Minutes of the meeting of Melton Parish Council Planning and Transport Committee held on Wednesday 13th July 2022, commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT.
Cllr Brown (in the Chair)
Cllr Darby
Cllr Gradwell
Cllr Holmes
Mr A Corston
Cllr Hilson
Cllr Stearn
Cllr Porter
In Attendance:
P Alder Clerk to Melton Parish Council
Minutes – Part One of One – Open to the Public
Item No Item to be discussed
22.64 To receive apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Porter
22.65 Declarations of Interest
22.65.01 To receive Amendments to the Register
There were none
22.65.02 To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda
There were none
22.65.03 To receive Declarations of Non Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda
There were none
22.65.04 To consider Full / Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared
There were none
22.66 Public Participation Session
22.66.01 To receive a report from the Council’s Cycling Advocate
Apologies were received from the Cycling Advocate. They commented that Wilford Bridge Road is the top priority for improvement re cycling.
22.66.02 To receive a report from the Council’s Footpaths Advocate
Apologies were received from the Footpaths Advocate and no report was received.
22.67 To approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 8th June 2022 (PLA(22)M04 previously distributed) were be received, noted and signed as a correct record by the Chair.
Proposed by: Cllr Darby Seconded by: Cllr Holmes
22.68 To review new Planning Applications received
22.68.01 DC/22/2535/FUL 27 Melton Grange Road
It was RESOLVED to recommend approval of the application.
22.68.02 DC/22/2228/FUL 24 Orchard Close
It was RESOLVED to ask that the planners confirm it is compliant in relation to the concerns expressed by a neighbour. It should be noted that a formal hire agreement will be in place between Melton Parish Council and the owner of 24 Orchard Close regarding the temporary erection of Heras fencing and scaffolding on land owned by Melton Parish Council adjacent to this property.
22.68.03 DC/22/2110/FUL 70 Hall Farm Road
It was RESOLVED to recommend approval of the application on the understanding that there will be no vehicular access to the side gate over land owned by Melton Parish Council.
22.68.04 DC/22/2079/FUL 86 Bury Hill
It was RESOLVED to make no comment on this application.
22.68.05 DC/22/2375/FUL 21 Saxon Way
It was RESOLVED to recommend approval of the application.
22.68.06 DC/22/2273/FUL Land To The East Of Lower Abbey Farm Eastbridge Road Leiston
It was RESOLVED to object to the Park&Ride at Bentwaters on the grounds that there are concerns it will not be a temporary facility and that it will lead to an increase of traffic through Melton on roads that are already of concern due to the levels of traffic. Committee members also raised concerns that the original consultee list only included Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council and none of the Parish Councils in the vicinity of the Park & Ride site were included.
22.68.07 DC/22/2456/FUL 20 Riduna Park
It was RESOLVED to recommend approval of the application on the basis that no animals are kept on the premises overnight in line with the accompanying Planning Statement.
22.69 To review updates on other Planning Applications
22.69.01 DC/20/1831/OUT Land off St Andrews Place and Waterhead Lane, Melton
Residential development of up to 55 dwellings, with access off St Andrews Place. Melton PC has consistently recommended refusal of this application on the grounds that access via the St Andrew’s estate is neither supported by the Neighbourhood Plan nor considered acceptable in planning terms. On 30 March 2021 East Suffolk Council Planning Committee (South) considered the application and delegated authority to determine to the Head of Planning and Coastal Management on the basis of approval being granted subject to no objections being received from Natural England and / or Suffolk County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority, a s106 Agreement detailing highways improvement works, affordable housing provision, a contribution to the Suffolk Coast RAMS and controlling conditions 1 to 25 as set out in the decision; otherwise to refuse. Since the decision was made following legal representations from an objector East Suffolk Council has agreed to remit the application back to the Planning Committee (South) for re-consideration. The Planning Committee (South) reconsidered the application at their meeting on the 22nd February 2022. Committee members carried out a site visit through St Andrews prior to the meeting. Although recommended for approval by the Planners the Committee voted for the application to be refused on matters relating to Highway Safety.
Information from Fire Service has been distributed to members. A new, but invalid, application for five – DC/22/1739/OUT has been received by ESC but it is not publicly available yet. It is invalid because the developer has not paid the correct fee. ESC sent a reminder on the 1st July 2022.
