
PLA(21)94.02 Proposed Woodbridge 20mph Traffic Zone

Planning & TransportPlanning & Transport Agendas & Papers Uploaded on September 8, 2021



 Twenty Mile Per Hour Traffic Zones

  1. The information in this note is based on discussions with Woodbridge Town Council (WTC) and the Safety and Speed Management Engineer at Suffolk Highways.
  2. As many of you will be aware WTC is actively considering the introduction of 20mph zones in the town and on the B1438 from Melton Hill past Lime kiln Quay and the Riverside cinema to the A12. The aims of the scheme are to:-

-slow traffic speeds, increasing pedestrian and cyclist safety;

-encourage through traffic to use the A12 to bypass Woodbridge;

-discourage HGV’s from going through Woodbridge;

-help reduce the unacceptable levels of pollution (Thoroughfare / Lime Kiln Quay area);

-encourage walking and cycling rather than car use.

  1. WTC has commissioned Highways to design a 20mph Scheme for Woodbridge. Design costs will be £38,000 of which £24,000 is being met from County Council sources. The design aims to provide indicative solutions which will be debated and consulted on before implementation.
  2. The Scheme could include both signage and “street furniture”.  For example near the Riverside some form of raised platform or chicane might be used to physically slow traffic and encourage pedestrian movement between the Town and the Riverbank areas. It is possible many streets leading into housing areas would be 20mph zones. For example, the streets on the Woodbridge side of Pytches Road and Bredfield Road might be signposted 20mph, whilst those on the other side leading into Bury Hill estate would not be (if Melton is not covered in the Scheme).
  3. WTC have written to Melton Parish Council (MPC) asking if Melton wishes to be involved in the design stage so consideration can be given to, if and where 20mph zones might be introduced into Melton. The Safety and Speed Management Engineer has suggested Melton could be included in return for a contribution of £4,000 to £5,000.
  4. Areas that might be considered include:- The Street, Bredfield Road / Pytches Road; housing estates like Bury Hill, Hall Farm and St Andrews; Station road; and the B1438 from Melton crossroads to Melton Hill.
  5. Highways and WTC are aware of the difficulties of 20mph zones. Some people will be very much in favour of them and others very much against. They are difficult if not impossible to enforce without speed cameras or Police support. However the thinking is that raising awareness does encourage drivers to drive more carefully in the areas. Furthermore both in Woodbridge and Melton taxpayers are raising concerns about the safety of older and younger people crossing roads or cycling.
  6. The issue for MPC is whether it wishes to commit up to £5,000 to the design phase of the project and work with Highways to identify where and how 20 mph zones could be implemented. That £5,000 could not be met by CIL money, albeit that subsequent works might be, assuming we still had CIL left after other commitments.
  7. Alternatively MPC may decide to await the outcomes of the Woodbridge Scheme before making any decision on future involvement.


Councillor Nigel Brown September 2021