Pedestrian improvements for Melton Road / Melton Hill and major redesign of approach to Winifred Fison House – update
Melton Road/Hill
Highways have priced the job and the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) for the 2 crossings is just over £12k. The order has been placed and a provisional date of April has been given. £40k was allocated to this project and there is £35,755 remaining.
The Legal team at Suffolk CC is drafting the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for the double yellow lines along Melton Road/Hill. They queried if the owners of the private roads have been consulted so Highways are looking into ownership, although some of the private roads do not have owners. The Primary School has asked for the bus layby by the school, which is owned by Highways, to have double yellow lines included in the TRO to discourage people from parking there and to be able to provide disabled parking provision.
Winifred Fison House Parking
East Suffolk Council have confirmed that we will not need to make a planning application to drop the kerb. The desktop safety audit took place in December and there were two recommendations:
- Add a buffer zone in front of the bays
- Create a safe pedestrian route to the footpath from the parking bays
The audit report was reviewed by Highway Assurance, and they adjusted their quote to accommodate these recommendations. The quote is to:
“Excavate and Install new Parking bays as per design, plus additional 1.0m buffer zone front of bay and 1.2m wide AC footway at rear of bays with 3 number link footways to main footpath.”
The cost has increased from £37,729.79 to £45,565.41. Although timings are subject to change currently it could be scheduled in for March and would take around 3 weeks to complete.
The desktop survey cost £735.00 and the minor works licence from Highways will cost around £1k. £50k has been allocated for this project so with the increased cost there would be £2.7k remaining for landscaping/EV charging.
A survey to install an EV charger has been requested, although without a power supply it is looking unlikely that it will be a suitable site.
Members are asked to confirm if they wish to proceed with the works at Winifred Fison House at the higher price.
Pip Alder, Clerk and Executive Officer to the Council
20 January 2022