
MPC(22)M04 Minutes of Full Council from 11th May 2022

Full CouncilMinutes Uploaded on May 16, 2022


Minutes of the Statutory Annual Meeting of Melton Parish Council held on Wednesday 11th May 2022 commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT.


Cllr Mr A H Porter (Chair)

Cllr B Banks

Cllr C Biggle

Cllr D Darby

Cllr K S Martin

Cllr C W Taylor

Cllr J Hilson (left at 20:15pm)

Cllr M Holmes

Cllr F Harvey-Smith

Cllr J Stearn

Cllr Packard


Cllr Gradwell

Cllr Brown

Cllr James

In Attendance:

P Alder Clerk and Executive Officer to Melton Parish Council

F Waters Assistant Clerk to Melton Parish Council

Part 1/1 – Open to the Public

Item No              Item to be discussed

22.41                  Election of the Chair of the Council

It was RESOLVED that Cllr Porter be elected Chair of the Council.

Proposed by: Cllr Holmes                Seconded by: Cllr Martin

Cllr Porter completed the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

22.42                  Election of Vice Chair(s) of the Council

It was RESOLVED that Cllr Taylor and Cllr Gradwell be elected Vice-Chairs of the Council.

Proposed by: Cllr Porter                   Seconded by: Cllr Stearn

22.43                  To receive apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Gradwell, Brown and James and from District Councillor Smith-Lyte and County Councillor Nicoll.

22.44                  Declarations of Interest

22.44.01                To receive Amendments to the Register

There were none

22.44.02                To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.44.03                To receive Declarations of Non-Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.44.04                To consider Full / Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared

There were none to be considered

22.45                  Public Participation Session

No members of the public were present

22.45.01                To receive a Report from the District Councillor

No report was received but she should be sending something in the next few days.

22.45.02                To receive a report from the County Councillor

Cllr Nicoll submitted a recent report for the Annual Parish Meeting and there were no updates to report since then.

22.45.03                To consider village matters raised by Members of the Public or Councillors

The Clerk reported that the A12 and Woods Lane will be closed overnight from the 26th-28th May and concerns about HGVs using alternative routes through Woodbridge, Melton and Ufford had been raised with Highways.

Cllr Biggle asked for an update on Winifred Fison parking. This was discussed at Planning and Transport – a drawing is being sought to comply with the minor works licence application. Hopefully once this drawing has been submitted the licence will be approved and the works will commence shortly.

22.46                  To consider co-option to the Council in respect of the vacancy

No prospective Councillors were present so no-one was co-opted.

22.47                  To approve the Minutes of Full Council

22.47.01                MPC(22)M03 and MPC(22)M03 Conf – Minutes of Full Council from 30th March 2022

It was RESOLVED that minutes MPC(22)M03 and MPC(22)M03 Conf previously distributed, be received, noted and signed as a correct record by the Chair.

Proposed by: Cllr Taylor                       Seconded by: Cllr Darby

22.48                  To receive and consider Minutes of Committees

22.48.01                Finance Employment and Risk Management (FERM) Committee 13th April 2022

Minutes FRM(22)M02 (Draft) previously distributed were received and NOTED.

22.48.02                Planning and Transport Committee 20th April 2022

Minutes PLA(22)M03 (Draft) previously distributed were received and NOTED.

22.49                  To consider Financial and Internal Control Matters

22.49.01                To receive and consider a summary financial management report for the year ending 31 March 2022

Papers MPC(22)49.01 and MPC(22)49.01a-b previously distributed were received and considered. Members were pleased with the outcome and the management over the year. The Clerk reported that £5k had been moved into a Budget Risk EMR and that the office is in the process of setting up this financial year in Scribe and is beginning to process April’s transactions.

22.49.02                To consider the updated budget report for 2022/23

Papers MPC(22).49.02 and MPC(22)49.02a previously distributed were received and considered. Cllr Banks asked that a report is taken to the next FERM meeting, detailing the line differences between the previously agreed budget produced in Alpha and the revised budget produced in Scribe.

22.49.03                To approve requests from Planning and Transport Committee arising from recent meetings

Paper MPC(22)49.03 previously distributed contained a request to upgrade 3 of the Speed Indicator Device (SID) stalks so they can support a solar panel powered SID. It was AGREED that these should be purchased from CIL reserves at a cost of £1,740. The Clerk will also establish who owns the posts once they are installed.

Proposed by: Cllr Banks                       Seconded by: Cllr Taylor

22.49.04                Arrangements for approval of accounts/Statutory Annual Return 2022

The Clerk reported that item 22.50.02 covered this in part. The internal audit by Trevor Brown is taking place on the 25th May and the external audit documentation needs to be sent to PKF Littlejohn by the end of June.

