Minutes of the Annual Commissioning Meeting of Melton Parish Council held on Wednesday 15th May 2024 at 7pm at the Melton Parish Council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.
Cllr Bourne
Cllr Brown
Cllr Corston
Cllr Darby
Cllr De Vita
Cllr Hillier
Cllr Holmes
Cllr Gradwell (Chair)
Cllr Martin
Cllr Packard
Cllr Stearn
Cllr Taylor
Cllr Bann
Cllr Emerson
In Attendance:
P Alder Clerk and Executive Officer to Melton Parish Council
F Waters Assistant Clerk to Melton Parish Council
1 member of the public
District Councillor Smith-Lyte (arrived 20:02 and left before item MPC(24)69)
Agenda – Part 1/1 – Open to the Public
Item No Item to be discussed
24.60 Election of the Chair of the Council
It was unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr Gradwell be elected Chair of the Council.
Proposed by: Cllr Martin Seconded by: Cllr Bourne
Cllr Gradwell completed the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
24.61 Election of Deputy Chair(s) of the Council
It was RESOLVED unanimously that Cllr Taylor and Cllr Corston be elected Deputy Chairs of the Council. Cllr Taylor was proposed by Cllr Martin and seconded by Cllr Stearn. Cllr Corston was proposed by Cllr Bourne and seconded by Cllr Taylor.
24.62 To receive apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Bann and Emerson, the Climate Advocate and County Councillor Nicoll.
24.63 Declarations of Interest
24.63.01 To receive Declarations of Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda
There were none
24.63.02 To consider any applications for dispensations
There were none
24.64 Public Participation Session
It was RESOLVED to take item MPC(24)64.01 out of order when Cllr Smith-Lyte arrived.
24.64.02 To receive a report from the County Councillor
Cllr Nicoll sent his apologies and no report was received.
24.64.03 To consider village matters raised by Members of the Public or Councillors
A resident of Hall Farm Road raised concerns about the traffic on Woods Lane. Both the volume and speed is making it very dangerous accessing Woods Lane. It was AGREED that the Clerk would contact the speed camera team regarding enforcement (both directions on Woods Lane) and ask Cllr Bann for any suggestions. The Chair explained that the Council is aware of the traffic problems and is working with Suffolk County Council and East Suffolk Council about the wider issues with the A1152 and the Melton crossroads as part of the JPTI group. Cllr Brown explained that monitoring of traffic at Bentwaters was being undertaken. The resident was also advised to contact Cllr Nicoll with their concerns. The Clerk advised that a second Keep Clear road marking was due to be installed imminently. The appeal for the self-build houses on Woods Lane was mentioned and the resident advised that they could submit their comments. The resident was also concerned about pollution levels from the traffic. They were advised that ESC undertook regular monitoring and the results were available on the ESC website. Finally the resident voiced their disappointment at the cancellation of the car boot sales. The Chair explained that the council was also disappointed that the organisers had chosen to cancel the car boot sales but that the council is open to people contacting them should they wish to run a car boot sale. However, it is important that the numbers are controlled; it is a village car boot and not something to rival Trinity Park or Friday Street.
Cllr Bourne raised that trains were running through Melton last night around 1am and 2.15am. The Clerk was asked to contact the Sizewell C team if this was related to Sizewell.
Cllr Holmes asked what the Council’s definition of ‘charity’ was. The Recreation Working Group agreed that charities, community groups and residents hiring for non-commercial events would be given a discount when hiring the Pavilion.
At the Beresford Drive play park opening, a resident asked about cutting back a hedge and the Chair agreed to raise at Full Council. The hedge is not on MPC land and so we are not responsible for cutting back this hedge, nor can we give permission for them to cut it back. The Chair agreed to contact the resident and advise them to contact East Suffolk Council.
The Clerk reminded Councillors that Cadent/Costain are holding a drop in event on the 23rd May at the Ufford Community Hall from 4pm to 8pm regarding the proposed gas main replacement and road closures.
The Clerk met with staff from the Joint Emergency Planning Unit (JEPU) last week. They are happy with the emergency plan and the Clerk has created an article on the website. It was suggested that the article should include reference to telling your neighbours and information about what to have packed for an emergency. If the plan is activated then MPC will disseminate information out to residents from the JEPU. Rest Centres are still being identified and Rest Centre training will be happening soon. Z cards containing useful information in an emergency may be purchased by the ESC Community Partnership.