22.70 Public Consultations
22.70.01 Draft housing in Clusters and Small Scale Residential Development in the Countryside
ESC is inviting comments on a new planning document which provides guidance on the development of small scale housing, up to five dwellings, in the countryside. Paper PLA(22)70.01, previously distributed, was discussed and there were two concerns. One was about the definition of a highway – that it should be one that currently provides vehicular access – and the other was that the guidelines need to be clear that this doesn’t allow urban sprawl, and that the cumulative effect should be considered with each cluster. After discussion it was AGREED to submit these comments to the consultation.
Proposed by: Cllr Gradwell Seconded by: A Corston
22.70.02 SZC Environment Agency Permits
Consultation on the 3 permits that SZC Ltd has applied for in relation to Sizewell C: 1. Dispose of and discharge radioactive waste 2. Operate standby power supply systems using diesel generators 3.Discharge cooling water and liquid effluent into the North Sea
Members shared concerns expressed by local residents about the lack of evidence of how waste will be disposed of safely. They were also concerned about what effluent could be discharged and what adverse impact it could have. These comments will be submitted.
22.71 To review Planning Notices received
No new Notices have been received.
22.72 To review the position on existing Planning Appeals
22.72.01 AP/21/0039/REFUSE Land off Yarmouth Road, Melton
An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State by Christchurch Land & Estates (Melton) Ltd against the decision of East Suffolk Council to refuse planning consent for a Care Village comprising an 80-bedroom care home together with 72 assisted care bungalows, club house, bowling green, car parking, open space provision with associated infrastructure and access. The Secretary of State has, with the consent of the parties, agreed to determine the appeal at a Public Inquiry, which was due to take place on 14 December 2021 but was postponed. The appeal took place w/c 15th March with Cllr Brown attending and participating.
There have been discussions from the Inspector to the Council and appellant, but no decision has been made yet. It is expected to be received soon.
22.73 Melton Hill – Former Council Offices
Cllr Brown gave an update on the former Council Offices on Melton Hill that are being developed by Rose Builders. He attended the onsite presentation in June and believes it will be a sympathetic build using materials in keeping with the locality. It will be a traditional design and lower than the previous ‘cheese wedge’ proposal. All the existing buildings will be demolished and the developer has taken note of concerns about contractor parking during the construction.
22.74 Sizewell C update
On 16th February 2022, MPC submitted a final representation to the Secretary of State emphasising our opposition to EDF’s night train proposals and also summarising our positions on the wider Sizewell C planning application, particularly the latter’s all-important freight transport strategy.
The Secretary of State originally had until the 25 May 2022 to make a decision on the SZC application but on the 8 May it was announced that the decision would be delayed until the 8 July 2022 and then delayed again to the 20th July. This is to ensure there is sufficient time to fully consider further information provided by the applicant and interested parties in response to the Secretary of State’s post-examination consultation.
Melton Parish Council signed the Anglian Energy Planning Alliance letter which was sent to the Secretary of State (see Paper PLA(22)41).
There is a zoom meeting of the Energy Alliance and Stop Sizewell C group on Monday 18th July – details have been circulated to all Councillors.
22.75 Melton Neighbourhood Plan refresh and training
Paper PLA(22)75, previously distributed was considered. Realistically the refresh will take around 6 months and it is hoped that it will only require an inspection and not a referendum. If we change the existing allocated development site or add any new sites this would require a referendum. Cllr Gradwell is to forward a copy of the letter from the developer of the allocated site which stated access would be through Riduna/Warburg land onto Station Road. The office is organising a meeting with the land owners and it is proposed that a Refresh kick off meeting with Navigus Planning takes place on Tuesday 19th July at 6pm. All Councillors and members will be invited and Andrew Corston will extend the invitation to a local resident who was a former planning consultant. The Clerk/Cllr Brown will review the people involved in the original NP and see if they wish to be involved in the refresh.
22.76 To consider Local Highways, Traffic and parking Matters
22.76.01 Pedestrian improvements for Melton Road / Melton Hill and major redesign of approach to Winifred Fison House – update
The Clerk reported that the crossing points on Melton Road/Hill are currently under construction.
