
MPC(22)M05 Minutes of Full Council from 15th June 2022

Full CouncilMinutes Uploaded on June 21, 2022


Minutes of Melton Parish Council held on Wednesday 15th June 2022 commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT.

Cllr Mr A H Porter (Chair)

Cllr C Biggle

Cllr K S Martin

Cllr C W Taylor

Cllr J Hilson

Cllr M Holmes

Cllr F Harvey-Smith

Cllr J Stearn

Cllr Packard

Cllr Brown

Cllr James


Cllr Gradwell

Cllr B Banks

Cllr D Darby

In Attendance:

P Alder Clerk and Executive Officer to Melton Parish Council

F Waters Assistant Clerk to Melton Parish Council

Cllr Nicoll County Councillor

Agenda – Part 1/1 – Open to the Public

Item No              Item to be discussed

22.60                  To receive apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Gradwell, Banks and Darby and from District Councillor Smith-Lyte.

22.61                  Declarations of Interest

22.61.01               To receive Amendments to the Register

There were none

22.61.02               To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.61.03               To receive Declarations of Non-Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.61.04               To consider Full / Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared

There were none

22.62                  Public Participation Session 

22.62.01               To receive a Report from the District Councillor

None was received

22.62.02               To receive a report from the County Councillor

Cllr Nicoll reported that there was good progress on the Bredfield Road issues and has offered £4k towards the feasibility study. The Melton Road/Hill crossings are due in July but he advised to keep checking that this hadn’t slipped. The HGC lorry review by SCC has been wrapped up and we should receive an update from Cllr Richard Smith shortly. It is felt that the Planning Authority should be involved as their decisions directly impact traffic. Councillors conveyed their thanks to Cllr Nicoll for all his support and assistance.

22.62.03               To consider village matters raised by Members of the Public or Councillors

No members of the public were present. Cllr Biggle asked if there was any progress on parking at Winifred Fison House. This was discussed at the Planning & Transport meeting and is currently delayed whilst a topographical drawing is created. Once this is received the Minor Works Licence Application should be approved and work can commence. Cllr Taylor raised that the entrance to Brick Kiln Lane was blocked by river users at the weekend. He was advised to call the police in future if it is causing an obstruction of the highway and the Clerk agreed to contact the organiser of SUP events and ask if they could park at the Riverside car park opposite the Wilford Bridge pub.

Councillors were reminded that Rose Builders were holding an open event at the old Council offices on Melton Hill on Thursday 16thJune from 2-8pm.

22.63                  To consider the Community Governance Review (CGR)

The 1st draft of the CGR was considered and it was agreed that the Council’s formal response would be to support the recommendation that the old Council offices site on Melton Hill should be part of Woodbridge.

22.64                  To approve the Minutes of Full Council

22.64.01               MPC(22)M04 – Minutes of Full Council from 11th May 2022

It was RESOLVED that minutes MPC(22)M04 previously distributed, be received, noted and signed as a correct record by the Chair.

Proposed by: Cllr Martin                       Seconded by: Cllr Taylor

22.65                  To receive and consider Minutes of Committees

22.65.01               Planning and Transport Committee 8th June 2022

Minutes PLA(22)M04 (Draft) previously distributed were received and NOTED.

22.65.02               Recreation Committee 18th May 2022

Minutes  REC(22)M03 (Draft) previously distributed were received and NOTED.

22.66                  To consider, approve and adopt the Annual Accounting Statements and other Financial Reports for 2021/22

22.66.01               To receive and consider the Internal Audit Report

Papers MPC(22)66.01 and MPC(22)66.01a previously distributed were received. Neither the summary report that goes to the external auditor nor the detailed report accompanying it disclosed any matters of concern, and overall the audit was clear and unqualified. There were two recommendations which will be discussed by FERM, however the issue is a temporary situation as expenditure is so high this year (Pavilion project) that the money held by the Council will reduce significantly. It was AGREED to NOTE the report.

22.66.02           To receive, consider and approve by resolution the Statutory Accounting Statements for 2021/22

Paper MPC(22)66.02 previously distributed was received. Following consideration of the Statutory Accounting Statements for 2021/22 Full Council RESOLVED to approve them and authorise the Chair to sign them accordingly.

