
PLA(21)M08 Minutes of Planning and Transport Committee 1st December 2021

Planning & TransportPlanning & Transport Minutes Uploaded on December 20, 2021


Melton Parish Council Planning and Transport Committee

Minutes of the meeting of Melton Parish Council Planning and Transport Committee held on Wednesday 1 December 2021, commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT.


 Cllr Mr N Brown (in the Chair)

Cllr Mrs D Darby

Cllr Mrs C Gradwell

Cllr Mrs E J G Hilson

Cllr Mr M Holmes

Cllr Mr A Porter

Mr A Corston (co-optee)

In Attendance:

Mr W J Grosvenor Clerk and Executive Officer to Melton Parish Council

Mrs P Alder Assistant Clerk and Management Officer to Melton Parish Council

The Council’s Footpaths Advocate

2 members of the public

Part One – Open to the Public

Item No              Item discussed

 21.113                To receive apologies for absence

                          Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Abbott.


21.114               Declarations of Interest

21.114.01              To receive Amendments to the Register

                               There were none.

21.114.02              To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

                               There were none.

21.114.03              To receive Declarations of Non Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

                               There were none.

21.114.04              To consider Full / Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared

                               There had been no requests for dispensations.


21.115               Public Participation Session

21.115.01               Open Forum

 A member of the public asked about the refresh of the Neighbourhood Plan. Could the       requirement for there not to be access to the development off St Andrews Place via the St Andrews Estate be strengthened? Cllr Brown emphasised that the Council has always been firmly against any access via the estate and promised that this will be followed up. [See also Minute 21.122 below.]

Cllr Porter referred to complaints about parking on yellow lines outside both McColls’ shop in The Street and also in Melton Grange Road near Woodbridge Primary School. East Suffolk Parking Enforcement should be reminded that the parking restrictions in those locations should be enforced.

21.115.01               To receive a report from the Council’s Cycling Advocate

                                No report was received.

21.115.02               To receive a report from the Council’s Footpaths Advocate

                                No report was received.

21.115.03               Recording of public footpaths – identification of any missing footpaths

                               This item relates to the need to identify any missing footpaths by 2026, as the Government has set a deadline of 1 January 2026 for all historic paths to be registered for inclusion on official maps. Cllr Porter felt that only the access via Jenners Close might qualify within the Parish, but he will remind people via a note in his Melton Messenger article.

  21.115.04           Consultation on East Suffolk Council Cycling and Walking Strategy (runs to 10 January)


The strategy identified in this consultation outlines potential cycling and walking infrastructure opportunities across the District. Local routes suggested include:

  • Introducing a segregated cycling and walking track along Melton Road from Melton Hill to the Melton crossroads. This is high priority.
  • Introducing a segregated cycling and walking track from the existing infrastructure on the A12, along Bredfield Road, Bury Hill, through to the Melton playing field and then connect to the recommended infrastructure on Melton Road (see above). This is high priority.
  • Introducing a cycling and walking track connecting Melton train station directly to a widened and resurfaced Bridleway 10, thence along a segregated cycling and walking track along Yarmouth Road, then along Footpath 5 to join Lodge Farm Lane. This is high priority.
  • Introducing a cycling and walking crossing point on Woods Lane at Leeks Hill. Upgrading Footpath 22 to a widened and resurfaced bridleway to give access to Lodge Farm Lane and Melton Park. This is medium priority.

In discussion, whilst Councillors appreciated and shared the aims and ambitions of this document, there is no plan to allocate funds, and therefore the strategy must be aspirational only. Additionally the current access problems with Footpath 22 were noted.


21.116                To approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

                          It was RESOLVED that minutes PLA(21)M07 previously distributed be received, noted and signed as a correct record by the Chair.

Proposed by: Cllr Porter                              Seconded by: Cllr Hilson


21.117               To review new Planning Applications received

21.117.01               DC/21/4765/FUL Red Cottage, Yarmouth Road, Melton

                               Construction of 5 bedroom detached dwelling with integral garage.

