
PLA(21)109.02 Highways Projects

Planning & TransportPlanning & Transport Agendas & Papers Uploaded on October 18, 2021


Proposed pedestrian crossings and other road safety issues in Melton Road and improvements in front of Winifred Fison House – update  

Following a meeting with the Highways Engineer on the 15th September and numerous email exchanges here is the latest progress report.

Melton Road/Hill Crossings

Two crossing points have been agreed following public consultation: one at Melton Hill by Old Maltings Approach and the other on Melton Road near the Coach and Horses. These are still with Commercial for pricing. I have chased for updates but there has been no further progress.

Double Yellow Lines along Melton Road/Melton Hill

A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation is being drafted for double yellow lines along Melton Road/Hill at the road junctions. Plans can be seen in Appendix A of this report.

The single yellow line on Dock Lane next to the Bowls Club has been re-painted although it has not been confirmed that the TRO has been updated as it is not showing on the Suffolk Traffic Orders website:

It was felt that a public consultation was not required as previous consultations carried out have shown overwhelming support by residents for implementation of restrictions at junctions.

Winifred Fison House Parking

A draft plan for the parking spaces has been received from Highways. The Highways Engineer advised that it would be quicker and cheaper to apply for a minor works licence and appoint Highway Assurance to carry out the work. We were also advised that a desktop safety audit should be carried out.

The brief and plan have been sent to Alpha Consultants to carry out a desktop safety audit. They have quoted £735.00 for this piece of work.

A quote for £37,729.79 has been received from Highway Assurance for carrying out the parking landscaping work. Because the project involves works to the highway we are limited in terms of who can be appointed to do the work. Grasscrete is the proposed surface (as shown in the draft plan map below), which may not be the most appropriate. An alternative recommendation is to use permeable block paving (see image 1) which would be an additional £2k.


£50k of CIL has been allocated for this project and quotes will be taken to Full Council for consideration/approval.

Highways have advised that the double yellow line should remain to prevent people parking on the road and blocking the parking spaces.

I am also investigating the feasibility of including an EV charging point as part of this project. Grants could be available to help fund this element.


Councillors are asked to note and comment on this report.


Pip Alder

Asst Clerk

October 2021