Proposed by: Cllr Brown                  Seconded by: Cllr Martin

22.66.03               To consider and note the managements accounts for 2021/22

Paper MPC(22)66.03 previously distributed was received. The Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2022 and the Income and Expenditure Account for 2021/22 were NOTED.

22.66.04               To consider the statement of Variances

Paper MPC(22)66.04 previously distributed was received. It was AGREED to NOTE this paper, which is required to be submitted to the external auditor.

22.66.05               To consider Community Infrastructure Levy – Draft Statutory Annual Report

Paper MPC(22)66.05 previously distributed was received. The Clerk took members through the report which sets out CIL income brought forward, received and spent in the year, together with the balance remaining as at 31 March 2022. The report is in the format to be submitted to East Suffolk Council, which has to be done before 31 December 2022. It was RESOLVED to agree the report and authorise both the Clerk and Chair to sign it accordingly.

Proposed by: Cllr Taylor                  Seconded by: Cllr Harvey-Smith

22.66.06           Arrangements for submission of the Statutory Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2021/22 and for the exercise of public rights

The Clerk reported that the submission of the AGAR for 2021/2 must be done by 1 July, and that following the approval of the Accounting Statements at the present meeting everything is in place for that to happen. The period for the exercise of public rights will commence on 1 July and end on 11 August 2022. Prior to 1 July the Council will publish the Internal Audit report, the Annual Governance Statement, the Accounting Statements together with the details of the arrangement for the exercise of public rights.

22.67                  To consider Financial and Internal Control Matters

22.67.01           To receive and consider the financial management report for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 May 2022

Papers MPC(22)67.01 and MPC(22)67.01a-e previously distributed were received and noted. The Clerk explained that the reports are now produced using Scribe, the new accounting software, and that further information on the budget position is covered in item 22.67.02.

22.67.02               To consider budget report

Papers MPC(22)67.02 and MPC(22)67.02a-b previously distributed were received and noted. The Clerk explained that the new accounting system enabled reports to be run showing spend/income by CIL/EMR projects and spend/income by Precept/General Reserve/Income. It is therefore easier to see the General Reserve position throughout the year and to produce the annual CIL report. The report also contained the budget reconciliation between the budget signed off by Full Council in January and the current budget. It was NOTED that this year will be challenging with the rising cost of living and that the budget will need to be closely monitored and reviewed.

22.67.03               To consider the annual review of Risk Management arrangements

Paper MPC(22)67.03 previously distributed was received. The Clerk took Members through the main points of the report, which is designed to demonstrate a culture of positive risk management across the Council, rather than evidence management of specific risks. It was RESOLVED to confirm the current approach to the management of risk across the Council.

Proposed by: Cllr Brown                   Seconded by: Cllr Martin

22.67.04               To consider risk issues

The Risk Register was discussed: and it was agreed to keep all risks at their current levels but to monitor the Pavilion as it may become a higher risk as it nears completion.

22.67.05               To consider requests from Committees

Paper MPC(22)67.05 previously distributed was discussed.

Bredfield Road/Pytches Road – it was AGREED that any costs incurred for including these roads in the 20mph Woodbridge scheme would need to be approved by Full Council and that more information on what is being proposed and the costs involved is required before committing to the project. Proposed by: Cllr Brown                   Seconded by: Cllr Martin

Bredfield Road Feasibility Study – it was AGREED that Melton Parish Council will fund up to £1,800 of the study if Cllr Smith-Lyte cannot fund the £3,611.44 remaining after Cllr Nicoll has paid £4k towards it. Proposed by: Cllr Porter                Seconded by: Cllr Martin

Wilford Bridge Road speed limit report – it was AGREED that this should go ahead and Cllr Nicoll offered £1k towards the cost. The Clerk will also speak to Cllr Reid about contributing towards the costs as the road also falls in his division. Proposed by: Cllr James                   Seconded by: Cllr Holmes

SID – it was AGREED to upgrade the SID with a smiley/angry face model at a cost of up to £750. If the refund on the existing model is too low (if the SID is damaged) then the existing model will be retained. Proposed by: Cllr Brown                   Seconded by: Cllr James

