To: Melton Parish Council
Re: Land off Garrod Approach
Formerly the site of St Audry’s bowling green, situated adjacent to the historic woodlands known as Hospital Grove at Melton Park, Melton, IP12 1TD, the site remains fenced off and has fallen into a state of disrepair through neglect and lack of management.
This land is assigned as holding community value, being part of a Community Scheme Agreement of 1997 between Hopkins Homes, Suffolk Coastal District Council and Midland Bank Plc under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, signed willingly by the developer (Hopkins Homes) to obtain a planning permission.
The residents of Melton Park formed their own Community Scheme Association (CSA) and five years ago successfully applied for the bowling green to be listed as an Asset of Community Value. It went to an Appeal Tribunal and the site was eventually listed by the District Council after they and the CSA won the case, but sadly the land has remained fenced off and continues to be left untended.
The Melton Park CSA have been waiting for the bowling green site to become available for purchase and have consulted local residents on practical plans to bring the land back into use as a valuable community asset for the benefit of Melton Park residents. In a consultation and vote, the most popular option was for a Community Garden.
Through fund-raising efforts, the CSA now have finance available to make an offer for the land. If successful, the land would be donated to Melton Park Management Company Ltd with legal protection that the Community Garden would be protected from any future development.
Melton Park Management Company Ltd have advised that they are upholding the Section 106 covenant applying to the whole of the St Audry’s estate. They have also agreed to take responsibility for the maintenance of the Community Garden as part of their ongoing management of Melton Park and its green spaces and in accordance with the obligations of the s106 agreement.
Equally as important, is that there are willing volunteers of all ages (local residents) to assist with the site’s renewal and upkeep – fostering a spirit of community and collaboration amongst residents, with advice on seasonal planting from Transition Woodbridge and ways to implement the plans with minimum disruption to the wildlife currently occupying the land.
The CSA will be making a formal application to renew the ACV in September 2024 and would welcome the Parish Council’s support.
Bryony Abbott, Garrod Approach Resident, July 2024