24.65 To consider co-option to the Council in respect of the vacancy
There is still one Councillor vacancy and no applications have been received.
24.66 To approve the Minutes of Full Council from 17th April 2024 – MPC(24)M04
It was RESOLVED that minutes MPC(24)M04, which were previously distributed, were signed as a correct record by the Chair.
Proposed by: Cllr Martin Seconded by: Cllr Bourne
24.67 Planning & Transport – Chair of P&T to lead assisted by the Clerk
24.67.01 Planning Applications – to review new applications received
DC/24/1202/FUL Beechfield, Leeks Hill – it was agreed to reserve commenting on this application until the Arboricultural impact assessment has been received.
DC/24/1493/FUL Lime Tree House – there were concerns about the impact this building work could have on the slope stability and surrounding trees. It was agreed to request that an Arboricultural impact assessment is carried out before submitting a comment about the application.
24.67.02 Planning Applications – update on any existing Planning Applications
DC/22/4775/FUL Land South Of Primary School And East Of The Street Eyke IP12 2QW – this is expected to go to the Planning Committee South meeting taking place at 2pm on the 25th June. Cllr Brown is happy to attend and speak on MPC’s behalf.
DC/24/0336/VOC Ufford Park Golf Club – ESC is still waiting for the ecology and lighting information from the applicant.
DC/23/2365/FUL Bye Engineering – No update has been received.
24.67.03 Public Consultations – There were none
24.67.04 Planning Notices – review Planning Notices received – there were none
24.67.05 Planning Appeals – review position on existing Planning Appeals
DC/23/4328/OUT Land west of PROW 21, Woods Lane – APP/X3540/W/24/3342076
It was agreed to submit a further comment, referencing residents’ concerns about traffic on Woods Lane, and this was delegated to Cllr Brown and the Clerk.
24.67.06 Planning Enforcement
ENF/23/0027/COND – Deben Meadows (DC/23/0120/DRC) – no update
ENF/21/0086/DEV – Bye Engineering – no update
24.67.07 Local Highways Matters
Paper MPC(24)67.07 previously distributed was received and noted.
24.67.08 Active Travel Woodbridge
There was nothing to report. The Clerk will request at update from the SCC team.
24.67.09 Neighbourhood Plan Refresh
Consultant has been appointed but currently waiting for Government Funding to be released. Cllr Hillier mentioned the Bringing Back Nature: Biodiversity for Parishes webinar that she attended in April. Her notes have been circulated to Councillors and there is a lot of useful information to use when the NP refresh takes place.
24.68 Recreation – Chair of Recreation to lead assisted by the Assistant Clerk
Paper MPC(24)68, previously distributed, was received and discussed. The D Day Beacon lighting is taking place on the 6th June. Stewards are required by 8.30pm and need to bring a torch. Cllrs De Vita and Darby (and her husband) offered to be stewards. Cllrs Bann, Stearn and Taylor are co-ordinating the exclusion zone, the car park will be closed during the day and Cllr Stearn and Mr Gradwell are lighting the beacon. A coffee van is attending, and the event is being advertised via the usual comms channels. The cost of the PA system was AGREED.
Proposed by: Cllr Gradwell Seconded by: Cllr Martin
24.68.01 To approve hire charges for 2024/25
Paper MPC(24)68.01, previously distributed, was received and discussed. It was AGREED that there would be no increase to tennis court and Pavilion hire charges, although the Pavilion would be reviewed again in September.
Proposed by: Cllr Corston Seconded by: Cllr Martin
The proposed increase for the football hire charges was AGREED. If the football club wishes to use the facilities for more than weeks than the current agreement the charges will increase proportionately. The contract is being reviewed by the Recreation Working Group and will be brought to Full Council for approval before August.
Proposed by: Cllr Martin Seconded by: Cllr Bourne
24.68.02 TPOs
No comment would be made on the two TPOs that Melton Parish Council has submitted.
DC/24/1389/TPO – It was AGREED to make No Comment
DC/24/1614/TCA – it was AGREED (with 1 abstention) to object to the felling where there was no evidence of it being diseased, dangerous or damaged.