It was RESOLVED to recommend refusal on the following grounds:

  • The proposal fails to represent sustainable development and does not comply with the policies contained in both the Local Plan and the Melton Neighbourhood Plan.
    • Specifically the proposal fails to meet Local Plan policies SCLP5.3 and SCLP5.4 allowing limited development in the countryside within existing clusters of dwellings. This proposal is for a site between a day nursery and a Montessori school. To argue that the “cluster” of dwellings in this context includes dwellings in St Audry’s Road and on the west side of Yarmouth Road, all some distance away, is arguably contrary to the definition of “cluster” contained in Policy SCLP5.4.
    • This proposal is also contrary to Policy MEL1 in the Melton Neighbourhood Plan in terms of development outside the physical limits boundary of the village.
  • The proposed access onto Lower Road is very close to the entrance to the Montessori school and Councillors have concerns about road safety.

                              21.117.02               DC/21/4943/FUL Ambleside Cottage, Valley Farm Road, Melton

Rear extension, cladding of external store, rear elevation and dormers, internal    reconfiguration and alterations.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval of the application, as Melton PC Planning and Transport Committee considers the application to be in line with the National Planning Policy Framework, the Suffolk Coastal Local Plan and the Melton Neighbourhood Plan.

21.117.03               DC/21/4994/FUL 11 Rixon Crescent, Melton Park

                          Demolition of existing rear conservatory and erection of new single storey rear extension.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval of the application, as Melton PC Planning and Transport Committee considers the application to be in line with the National Planning Policy Framework, the Suffolk Coastal Local Plan and the Melton Neighbourhood Plan.

21.117.04                DC/21/5116/FUL 38 Garrod Approach, Melton Park

                                Single storey extension to rear and side.

It was RESOLVED to make no comment on this application.

21.117.05                DC/21/5192/FUL 30 Fernhill Close, Melton

                                Ground floor rear extension and 1st floor side extension.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval of the application, as Melton PC Planning and Transport Committee considers the application to be in line with the National Planning Policy Framework, the Suffolk Coastal Local Plan and the Melton Neighbourhood Plan.


21.118                 To review updates on other Planning Applications

21.118.01                DC/20/1831/OUT Land off St Andrews Place and Waterhead Lane, Melton

Residential development of up to 55 dwellings, with access off St Andrews Place. Melton PC has consistently recommended refusal of this application on the grounds that access via the St Andrew’s estate is neither supported by the Neighbourhood Plan nor considered acceptable in planning terms. On 30 March 2021 East Suffolk Council Planning Committee (South) considered the application and delegated authority to determine to the Head of Planning and Coastal Management on the basis of approval being granted subject to no objections being received from Natural England and / or Suffolk County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority, a s106 Agreement detailing highways improvement works, affordable housing provision, a contribution to the Suffolk Coast RAMS and controlling conditions 1 to 25 as set out in the decision; otherwise to refuse. Since the decision was made following legal representations from an objector East Suffolk Council has agreed to remit the application back to the Planning Committee (South) for re-consideration. A date for this is still awaited.


21.119                 To review Planning Notices received

                           No new Notices have been received.


21.120                To review the position on existing Planning Appeals

21.120.01                 AP/21/0039/REFUSE Land off Yarmouth Road, Melton

                                 An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State by Christchurch Land & Estates (Melton) Ltd against the decision of East Suffolk Council to refuse planning consent for a Care Village comprising an 80-bedroom care home together with 72 assisted care bungalows, club house, bowling green, car parking, open space provision with associated infrastructure and access. The Secretary of State has, with the consent of the parties, agreed to determine the appeal at a Public Inquiry, which will take place at East Suffolk House, Riduna Park, commencing on 14 December. The Inquiry is expected to run for 4 days. A link to all the relevant documents can be found here:

[Note: Subsequent to the meeting the Inquiry was postponed. A new date will be advised in due course.]

Cllr Brown took Members through the key points of the Statement that he has prepared to deliver to the Public Inquiry. The full text of the Statement (which is now version 6) will be distributed to Members of Planning and Transport Committee, together with Cllr Abbott, immediately after the meeting. Further comments will be welcomed.