Winifred Fison House – still waiting for updated TOPO with visibility splays. Once we have this the minor works licence will be approved. Unfortunately, prices have risen in recent months. The new quote is £52,360.44 and prices are set to rise again in September. There is not enough left in this specific CIL EMR to cover this increased cost. It was RESOLVED to revert to FERM where the Emergency Decision Makers can approve the cost and add £1,875 to the Winifred Fison EMR.
22.76.02 Bentwaters / Peninsular traffic issues
Cllr Brown reported that there wasn’t much news to report and that a meeting is being arranged.
22.76.03 Speed management and Road Safety issues – update
The data from the original SID has been analysed and it is very heavily used which explains the battery life. A compatible solar panel has been identified and we are awaiting costs for this and a replacement battery.
Highways are awaiting posts to be delivered before scheduling the installation of the new SID posts.
The newest SID has been returned and replaced with one showing a smiley/sad face. This should be installed next week.
The Bredfield Road feasibility study is being fully funded by Cllrs Nicoll and Smith-Lyte and timescales will be confirmed. The speed data collected by the police should be available later this month once the operative is back from annual leave.
Wilford Bridge – Cllr Nicoll is funding a speeding report to get the speed limit reduced to 30mph and we are awaiting timescales.
Double Yellow Lines – Legal have drafted the Traffic Regulation Order notice. Double yellow lines will be added at the bus stop by the primary school and over entrances to the Rec Ground, Fayrefield Road, Deben Meadows, Hackney Road, and New Quay Lane. There is a 21-day advert period, after which it will be programmed. Hopefully the lines will be in place in a couple of months.
Melton Traffic Lights – diagonal crossing is not possible as the difference in crossing times between fast and slow would be too big and we would have to have a large intergreen to make it safe which would reduce the capacity of the junction.
Station Road – Two residents contacted the office with concerns about the speeding traffic along Station Road. Response from Highways is to consider additional waiting restrictions – either single yellows with no parking allowed between 8am to 6pm (the usual restriction) or double yellow lines to ensure 24/7 prevention of parking. Members felt that the parked cars potentially helped to slow traffic and as there were no reports of traffic accidents the proposal would be monitored and revisited if there were further complaints or accident reports.
Road Marking Replacement – Cllr Nicoll let the office know that the junction of Edwin Ave and Warwick Ave, Pytches Road build out near the tree and the bend on Bredfield Road near the junction with North Hill will be remarked within 14 weeks. In addition, Highways is looking at adding Keep Clear Markings on Woods Lane at the Hall Farm Road junctions.
22.76.04 Mini Holland Project
Clerk/Cllr Brown reported that they attended a meeting with Woodbridge Town Council and members of the SCC Mini Holland team on 30th June. SCC has won £80k to do a feasibility study. The scheme is not just about cycling but is to promote active living. This is the only rural bid so the team thinks they have a good chance of being successful with their bid. The Clerk has sent the team info from the recent primary school presentation and the team will be engaging with Woodbridge and Melton to develop the scheme proposal. It was noted that the map being used by the project team doesn’t cover a wide enough area and needs to reach out to cover more of Melton.
22.76.05 Quiet Lanes – update
The Clerk reported that Highways is struggling to find suitable post locations for the Quiet Lanes signs on Lodge Farm Lane and St Audry’s Lane. The physio practice on St Audry’s Lane has given permission for a sign outside their building and the Clerk is trying to find out who owns some land on Lodge Farm Lane. Still waiting on information about including Saddlemaker’s Lane in Wave 4.
22.77 To consider planning enforcement matters
22.77.01 ENF/22/0027/COND – Deben Meadows
Possible Breach of Control: Alleged breach of conditions 26 and 27 of DC/18/5216/VOC ·& DC/18/4890/DRC. The planning officer confirmed that with regards to contamination, due to the high levels of information ESC requires further site investigations must be completed by the developer. Due to this there may be significant delays in action whilst this information is gathered and provided. In regards to the drainage a determination regarding the issues has not been reached. However, ESC is liaising with the Local Floods Authority and Environment Agency and seeking their advice and expertise on the matter.
22.77.02 East Suffolk authorised enforcement action – case update
Nothing to report
22.78 Planning Committee Chair’s urgent business
There was none
22.79 Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 7th September 2022, commencing at 19:00 at 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton IP12 1QT. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:42.