
PLA(22)M02 Minutes of Planning & Transport Committee 9th March 2022

Planning & TransportPlanning & Transport Minutes Uploaded on March 14, 2022



Minutes of the meeting of Melton Parish Council Planning and Transport Committee held on Wednesday 9th March 2022, commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT.                                                                                                                                                         



Cllr Brown (in the Chair)

Cllr Darby

Cllr Hilson

Cllr Porter

Cllr Gradwell

Mr A Corston



Cllr Holmes


In Attendance:


P Alder Clerk and Executive Officer to Melton Parish Council

The Council’s Footpaths Advocate

Part 1/1 – Open to the Public

Item No         Item to be discussed


22.17              To receive apologies for absence

No apologies were received


22.18              Declarations of Interest

22.18.01            To receive Amendments to the Register

There were none

22.18.02            To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.18.03            To receive Declarations of Non Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.18.04            To consider Full / Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared

There were none


22.19             Public Participation Session     

22.19.01            To receive a report from the Council’s Cycling Advocate

No report was received

22.19.02            To receive a report from the Council’s Footpaths Advocate

The Footpath Advocate noted that the footpath along Pytches Road needs clearing of leaves and one of the streetlights is out. Both have been reported. He also presented a sketch map of road layout changes for the Melton crossroads and The Street – Making The Street one way and changing the crossroads to a roundabout and possibly adding a mini roundabout at the junction of Wilford Bridge Road and Station Road. Members reviewed the proposal but were concerned that it could create more traffic issues in Station Road and Saddlemakers Lane. It was also noted that a bus stop would have to be relocated. The Clerk was asked to contact the local Safety and Speed Management Engineer about the feasibility of a roundabout to replace the Melton crossroads.


22.20              To approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

It was RESOLVED that minutes PLA(22)M01 previously distributed be received, noted and signed as a correct record by the Chair.

Proposed by: Cllr Porter                              Seconded by: Cllr Hilson


22.21              To review new Planning Applications received


The following applications were considered, and all members agreed the following:

DC/22/0124/FUL PinkneysNeutral – MPC resolved to make no comment on this application other than to request that ESC impose a requirement that the new buildings should not be used for a commercial purpose as this might increase traffic flows on Turnpike Lane and that maximum protection should be given to the flora and fauna.
DC/22/0641/FUL 6 Coppice Close – Approve
DC/22/0437/FUL 5 Clements Road – Approve
DC/22/0438/LBC 5 Clements Road – Approve

22.22              To review updates on other Planning Applications

22.22.01            DC/20/1831/OUT Land off St Andrews Place and Waterhead Lane, Melton

Residential development of up to 55 dwellings, with access off St Andrews Place. Melton PC has consistently recommended refusal of this application on the grounds that access via the St Andrew’s estate is neither supported by the Neighbourhood Plan nor considered acceptable in planning terms. On 30 March 2021 East Suffolk Council Planning Committee (South) considered the application and delegated authority to determine to the Head of Planning and Coastal Management on the basis of approval being granted subject to no objections being received from Natural England and / or Suffolk County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority, a s106 Agreement detailing highways improvement works, affordable housing provision, a contribution to the Suffolk Coast RAMS and controlling conditions 1 to 25 as set out in the decision; otherwise to refuse. Since the decision was made following legal representations from an objector East Suffolk Council has agreed to remit the application back to the Planning Committee (South) for re-consideration. The Planning Committee (South) reconsidered the application at their meeting on the 22nd February 2022. Committee members carried out a site visit through St Andrews prior to the meeting. Although recommended for approval by the Planners the Committee voted for the application to be refused on matters relating to Highway Safety.

An appeal is likely to be lodged. Members asked the Clerk to contact the Fire Service about any concerns they might have about access through St Andrews. It was also proposed that MPC should commission a traffic survey and that the Clerk would contact Grundisburgh PC and Framlingham TC about recent surveys they carried out to obtain a quote to take to Full Council later this month. Cllr Gradwell will also contact Cllr Nicoll regarding getting a stronger objection from Highways.


22.23              To review Planning Notices received

No new Notices have been received.



22.24              To review the position on existing Planning Appeals

22.24.01            AP/21/0039/REFUSE Land off Yarmouth Road, Melton

An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State by Christchurch Land & Estates (Melton) Ltd against the decision of East Suffolk Council (ESC) to refuse planning consent for a Care Village comprising an 80-bedroom care home together with 72 assisted care bungalows, club house, bowling green, car parking, open space provision with associated infrastructure and access. The Secretary of State has, with the consent of the parties, agreed to determine the appeal at a Public Inquiry, which was due to take place on 14 December 2021 but was postponed. A new date of the 15th March has been set and Cllr Brown will attend and speak. Cllr Brown has distributed version 7 of the appeal document to members. He will be using this at the Appeal and it has also been submitted to the Planning Inspector. Considering the recent appeal result for the Woods Lane self-build houses, MPC is hopeful we have a strong case and that the appeal will also be dismissed.

