
MPC(24)105.01 Finance Report

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on July 11, 2024


Management Accounts – Financial and Budget Report – 1st April to 30th June 2024

This report should be read in conjunction with the following papers:

a. Payment Transactions – 01/04/2024 to 30/06/2024

b. Receipt Transactions – 01/04/2024 to 30/06/2024

c. Bank Reconciliation Report

d. Summary Report

e. Precept/General Reserve Summary Report

f. Reserves Balance

g. Balance Sheet


Income as at the 30th June 2024 income was £85,469.36, which includes the first Precept instalment of £61,843.50 and a CIL receipt of £1,703.98. The remaining income was a mix of rent, fete donations and takings and Pavilion income. Expenditure was £121,161.55 and of this £82,976.32 has been paid out of Earmarked Reserves – £79,500 of that was for the Beresford Drive play park. The two summary reports (MPC(24)105.01d and e) give a detailed breakdown of the receipts and payments against the agreed budget. In terms of cash resources as at 30th June 2024, cash in the Council’s bank accounts totalled £203,792.49 made up as follows:

  • Lloyds Instant Savings Account             £   78,844.34
  • Suffolk Building Society Deposit Account               £   79,728.68
  • Suffolk Building Society Rent Deposit Account             £     5,271.32
  • Lloyds Bank Treasurer’s Account £     2,840.70
  • CCLA £   37,107.45

After adding VAT owed (£15,002.23) the total liquid assets amounted to £218,794.72. Of that sum, £122,523.63 relates to the balance of deposits, CIL and grant monies held as Earmarked Reserves:

CIL reserves                                                                                       £43,547.83

Fete EMR                                                                                          £  4,429.98

Melton Road Crossings Project CIL EMR                                   £ 23,755.00

Landscaping and Parking Improvements CIL EMR                   £   3,717.03

Pavilion Project CIL EMR                                                               £      210.54

Bins CIL EMR                                                                                   £   1,037.09

Divested Land Sinking Fund CIL EMR                                         £ 13,800.17

Hall Farm Road/SWT Events EMR                                               £      303.00

Budget Risk EMR                                                                            £ 15,000.00

Signage CIL EMR                                                                            £   1,130.00

Bequest EMR                                                                                   £    517.04

Pavilion Kit Out                                                                                 £        5.30

1st Floor Rent Deposit                                                                    £  5,271.32

Yarmouth Road Signage EMR                                                      £     226.57

Dock Lane Planter                                                                           £        4.35

20’s Plenty EMR                                                                               £      20.00

Pump Track EMR                                                                            £    550.00

Beresford Drive Play Area EMR                                                    £        0.00

Tree Safety Works                                                                           £ 9,000.00

General Reserve
After accounting for year-end adjustments (-£1,320.74) the General Reserve position as at 30th June 2024 was £94,948.86.

The following adjustments have been made to the budget:

Bank Interest increased by £1,100 to £2,000

Recruitment Costs increased from zero to £1,000

Legal and Professional Costs increased by £1,000 to £2,000

Accounts Software reduced by £27 to £540

Income from Football pitch hire increase by £460 to £1,900

Income from Tennis court hire reduced by £250 to £2,000

The budget now has a predicted deficit of £3,233 (previously £2,570).


Councillors are asked to:

  • NOTE AND COMMENT on this report.


Pip Alder

Clerk, Melton Parish Council

July 2024