22.49.05                To review the arrangements for insurance cover

The Clerk reported that this responsibility is delegated to FERM and the renewal is due in October. A refund for £221 was received in April because the Pavilion has been demolished.

22.49.06                To confirm the Council’s Standing Orders

A review of the Standing Orders had been delegated to FERM from Full Council after new guidance was received on Procurement, which wasn’t available at the last Full Council meeting. An updated model rule – 18f – has been received from NALC and updated in the Standing Orders. The reference to Receipts and Payments was also removed.

It was RESOLVED to agree the changes.

Proposed by: Cllr Banks                       Seconded by: Cllr Porter

22.49.07                To confirm the Council’s Financial Regs

A review of the Standing Orders had been delegated to FERM from Full Council after new guidance was received on Procurement, which wasn’t available at the last Full Council meeting. Several changes were proposed by FERM which are detailed in the revision schedule. It was RESOLVED to agree the changes.

Proposed by: Cllr Banks                       Seconded by: Cllr Martin

22.49.08                To agree the following items from the Financial Regs

It was RESOLVED to approve the following items:

6.6 approval of the use of a variable direct debit

6.7 approval of the use of a banker’s standing order

6.8 approval of the use of BACS or CHAPS

Proposed by: Cllr Martin                       Seconded by: Cllr Holmes

22.49.09                To review signatories to Melton Parish Council Bank and Building Society Accounts

The signatories were reviewed and confirmed as:

  • Barclays Bank: Cllr Porter, Cllr Gradwell, Cllr Taylor, Cllr Banks, Clerk and Asst Clerk
  • Suffolk Building Society: Cllr Porter, Cllr Gradwell, Cllr Martin, Cllr Taylor
  • Lloyds Bank: Cllr Porter, Cllr Gradwell, Cllr Banks, Clerk and Asst Clerk

It was noted that the Asst Clerk will not be added to the Barclays Accounts as they are due to be closed this year and the process has been started to add her to the Lloyds Bank Accounts. A new savings account has been opened with Lloyds as recommended by FERM.

22.49.10                To review the Council’s subscriptions to other bodies

It was RESOLVED to agree with the current subscriptions to Community Action Suffolk, Suffolk Preservation Society and Suffolk Association of Local Councils.

Proposed by: Cllr Martin                       Seconded by: Cllr Porter

22.49.11                To consider risk issues

The Risk Register was reviewed. It was agreed that the Pavilion should be reviewed again in June with a view to raising the risk to Medium

22.50                  To consider Governance Matters

22.50.01                To consider and affirm the Council’s adherence to the new National Code of Conduct

Papers MPC(22)50.01 and MPC(22)50.01a previously distributed were received and discussed. The Clerk explained that the advice from SALC was to adopt the new National Code of Conduct, replacing the current Suffolk Code. It was NOTED that the new Code does have its limitations and without new legislation there will be no stronger sanctions. Training is being provided by SALC and all Councillors have received information about training on the 20th June. Councillors expressed the importance of respect and asked that every Councillor is given the opportunity to speak without being spoken over. It was RESOLVED to agree to adopt the new Code of Conduct and all Councillors would adhere to it. The Clerk asked Councillors to review their Register of Interests and should they have any queries to contact the office.

Proposed by: Cllr Porter                       Seconded by: Cllr Banks

22.50.02                To approve the Annual Governance Statement

Paper MPC(22)50.02 previously distributed was received. The Chair took Members through the Statements which were all answered in the affirmative.  It was RESOLVED to approve the Annual Governance Statement contained within the Annual Return and to authorise the Chair to sign it accordingly.

Proposed by: Cllr Martin                       Seconded by: Cllr Taylor

22.50.03                To review the Terms of Reference for Committees and Working Groups

Paper MPC(22)50.03 previously distributed was received. It was AGREED that no changes were required at the moment and that each Committee would review and confirm their terms of reference at the first meeting in the 2022/23 Council year and appoint a Chair and Vice Chair at that meeting. If they wish to propose any changes these will be brought to Full Council for consideration.

Proposed by: Cllr Banks                       Seconded by: Cllr Martin

22.50.04                To receive nominations to Committees, Panels and Working Groups

Paper MPC(22)50.04 previously distributed was received. Cllr Stearn agreed to join the Disciplinary Panel and there were no further changes to committees, panels or working groups.

Proposed by: Cllr Porter                       Seconded by: Cllr Taylor

22.50.05                To review and appoint representatives on or to work with External Bodies

Council representatives were reviewed and no new appointments were required.

