
PLA(22)60.03 Speed Management and Road Safety Update

Planning & TransportPlanning & Transport Agendas & Papers Uploaded on June 1, 2022


Speed Management and Road Safety Update

A meeting took place on Monday 30th May between Cllrs Brown and Banks, Cllr Alexander Nicoll and a Suffolk County Council Safety and Speed Management Engineer to discuss Bredfield Road and Wilford Bridge Road. This paper covers the outcomes of this meeting and an update on the Speed Indicator Devices.

Bredfield Road – speeding concerns

There are continued concerns regarding speeding vehicles on Bredfield Road, which the data from the Speed Indicator Device supports. There was a traffic accident in May involving a resident in their garden, although it is not known if the vehicle was speeding.

The Woodbridge 20mph scheme was discussed and it was suggested by the SCC engineer that Bredfield Road could be included in this scheme. The total cost of the 20mph scheme is not currently available nor is there an agreed timescale. Members are asked to consider proposing that Bredfield Road should be included in the Woodbridge 20mph scheme. It is not known what costs this would incur at this stage.

In addition to the 20mph scheme, there is also the Mini Holland Project, which has just won £80k of government funding for a feasibility study. The study covers Woodbridge and Melton, including Bredfield Road.

It is hoped that the two schemes will tie in together, although it is likely that the Mini Holland scheme could be implemented sooner than the 20mph scheme.

Bredfield Road – pedestrian scheme

Suffolk County Council (SCC) have quoted £7k for a feasibility study to look at pedestrian improvements on Bredfield Road. This would look at improving the junction with Woods Lane, extending the footpath along Bredfield Road and installing some form of pedestrian crossing on Bredfield Road. It was agreed that before any feasibility study begins SCC will establish land ownership of the verge on Bredfield Road and that some form of pedestrian crossing can be installed. It is believed that the verge is owned by SCC.

Once this has been established, SCC will detail the scope of the feasibility study and the outputs. This should include a ballpark figure for the scheme costs.

Cllr Nicoll is willing to donate £4k to the cost of the feasibility study. The remaining costs could potentially be funded through the Parish Council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds.

The costs of any works could then be funded through a range of sources including the Active Travel Fund, ESC for District CIL and Parish CIL.

Wilford Bridge Road – speed reduction to 30mph

There are concerns that the current speed limit of 60mph along Wilford Bridge between the roundabout and the level crossing is inappropriate and should be reduced to 30mph. The SCC engineer explained that a speed limit report is needed, which would then be taken to Cabinet for approval. This will cost between £800 and £1200 (higher cost if a speed survey is required). As data has been collected in this area for the Bentwaters project, the engineer will check if sufficient data has already been collected for this stretch. The engineer will provide an estimate for the Traffic Regulation Order and implementation of a speed reduction.

Speed Indicator Device – update

The Parish Council owns three SIDs, two of which are powered using a solar panel. The latest SID is currently on Bredfield Road. It does not include a smiley/angry face and some residents have indicated that without this the sign is less effective. To upgrade to one with a smiley/angry face would cost £500. Alternatively this SID could be kept and used around the village where a solar panel cannot be used and a further SID (with smiley/angry face) could be purchased. The cost of a new SID with a smiley/angry face is £3,255. This includes the data logging facility and a solar panel kit. If the current solar panel kit was reused the cost would be £2,780.

The original SID, which is currently battery powered, cannot cope with the volume of traffic and the battery runs out frequently. There have been ongoing discussions with the supplier regarding alternative batteries and a solar panel. The office is awaiting costs for a solar panel.

A request to update three of the SID posts (Wilford Bridge Road and Melton Road) to be able to support a solar panel has been submitted to SCC.


Members are asked to:

  • Agree if they would like Bredfield Road to be considered as part of the Woodbridge 20mph zone.
  • Agree to propose to Full Council that the remaining costs for the feasibility study for Bredfield Road pedestrian improvements should be funded through Parish Council CIL.
  • Agree to propose to Full Council that a speed limit report for Wilford Bridge Road should be carried out and funded using Parish Council CIL.
  • Decide if they wish to upgrade the latest SID to one with a smiley/angry face and take the proposal to Full Council for agreement.
  • Decide if they wish to purchase a 4th SID and take the proposal to Full Council for agreement.


Pip Alder, Clerk and Executive Officer to the Council

1st June 2022