Local Highways Matters
Bredfield Road
The request to consider traffic lights and a controlled crossing on the junction of Bredfield Road and Woods Lane was sent to SCC. The response was:
“In order to signal control that crossing you would have to signalise the entire junction which would probably include relocating the new (ish) crossing installed as part of the development so that it was integrated with the signals at the junction. This would cause significant additional delay on Woods Lane and I suspect would cause it to queue out onto the A12. I haven’t costed this but based on comparable costs for a signal controlled junction and the associated work that would be required here my estimate is that we would be talking about £1-£1.5m and I am afraid the funding already secure for Active Travel in the area can’t accommodate that.”
Cllr Nicoll and I are in discussions on how best to proceed in light of this response.
Speed Indicator Devices
The original SID is still undergoing investigations. The portable SID was moved to Bredfield Road at the end of April.
Melton Road Crossings and Traffic Regulation Order (double yellow lines)
The notices have now been published. The consultation runs from the 8th to 31st May.
Bentwaters/Peninsula Traffic
Chris Bally has agreed to a meeting in June. Attendee list and date tbc.
Yarmouth Road
The quote for two signs warning road users about pedestrians crossing between Ufford Park and footpath 27 has been received and is for £1097.30.
Planters/Bollards on Dock Lane and Melton Hill
Residents have raised concerns about vehicles damaging the verge at the junction of Dock Lane/Melton Road and near the island crossing on Melton Hill. Highways have suggested applying for a street furniture licence (£150 per site) to install bollards or planters on the verges. Anything installed would have to be 0.5m from the road.
The licensing team has responded to confirm that a licence would be granted for a square planter (photo below – the same as the ones in Woodbridge). The planter costs £360.15 plus delivery. Originally, they stated that the planter would have to be close to the bench to not reduce visibility splays. However in this location it is unlikely to stop vehicles, so on reflection they have now said it could go 0.5m from the road edge. The planter could contain bulbs and/or a small ornamental tree and the Council could look for volunteers or ask the school to maintain and water the planter.
The licensing team won’t allow a planter at Melton Hill as they believe it would reduce visibility for those exiting Old Maltings Approach so have suggested it is placed further down the road. However this isn’t where people are parking over the verge! They will not allow bollards to be installed there and have suggested contacting Parking Services instead if cars are parking there.
Wilford Bridge Road Speed Reduction
There has been no further progress on this project since the last meeting. I have contacted Cllr Reid and Bromeswell Parish Council regarding contributing to the costs. Bromeswell PC will be discussing the request on the 15th May but I have not received a response from Cllr Reid. Cllr Nicoll has offered £1k from his Highways Locality Budget.
Saddlemaker’s Lane, Lodge Farm Lane and St Audry’s Lane – speed reduction and management
A request has been made to Highways to consider reducing the speed limit on these three roads. They think it is unlikely that they would meet the policy criteria for a speed reduction. However a request for speed data has been made to the police safety camera team. They don’t have data for St Audry’s and Lodge Farm Lane and they wouldn’t be deemed appropriate, however an SDR should have been deployed on Saddlemaker’s Lane from the 27th April to 3rd May. As Saddlemaker’s Lane will be a no-through road during the Anglian Water works this evidence will be used to consider applying for a TRO to make it permanent. I will continue to liaise with Highways to discuss next steps.
Love Woodbridge & Melton
The team have asked if they can give the Council an update on the project in June. A date is to be confirmed.
Yarmouth Road Closure
Gatekeepers will be in place on the junctions of the Saddlemakers Lane/The Street and St Audry’s Lane/Yarmouth Road for the first two weeks. Signage will be placed at the junction of St Audry’s Lane and Lodge Farm Lane stating that Lodge Farm Lane is a dead end (so there is no access out past South Close) and a TTRO to make Saddlemaker’s Lane a no-through road for the duration is being processed. I will be visiting the site on the morning of the 10th May so will be able to give a verbal update at the Full Council meeting that evening.
Members are asked to:
- Note and comment on this report
- Decide if they wish to purchase the pedestrian signs for Yarmouth Road
- Decide if they wish to purchase a planter for Dock Lane
Pip Alder
Clerk, Melton Parish Council
May 2023