Proposed by: Cllr Hillier Seconded by: Cllr Packard
It was RESOLVED to take the following item out of order
24.64.01 To receive a Report from the District Councillor
Cllr Smith-Lyte explained that there are plans to trial sites in the District where no glyphosate spraying would take place and there would be reduced mowing. She would like Melton to be a trial area. ESC is reviewing their mowing policy and agree that the verges that were left long last year didn’t work and they need to amend the cutting regime. They acknowledge that sightlines on junctions and roundabouts need to be maintained. Councillors asked about the success measurements and if not mowing is more harmful than mowing. Cllr Smith-Lyte will send a full report to Councillors which will be reviewed by Recreation Working Group who will then bring a recommendation to Full Council.
There are some ESC roadshows taking place this summer, with one in Woodbridge on the 18th September.
Cllr Smith-Lyte asked for information on pavements that require vegetation removal. The Pavement Working Group will share information with her next month.
Cllr Smith-Lyte was asked if she would be speaking at the planning committee meeting in June about the Eyke Planning application, noting the increasing concerns from residents about traffic on Woods Lane.
It was RESOLVED to revert to the original order of the agenda. Cllr Smith-Lyte left the meeting.
24.69 To consider Financial and Internal Control Matters – Clerk to report and advice to Council from Chair of FERM
24.69.01 To approve the financial management report for the year ending 31 March 2024
Papers MPC(24)69.01 and MPC(24)69.01a-b, previously distributed were received and noted.
24.69.02 To approve the draft CIL report for 2023-24
Paper MPC(24)69.02, previously distributed was received and noted. This CIL report needs to be submitted to ESC before the 31st December 2024. It was AGREED unanimously to delegate signing off the report to the Chair and Chair of FERM once the Internal Audit has taken place.
24.69.03 To approve the Asset Register as at 31st March 2024
Paper MPC(24)69.03, previously distributed, was received and no further change were required.
24.69.04 To receive and consider the financial management and budget reports for the period 1 to 30 April 2024
Papers MPC(24)69.04 and MPC(24)69.04a-g, previously distributed were received and noted. The bank statements were checked and signed by the Chair as accurate against the financial statements. It was AGREED that any funds in excess of the FSCS cover would be moved from Lloyds to the CCLA at the end of the month.
24.69.05 To review the arrangements for insurance cover
The Clerk reported that the Council is in a three-year deal which ends September 2025. It is likely that there will be a significant increase when renewed.
24.69.06 To confirm the Council’s Standing Orders These were accepted and no further amends required at this time.
Proposed by: Cllr Martin Seconded by: Cllr Gradwell
24.69.07 To confirm the Council’s Financial Regs
The Clerk reported that new Model Financial Regs have been published. The Clerk/FERM will review and bring recommendations to a future Full Council meeting. It was noted that the likely recommendation is to adopt the new regulations with some amendments rather than trying to amend the existing regulations.
24.69.08 To review signatories to Melton Parish Council Bank and Building Society Accounts
The Clerk reported that the signatories on the Lloyds accounts were Cllrs Gradwell, Taylor and Stearn, the Clerk and the Assistant Clerk. The signatories on the Suffolk Building Society accounts are Cllrs Gradwell, Martin, Taylor and Corston. The signatories on the CCLA are Cllrs Martin and Taylor, the Clerk and the Assistant Clerk. No further amends were required.
24.69.09 To review the Council’s subscriptions to other bodies
It was AGREED to continue with the current subscriptions to Community Action Suffolk, Suffolk Preservation Society and Suffolk Association of Local Councils.
24.69.10 To consider risk issues –
After discussion it was AGREED to delegate a full review of the risk register to FERM. A report will be brought to Full Council in June.
24.69.11 To consider Data Protection Risk Register – No changes were required but the Clerk reminded Councillors that they should not forward on any emails that contain personal details of someone else, eg a resident.
24.69.12 Report of decisions made by Clerk/Assistant Clerk under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014
Paper MPC(24)69.12 previously distributed was received and noted.
24.70 To consider Governance Matters – Clerk to report
24.70.01 To consider and affirm the Council’s adherence to the National Code of Conduct
It was unanimously RESOLVED to reaffirm adherence to the National Code of Conduct and all Councillors agreed to abide by the code.