21.120.02                 AP/21/0047/REFUSE Land west of PROW 21, Woods Lane, Melton

An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the decision of East Suffolk Council to refuse planning consent for outline application for up to 27no.self-build and custom dwellings. The Secretary of State has, with the consent of the parties, agreed to determine the appeal by way of a Local Hearing at a date to be arranged. A date and venue are to be arranged.


21.121               Sizewell C update                   


                            The Clerk reported that the Examination period is now concluded and the Examining      Authority will report to the Secretary of State by 14 January 2022. The Secretary of State will make his decision by 14 April.


21.122               Melton Neighbourhood Plan refresh

                             Cllr Brown informed Members that a summary of the proposed changes to the Plan have been supplied to the Planning Policy Team at East Suffolk Council, seeking their view as to whether the proposed changes are minor, material or substantial. However Planning Policy officers were not asked what the impact would be if the Plan were to make it explicit that access to the new housing on land off St Andrews Place and Waterhead Lane must NOT be via the St Andrews’ estate. The Clerk will now put that question specifically to the Planning Policy officers. Meanwhile the paper incorporating the summary of changes prepared by Cllr Brown and the comments supplied by Planning Policy will be distributed to all Members of Planning and Transport Committee.

A decision needs to be made whether to press ahead with the refresh now or wait a further couple of months in case there is a decision on the Land off St Andrews Place application. Different views were expressed. Cllr Gradwell wanted to include in the refresh a specific statement that there will be no access via St Andrews; Cllr Darby wanted more time and suggested a working party on the refresh. Given that community benefits from any scheme on that site are less likely to emerge, is there any reason to press forward with the refresh? So far very few local councils have refreshed their Neighbourhood Plans. It was AGREED to have a further discussion on this at the meeting in January 2022.

21.123               To consider Planning and Transport implications of the draft budget for 2022/23

Papers MPC(21)116.03 and MPC(21)116.03a previously distributed were received.

Following discussion the Committee proposed no changes in respect of the draft budget heads relating to Planning and Transport Committee.

 21.124               To consider East Suffolk Council consultations:

  • Sustainable Construction Supplementary Planning Document (consultation period runs to 13 December)
  • Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (consultation period runs to 13 December)
  • Draft East Suffolk Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule

A link to the documents may be found here:

The Clerk advised Members that in terms of the proposed revised rates for CIL, Melton (and Woodbridge) are in the higher charging zone as before. Currently the charge is £192.86 per square metre for residential development and this proposal takes the charge up to £300 per square metre.

It was AGREED to NOTE these consultations.


21.125                 Melton Hill redevelopment – engagement with local councils

Paper PLA(21)125 previously distributed was received. The Clerk took Members through the history of the correspondence between East Suffolk and Woodbridge and Melton Councils over the wish to see a clear commitment to discussions over the redevelopment of this site, which has not so far progressed. This may well have been because the correspondence was directed at the Head of Planning, whereas the question might well have been put to the Deputy Leader of East Suffolk Council, who is overseeing the project. Members then considered the suggested draft letter to be sent to the Deputy Leader. This was AGREED, and copies should also be sent to the Leader of East Suffolk Council and the Town Clerk of Woodbridge.


21.126                To consider Local Highways, Traffic and parking Matters

21.126.01            Pedestrian improvements for Melton Road / Melton Hill and major redesign of approach to Winifred Fison House – update

                                 The Assistant Clerk reported that she is still awaiting information on the yellow lining proposals from Suffolk Legal Services and will chase. She has however received indicative costings for the crossings in the region of £12k, but so far no information on full contract arrangements or costs. The pavement works along Melton Road have been completed, with the footway adjacent to the playing field widened and resurfaced. In relation to the proposed creation of a parking area in front of Winifred Fison House, pre-planning advice has been sought as to whether a full planning application will be required for the dropped kerb. A minor works licence from Suffolk CC will be required for the actual works to be undertaken by Highway Assurance at a cost of £39,878.14, including the cost of block paving for the parking bays. Meanwhile a desktop safety audit has been commissioned.

21.126.02                 Bentwaters / Peninsular traffic issues

                               Cllr Brown reminded Members that a group of parishes along the A1152, including Melton, are examining these. There will be an online meeting on 8 December when the results of recent traffic surveys will be shared. Cllr Brown will give an update to the next meeting of Planning and Transport Committee in January.