Neighbourhood Plan Refresh – it was AGREED that the refresh, including explicitly stating that access should not be through St Andrew’s, would begin and any Councillors able to assist (questionnaires, surveys etc) would contact Cllr Brown. It was noted that there was concern the office might not have capacity to undertake the NP refresh at this time. It was decided that the existing NP website should slowly be decommissioned and the current MPC website should have a NP section which replaces the old site. This should help reduce the workload as the MPC website is easier to update and manage. Proposed by: Cllr Harvey-Smith                  Seconded by:Cllr James

Quiet Lanes – it was AGREED that Saddlemaker’s Lane should be included in Wave 4. Proposed by: Cllr Harvey-Smith                  Seconded by: Cllr James

Hall Farm Road – the sports ground will be called The Jubilee Green and an information board (limit of £1k) will be produced. All decisions on the content and style will be delegated to Recreation. Proposed by: Cllr Harvey-Smith                  Seconded by: Cllr Martin

Jubilee Roundel – it was AGREED that a roundel would be added to the Beacon and created using laser etching at a cost of £160.

Proposed by: Cllr Porter                  Seconded by: Cllr Holmes

22.67.06               To consider installation of solar panels at 17 Riduna Park

Paper MPC(22)67.06 previously distributed was discussed. Due to the financial position and concerns about the coming year it was AGREED to bring this back to Full Council once the Pavilion has been completed.

22.68                  Hire Agreement – Orchard Close

Paper MPC(22)68 previously distributed was discussed. The following amends were suggested 4. land should only be encroached on by up to 1 metre. 5. Include ‘plus legal costs’ at the end of the sentence. As this type of hire agreement has not been done before it was felt that legal advice should be sought. The Clerk will contact SALC for advice initially but if any costs are incurred, they will need to be borne by the hirer.

Proposed by: Cllr Harvey-Smith                Seconded by: Cllr Biggle

22.69                  To receive an update on the Pavilion Project

The Clerk reported that the project was currently on track and on budget and that the next meeting of the Working Group is taking place on Monday 20th June. It is hoped that the roof installation will begin next week.

22.70                  To consider appointing Cllr Stearn to the Planning & Transport Committee

It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Stearn to the Planning and Transport Committee.

Proposed by: Cllr Porter                Seconded by: Cllr Holmes

22.71                  To receive an update on the Jubilee Weekend Events

Cllr Porter thanked Cllr Taylor and all the volunteers for their help with the Beacon event which was very successful – around 300 people attended. Cllr Biggle and the rest of the Fete Working Group was thanked for all their hard work. It was felt the Fete was a great success and it was very well attended. There will be a debrief after the summer holidays and any feedback should be sent to Cllr Biggle. It was noted that an additional opening in the low barrier could be useful to allow cars on and off the field during the fete, although this could be a health and safety issue. The Burness Parish Rooms, Primary School and St Andrew’s Church will each receive £200. The financial breakdown will be reconciled and verified by the office with their accounting system, but it is hoped that there will be a seed fund of £646.24 for next year’s fete and £1,189.84 for the Pavilion kit out (profits from BBQ and raffle). Thanks were proposed to all those involved in the Jubilee weekend events.

Proposed by: Cllr Porter                Seconded by: Cllr Brown

22.72                  To receive and consider reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies

22.72.01               Burness Parish Room Management Committee

Nothing to report

22.72.02               Melton Trust

Cllr Martin reported that it was quiet at the moment.

22.72.03               Melton Primary School 

The Clerk reported that the new Head is starting in September and the school is yet to hear if their bid for District CIL for the school nursery building is successful.

22.72.04               Melton Messenger

If any photos are required from the Fete and Beacon event they are on the website.

22.72.05               ASB Co-ordination meetings 

Nothing to report

22.72.06               Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC)

Nothing to report

22.72.07               Suffolk Disability Forum

Nothing to report

22.73                  To consider Items for the Melton Messenger

Any contributions should be sent to Cllr Porter

22.74                  Chair’s urgent business

There was none

22.75                  Date of next meeting

The next meeting of Full Council will take place on Wednesday 28th September 2022, commencing at 7pm at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:55.