24.70.02 To approve the Annual Governance Statement and Arrangements for approval of accounts/Statutory Annual Return 2024
Paper MPC(24)70.02, previously distributed was received. Councillors were taken through the Statements which were all answered in the affirmative. It was RESOLVED to approve the Annual Governance Statement contained within the Annual Return and to authorise the Chair to sign it accordingly. The internal audit is taking place on the 23rd May and the report and AGAR will be presented to Full Council in June.
24.70.03 To review the Terms of Reference for Working Groups
Each Working Group will review their terms at their next working group meeting but in the meantime no changes were required.
24.70.04 To receive nominations to Panels and Working Groups
Paper MPC(24)70.04, previously distributed, was received and discussed. Cllr Bourne was missing from FERM and Cllr Packard agreed to be on the Disciplinary Panel. The Chair will send a card and gift to Mrs McBurney, who has stepped down from Recreation.
24.70.05 To review and appoint representatives on or to work with External Bodies
Council representatives were reviewed and the following were agreed:
Burness Parish Rooms Management Committee – Cllr Gradwell
Melton, Woodbridge and Deben Peninsula Community Partnership – Cllr Packard (although he struggles to make all the meetings. He will contact Cllr Molyneaux to ask if the meeting days could be changed)
Deben Estuary Partnership – Cllr Packard
Melton Trust – Cllr Martin
Melton Primary School Governing Body – Clerk
Melton Messenger Editorial Committee – Cllr Brown
Suffolk Association of Local Councils – Cllr Gradwell
Suffolk Disability Forum – Cllr Darby
Woodbridge and Melton Society – Cllr Bann
SZC Transport and Community Forums – Cllr Bann and Cllr Bourne
24.70.06 To agree to receive the summons to meetings electronically
The Clerk advised that Councillors are required to confirm on an annual basis that they are happy to receive the summons to meetings, and related documents, electronically. It was RESOLVED by all Councillors that they are willing to continue to receive papers in this way.
24.70.07 To note and review the Council’s Schedule of Policies
Paper MPC(24)70.07, previously distributed, was received and noted. It was AGREED that a Communications Policy is required, including a statement about zero tolerance of abuse from the public. The Chair will take advice from SALC. It was noted that the Financial Regs will be updated later this year.
24.71 To consider arrangements for meetings for 2024/25
Paper MPC(24)71 previously distributed was received and the dates for the meetings were agreed.
24.72 Parish Council Noticeboards
There are no known changes to the Councillors/residents who have volunteered to post notices on the Parish notice boards at:
Melton Playing Field (resident)
Burness Parish Rooms (resident)
Bus shelter Bredfield Road (resident)
Woodbridge Primary School, Wilkinson Way (resident)
St Audry’s Park Road (Cllr Brown)
Woods Lane (resident)
Old Maltings Approach (resident)
St Andrews Estate (Cllr Darby)
All volunteers have confirmed they are happy to continue. Councillors expressed their thanks to the volunteers for maintaining these noticeboards.
24.73 Sizewell C
The membership of the Community Fund Awards Panel has now been finalised. The Southern Transport Forum took place tonight and two questions were submitted in advance. The night trains reported by Cllr Bourne were related to Network Rail working in partnership with the Sizewell C project to renew and upgrade sections of the East Suffolk line and Sizewell branch as part of the Sizewell C transport strategy.
24.74 Melton Fete
Cllr Darby reported that there has been a decrease in donations this year. 34 stalls and activities are confirmed and the risk assessments have been sent out. Raffle tickets are being ordered and currently have 22 prizes. Cllr Darby asked if councillors can make large ice blocks that can be used at the fete.
24.75 To receive and consider reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies
Paper MPC(24)75, previously distributed, was received and noted.
24.76 To consider Items for the Melton Messenger
Introducing Councillors and possibly the Emergency Plan.
24.77 Chair’s urgent business
The Chair asked if Councillors were willing to share their contact numbers with other Councillors. The Clerk will email requesting contact details.
24.78 Date of next meeting
The next meeting of Full Council will take place on Wednesday 12th June 2024, commencing at 7pm at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT. Apologies were received from Cllrs Bourne, Holmes and De Vita. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:30.