(22)M01 Minutes of Full Council from 19th January 2022
22.26.02 MPC(22)M02 Minutes of Special Full Council from 2nd March 2022
22.27 Community Governance Review
To agree the Council’s response to the CGR (MPC(22)27)
District-CGR-Terms-of-Reference.pdf (
22.28 To receive and consider Minutes of Committees
22.28.01 Finance Employment and Risk Management (FERM) Committee 9th February 2022
Minutes FRM(22)M01 (Draft) and FRM(22)M01 CONFIDENTIAL (Draft)
22.28.02 Planning and Transport Committee 26th January and 9th March 2022
Minutes PLA(22)M01 (Draft) and PLA(22)M02 (Draft)
22.28.03 Recreation Committee 15th March 2022
Minutes REC(22)M02 (Draft)
22.29 To consider Financial and Internal Control Matters
22.29.01 To receive and consider the financial management reports for the period 1 April 2021 to 28 February 2022
Papers MPC(22)29.01 and MPC(22)29.01a-h
22.29.02 To consider the budget report
Paper MPC(22).29.02
22.29.03 To approve requests from Recreation and Planning and Transport Committees arising from March meetings
Paper MPC(22)29.03
22.29.04 To review and consider the report on Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funded projects
Paper MPC(22)29.04
22.29.05 To review and confirm the Council’s Standing Orders
22.29.06 To review and confirm the Council’s Financial Regs
22.29.07 To consider risk issues
22.29.08 To review the Internal Control Policy for the year ending 31 March 2022
Paper MPC(22)29.08
22.29.09 To receive an update on the Internal Audit arrangements
22.29.10 To review the Council’s Asset Register as at 31 March 2022
22.30 To receive an update on the Pavilion Project
Clerk to report
22.31 The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Weekend
Cllr Porter and Clerk to report
22.32 Jubilee Fete event – June 2022
Paper MPC(22)32 Cllr Biggle to report
22.33 To consider arrangements for meetings for 2022/23
Paper MPC(22)33
22.34 Annual Parish Meeting
Cllr Porter to report
22.35 To receive and consider reports from representatives to Outside Bodies
22.35.01 Burness Parish Room Management Committee
Cllr Gradwell to report
22.35.02 Melton Trust
Cllr Martin to report
22.35.03 Melton Primary School
Clerk to report
22.35.04 Melton Messenger
Cllrs Porter and Brown to report
22.35.05 ASB Co-ordination meetings
Cllr Gradwell to report
22.35.06 Sizewell C update
Cllr Banks / Clerk to report
22.35.07 Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC)
Cllr Porter to report
22.36 To consider Items for the Melton Messenger
22.37 Chair’s urgent business
22.38 Date of next meeting
The next meeting of Full Council will take place on Wednesday 11th May 2022, commencing at 7pm at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT. The Annual Parish Meeting is taking place on Wednesday 27th April 2022 at the Burness Parish Rooms at 7.30pm.
Part 2/2 – Confidential
Exempt / Confidential Items
It is recommended that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they relate to matters of commercial confidentiality.
Item No Item to be discussed
22.39 To approve new payscales for staff
Paper MPC(22)39
22.40 To consider legal issue arising from lease of land at Hall Farm Close
Paper MPC(22)40
Please note that meetings may be filmed, photographed, recorded or reported about.