21.126.03                 Suffolk Lorry Route review- consultation

                                 Paper PLA(21)126.03 previously distributed was received. The Clerk took Members through the background to this. Suffolk County Council is reviewing recommended lorry routes across the county. Part of this is a community led review of issues experienced in local communities. Parish councils are invited to report up to three important issues associated with lorry movements in their communities by 17 December. Cllr Brown had previously suggested 3 proposals, and these were set out in the paper. Following discussion it was RESOLVED that the three issues to be raised would be (subject to endorsement by County Cllr Nicoll):

  • Concern that the volume of heavy vehicles using Woods Lane is damaging the road surface which therefore needs more regular maintenance
  • Concern that the speed limit between the Sutton Hoo roundabout and the bend in the A1152 at the level crossing at 60mph is too high and should be reduced in the interests of road safety.
  • Concern at the limitations of the Melton level crossing and should be subject to a review to see if improvements can be made.

Proposed by: Cllr Gradwell                        Seconded by: Mr Corston

21.126.04                 Dock Lane, Melton traffic issues 

                                 Paper PLA(21)126.04 previously distributed was received. The Clerk summarised the issues set out in the report which can be summarised as traffic volumes, speed and the effects on residential amenity. The decision that needed to be made was whether or not the Parish Council is willing to spend £410 (or seek support from the District Councillor for a grant from her Locality Budget) to fund a week long traffic survey to be caried out by Highways. If that is done and Highways identifies mitigations that can be made, then there would likely be a request to the Parish Council to fund these. It was observed that there is a danger that the survey will conclude the obvious – the road is not wide enough for all the demands made upon it. Following a discussion it was RESOLVED that the Council will NOT fund the survey.

Proposed by: Cllr Darby                             Seconded by: Cllr Holmes

21.126.05                 Speed management issues – update

The Assistant Clerk reported that the Speed Indicator Device (SID) has now been moved from Melton Road to Yarmouth Road. A date is still awaited for the installation of the stronger post to support the solar panel. Prices have been obtained for procuring a more powerful solar panel; £575 plus VAT for a new 80 watt panel to replace the current 46 watt unit has been quoted, or if the existing panel is returned at the same time, the cost can be reduced by £200.

Police safety enforcement teams have visited the A1152 in Melton 12 times, with 113 offences detected. An installation date for the SID posts at Bredfield Road is still awaited.

The proposal to extend the existing 30mph limit along Wilford Bridge Road to the roundabout at the junction between the A1152 and the B1083 and also to install a pedestrian crossing point near to the bridge has been discussed and backed by Bromeswell Parish Council.

21.126.06                 Quiet Lanes – update

The Clerk reported no movement in relation to the Melton proposals due to outstanding legal issues with other proposed Quiet Lanes elsewhere in the County. Once these are resolved all the proposed Lanes in Wave 3 will be signed off together.

21.126.07                 Road safety issues – Bredfield Road 

                                 The Assistant Clerk reported that Highways have assessed the options as:

  • Widening the bellmouth with Woods Lane to allow for an island crossing on Bredfield Road
  • Creating a new footway along the east side of Bredfield Road from Woods Lane for a sufficient distance to afford a safe crossing place which could be an island crossing or dropped kerbs.

The estimated cost of the detailed design work necessary to establish the cost of works is £7,138.50. It was AGREED to approach East Suffolk Council in the first instance to see if they are willing to offer funding via District CIL.

21.126.08                 Bredfield Road bus shelter refurbishment – update

                                 The Assistant Clerk reported that the order has been placed for the supply of the anti-graffiti and perforated aluminium panels. Cllr Nicoll has offered £700 towards the cost. The work is likely to be carried out in the new year and the cigarette bin will be installed at the same time.


21.127                To consider planning enforcement matters

21.127.01                 East Suffolk authorised enforcement action – case update

                                 Nothing to report.


21.128                Planning Committee Chair’s urgent business

                            There was none.


21.129                Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 26 January 2022, commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT.  There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21:15.


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