Sizewell C Update
Transport Forum Report
The Southern Transport Forum took place on the 14th August. Cllr Bann attended, and these are his notes:
- Orwell Logistics Park has been secured as a new location for the Sizewell C freight management facility. This replaces the site initially proposed at the junction of the A12 and A14 roads. It has the benefit of already having four warehouses there at present. Two more are required, one of which is under construction. The freight management facility will be operational in June 2025, 10 months earlier than planned.
- David Peacop, Site Operations Director told the meeting that Sizewell C do not want to use and will not use Bentwaters estate. They will not allow their subcontractors to use it either. They can do this as the subcontractors have to get approval where to locate their operations.
- Permanent SZC highway signing tender will be going out shortly. Signs will be going up soon in main route laybys stating that SZC lorries will not be permitted to park in them.
- Weekly SZC highway coordination meetings will be held which will consider live data from Councils and the public about any adverse impacts of lorry movements.
- Key issues outlined by the SZC Rail Manager:
– SZC trains will take 1,000 HGVs off local roads each week
– Freight trains will be held at Ipswich until all passenger services on the East Suffolk line are finished, including late running connecting London services.
– aim is to minimise noise and vibration. This will include avoiding trains stopping and starting enroute. Sections of continuous welded rail will be installed. There will be a maximum 10 mph speed limit on the East Suffolk line.
– 11 level crossings will be upgraded and additional signals installed.
– Two major crossing upgrades will be undertaken one of which will be at Melton. Here full width barriers will be installed plus improved pedestrian facilities designed to increase safety. The aim is to upgrade and open the new crossings by the first quarter of 2026. The SZC team will discuss the design with Network Rail, Melton Parish Council and East Suffolk Council. The scheme will be designed and delivered by NR and funded by SZC.
– meeting with Parish/Town Councils promised at May’s meeting to discuss the night-time train operation noise issue is still to be set up.
- The timings of major works in the area notably SZC construction, A12 and the rail line still to be considered by all parties. The SZC Transport Group – has a contingency affect fund to mitigate transport problems which were not foreseen when the original SZC scheme was approved.
- A list of 24 SZC impact traffic monitoring sites had been circulated to certain parishes, but not Melton. This list was to be passed on after the Forum but not yet received. To be checked for location in Melton (A1152?).
Noise Mitigation
This was received from the SZC Senior Community Relations Manager: In relation to the Noise Mitigation Scheme for operational rail along the current East Suffolk line, I have been advised by the team managing the scheme that the assessment are due to be completed in the next 2 months. These will then be submitted to East Suffolk Council for approval. Once this is done the identified properties will then be contacted. I expect this will happen towards the end of 2024 early 2025.
Judi Hallett
Clerk, Melton Parish Council
5th September 2024