22.24.02            AP/21/0047/REFUSE Land west of PROW 21, Woods Lane, Melton
An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the decision of ESC to refuse planning consent for outline application for up to 27no.self-build and custom dwellings. The Secretary of State has, with the consent of the parties, agreed to determine the appeal by way of a Local Hearing at a date to be arranged. A virtual hearing took place on 8th February 2022 and the result was received on the 9th March. The appeal was dismissed, and it was encouraging that the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan carried significant weight.

22.25              Sizewell C update
On 16th February 2022, MPC submitted a final representation to the Secretary of State emphasising our opposition to EDF’s night train proposals and also summarising our positions on the wider Sizewell C planning application, particularly the latter’s all-important freight transport strategy.

The Secretary of State then has to 25 May 2022 to make a decision on the SZC application, subject to the possibility of legal challenge.

A presentation from the SZC team to MPC has been arranged for the 13th April at 6pm.


22.26              Melton Neighbourhood Plan refresh

Cllr Brown reported that considering the result of the Planning Application DC/20/1831/OUT and the likelihood of an appeal the NP refresh remains on hold.


22.27              Review of Local Validation List – Initial consultation

Members considered the consultation and felt that no comments were required.


22.28              To consider Local Highways, Traffic and parking Matters

22.28.01            Pedestrian improvements for Melton Road / Melton Hill and major redesign of approach to Winifred Fison House – update

Winifred Fison – A Minor Works Licence Application has been submitted and a few queries were raised which have been answered by Highway Assurance. The inclusion of tree root protection means the cost has risen by £2.5k but it still falls within budget. Highway Assurance have availability in May and June and the Clerk will chase up Suffolk County Council (SCC) regarding the Minor Works Licence so the work can be programmed. The office has been made aware that a campervan has been parked on the land and will need to ensure that it and other cars move off the land before construction begins. Landscaping around the site could be funded using a bequest and if so would include a memorial tree and plaque.

Melton Road/Hill Crossings – these were originally planned for April however there is now no confirmed date. NB 11th – 25th July were confirmed on 10th March 2022. The double yellow line project is delayed as SCC Legal asked Highways to confirm that they had consulted with all the private road owners. Currently waiting for legal to sign off the TRO.

22.28.02            Bentwaters / Peninsular traffic issues

Cllr Brown reported that there was a recent meeting of the Parish Councils involved in the A1152/Bentwaters Traffic group. There are concerns that the traffic figures being used are skewed by the pandemic. A meeting is being arranged with Highways to understand the data. 

22.28.03           Speed management issues – update

The Clerk reported that the SID data from Yarmouth Road in December and January showed that most traffic was travelling between 40 and 60mph. It was AGREED that the SID should be moved to the other side of Bredfield Road and that a proposal should be taken to Full Council to purchase a 3rd SID with solar panel for £2,990.

Proposed by: A Corston                              Seconded by: Cllr Brown

22.28.04            Quiet Lanes – update

The Clerk reported that the office will be attending a virtual meeting next week and that the following information about Wave 3 had been received:

The Suffolk Highways Engineer has completed his assessment of the responses from the Highways consultation on all W3 lanes. A small number of objections were received, but the good news is that we have been advised that all W3 lanes will be recommended for designation. SHA are currently preparing the formal report to the SCC Cabinet member for transport which forms the basis of the Designation Notice. We anticipate that the formal Designation sign off and publication should not take as long as it did for W1 & W2. Once the legal designation notice has been published then W3 parishes will be able to collect and install their own signs as per our procedure above.

22.28.05            Road safety issues – Bredfield Road 

The Clerk reported that the SID was installed on Bredfield Road in February. Anecdotal evidence suggests it had a positive impact initially, however now it may not be as effective now. Residents have asked if it can be moved to the post on the opposite side of the road. With regards to the pedestrian improvements the Feasibility Study can be funded from CIL but MPC would not have adequate funds for a pedestrian crossing (£100k). SCC will need to put in a bid to ESC to apply for District CIL funding.


22.29              To consider planning enforcement matters

22.29.01            ENF/22/0027/COND – Deben Meadows

The Clerk reported that there is a possible Breach of Control: Alleged breach of conditions 26 and 27 of DC/18/5216/VOC & DC/18/4890/DRC where the developer has installed a different surface water system to the one approved.

22.29.02            East Suffolk authorised enforcement action – case update

Nothing to report


22.30              Planning Committee Chair’s urgent business

A meeting has been arranged between Woodbridge Town Council and Stephen Baker and Andrew Jarvis of ESC to discuss the Melton Hill (former Council offices) development. Cllr Brown is also attending the meeting.


There was a discussion regarding Ukraine and if a Ukrainian flag should be flown from the Recreation Ground flagpole. A flag has been donated to the Council. A vote was taken, and it was 5:1 in favour of flying the flag. It was also agreed that the statement of support distributed by NALC would be added to the website and that any Councillor could choose to sign it.


22.31              Date of next meeting


The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 20th April 2022, commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:41.