Burness Parish Rooms Management Committee – Cllr Gradwell

Melton Trust – Cllr Martin

East Suffolk Rail Partnership – Clerk to check if the representative is happy to continue

Melton Primary School Governing Body – Clerk

Melton Messenger Editorial Committee – Cllr Brown

ASB Co-ordination meetings – Cllr Gradwell

Suffolk Association of Local Councils – Cllr Porter

22.50.06                To agree to receive the summons to meetings electronically

The Clerk advised that Councillors are required to confirm on an annual basis that they are happy to receive the summons to meetings, and related documents, electronically.  It was RESOLVED by all Councillors that they are willing to continue to receive papers in this way.

Proposed by: Cllr Banks              Seconded by: Cllr Porter

22.50.07                To note and review the Council’s Schedule of Policies

Paper MPC(22)50.07 previously distributed was received. The schedule as presented was reviewed and NOTED. Cllr Martin noted that the Data Protection items had not been reviewed for some time. It was raised that new guidance may be received soon and so they would be reviewed when information is received.   

22.51                  Parish Council Noticeboards

The following list of Councillors/residents was CONFIRMED as volunteering to post notices on the Parish notice boards at:

Melton Playing Field (resident)

Burness Parish Rooms (Co-optee – Mrs McBurney)

Bus shelter Bredfield Road (Cllr Hilson)

Woodbridge Primary School, Wilkinson Way (Cllr Holmes)

St Audry’s Park Road (Cllr Brown)

Woods Lane (resident)

Old Maltings Approach (resident)

St Andrews Estate (Cllr Darby)

Councillors expressed their thanks to the volunteers for maintaining these noticeboards.

22.52                  To receive an update on the Pavilion Project

Paper MPC(22)52 previously distributed was received and discussed. It was AGREED that a plaque should be installed noting that the Pavilion was opened in the year of the Queen’s Jubilee and that the Pavilion would be called The Melton Pavilion.      

Proposed by: Cllr Porter                       Seconded by: Cllr Martin

22.53                  To receive an update on the Sizewell C Planning Application

Cllr Banks reported that it is almost inevitable that SZC will be approved and a decision is due on the 25th May so MPC needs to work with the SZC team to get the best mitigations possible for residents. The April meeting with the SZC team was very encouraging and it was clear they had read and noted our submissions. The Clerk will contact the team regarding actions from the meeting as no further correspondence has been received. Cllr Martin reported that nesting Marsh Harriers have been discovered on the site which could be an issue as they are protected.

22.54                  To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan Refresh

The Clerk reported on behalf of Cllr Brown that until there is a new application or appeal on the ‘Carter-Warburg land’ no updates to the Neighbourhood plan will be carried out but it will be kept under review.

22.55                  To receive an update on the Jubilee Weekend Events

Cllr Biggle reported that the Fete plans were progressing and that they required additional help on the day. Cllr Stearn offered his assistance and he will be invited to the next Fete Working Group meeting (18th May at 6pm). Cllr Harvey-Smith offered to help mark out pitches with Cllrs Biggle and Stearn on the evening of the 3rd June. Cllr Holmes offered to be a gate marshal and to do litter picking. Anyone who can help on the day will be needed from 8am. Cllr Porter reported that he had enough volunteers for the Beacon lighting event on the 2nd June and that they should arrive at the Recreation Ground at 8.30pm.

22.56                  To receive and consider reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies

22.56.01                Burness Parish Room Management Committee

Noting to report

22.56.02                Melton Trust

Cllr Martin reported that three new Trustees are in place and they had received a small number of applications – fewer than expected. Leaflets have been placed at the Little Pantry in St Andrews Church.

22.56.03                Melton Primary School 

The Clerk reported that a new Head was joining in September, that funding is being sought from District CIL funds for a new nursery building (joint bid with SCC), school renovations were largely completed but still ongoing and that 22 children were expected to join Reception in September.

22.56.04                Melton Messenger

Cllr Porter asked that the Fete poster is sent for inclusion in the June MM.

22.56.05                ASB Co-ordination meetings 

Nothing to report

22.56.06                Sizewell C update

See item 22.53

22.56.07                Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC)

Nothing to report

22.56.08                Suffolk Disability Forum

Cllr Darby reported that the meetings continue to take place online and that they have been very helpful when we have queries regarding the new Pavilion.

22.57                  To consider Items for the Melton Messenger

Cllr Porter asked for any items to be sent to him – deadline is 16th May

22.58                  Chair’s urgent business

There was none

22.59                  Date of next meeting

The next meeting of Full Council will take place on Wednesday 15th June 2022, commencing at 7pm at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.42.