
MPC(24)120 Recreation Paper

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on September 3, 2024



Play Park Inspection at Melton Road Recreation Ground
The latest RoSPA Inspection has been received from The Play Park Inspection Company. Overall, the outcome was better than had been expected, with only three elements marked as ‘Moderate Risk’ (all others either ‘Low’ or ‘Very Low’).

All repairs noted as ‘moderate’ risk have been passed to the Maintenance Officer. Any beyond his remit will be passed on to East Suffolk Services Ltd (ESSL). Where there is no easy solution to issues, a quote for replacement (either parts or whole structure) will be sought. The Clerk will also obtain a quote for replacing the Roundabout with one which was accessible, in the near future.

Date of 2025 Fete
The provisional date of the 2025 Fete was set to 21st June 2025, but has been revised to 14th June 2025

VE and VJ Day Celebrations 2025
MPC will host a beacon lighting, along with appropriate Service Remembrance speech on 8th May 2025, to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of both VE Day and VJ Day. Attendance by the Royal British Legion with the Standard and possibly a band/music to be discussed nearer the day.

Pavilion Update
The summer was relatively quiet for hires. However, the regular term time hirers are all returning in September and there has been additional interest from a new hirer for Tuesday evenings. The budget and hire charges are due to be reviewed by Recreation in September.

Running costs are within budget despite having some equipment costs this year. The electricity account is currently in credit (no payments have been taken this calendar year) because of payments received for the export tariff. However, since Monday 2nd September, the amount paid per unit of export has decreased from 15p/kWh to 8p/kWh so this will need to be monitored.

There have been no reports of ASB over the summer.

Beresford Drive Play Park
Kompan have carried out some fixes to the equipment free of charge.

Memorial Tree
The former Park Warden has recently passed away and it has been suggested that a memorial tree and plaque should be planted in the autumn. Cllr Gradwell has an oak sapling that could be used and there is a spare plaque in the office that could be engraved.

Tree Warden
No-one has offered to take on the role. However, the present Tree Warden has offered to help plant an avenue of trees between the MUGA and ditch at the Rec Ground in the autumn as a final hurrah. He recommended purchasing trees from Kiln Farm Nursery.

Hall Farm Road Gully
The gully between the Jubilee Green and Hall Farm Close was cleared out at the end of August.

Hedge Cut and Ditch Extension
The hedges at the Recreation Ground and ditch extension behind the zip wire are due to be carried out shortly.

Councillors are asked to:

  • Note and comment on this report
  • Agree if they are happy for a memorial tree to be planted at the Recreation Ground to the former Park Warden and to delegate the plaque wording to the office and those who knew him (Cllr Martin/neighbours)
  • Agree if they wish to proceed with the planting of an avenue of trees at the Recreation Ground in October and agree a budget

Judi Hallett


5th September 2024