
MPC(24)86 Recreation Paper

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on June 10, 2024



Pavilion Update

All regular hires are continuing, and the number of one-off weekend hires continues to be steady. Hirers will be reminded to take rubbish home to dispose of, rather than placing beside the recreation ground bins, as has been the case recently.

Mullins Dowse would like to submit a nomination for the Pavilion for the Quality of Place Awards in the Community category:

They will organise photos to be taken of the Pavilion and submit the nomination. Councillors are asked if they are happy for this nomination to go ahead.

The Pavilion out of hours cover arrangements are still under review. There has only been one out of hours call in the last month but currently staff are having to give their personal mobile or checking the Pavilion emails.

D-Day Beacon Lighting
The lighting of the beacon on the 6th June was very successful and there was a good turnout of over approximately 250 people. Feedback has been very positive although one resident did question the religious element to the events.

Woodbridge Town Youth Football Club have requested to use the playing field for training on Mondays to Fridays from 6pm to 8pm in the summer months when it is light enough. This would be restricted to two teams per evening. No matches to be played outside of the football season. WTYFC have also requested the football season is extended from the beginning of August to the second weekend in May.

As the charges previously levied were for 9 months use but spread across 12 monthly payments, the monthly charge to use the playing field all year (with the previously agreed 4% increase) would be £166.66 per month.

The Recreation Working Group recommend that WTYFC are allowed to use the recreation ground for matches and training purposes as outlined in the draft hire agreement at the increased monthly rate. A copy of the hire agreement can be found in the members area.

Tree Warden
Martin Wilks has decided that he can no longer fulfil the role of Tree Warden. He has kindly offered to continue doing as much as he can until a replacement is found. The Tree Crew has been asked if anyone would like to take on the role and it will be advertised in the Melton Messenger and In Touch.

The office has received reports of hemlock growing on some footpaths in the area, particularly along the river path, and at the Recreation Ground. Residents have been reminded, via e-news, to take care as hemlock is poisonous.

The office is still waiting to hear the outcome of our recent TPO applications from ESC. A further TPO application will be made to allow for coppicing to take place in the woodland as part of the Burkes Wood Management plan. The TPO for Waterhead Lane is not yet in place although the ESC arboriculturist has confirmed it will be done.

Councillors are asked to:

  • Note and comment on this report
  • Agree for the Pavilion to be nominated for a Quality of Place Award
  • Agree the recommendation for WYTFC to hire the playing fields, as set out in the hire agreement.
  • Consider any action for hemlock on MPC land

Fliss Waters

Assistant Clerk, Melton Parish Council

June 2024