
REC(21)38.01 Playing Field Report

RecreationRecreation Agendas & Papers Uploaded on May 20, 2021


Melton Playing Field

Play Park
Covid-related signs are replaced regularly and all equipment is open. The swings that were removed to ensure social distancing have not been replaced yet but hopefully will be from the 21st June. We have received two enquiries from members of the public asking for the swings to be reinstated. Risk Assessments were carried out at both the playing field play park and the Beresford Drive play area (REC(21)36.01a-b) and additional signs have been put up.

The annual inspection of both playgrounds will take place on the 13th July and Phil will also undertake his playpark inspection qualification at the same time.

Car Park
The resurfacing was carried out at the end of April/beginning of May and 24 parking bays have been marked, including one disabled space. Temporary barrier fencing is in place until the new metal barrier, to prevent people driving onto the field, is installed. The barrier fencing will have gaps for pedestrians/cyclists/pushchairs/disabled users that should not be blocked by parked cars.

Tennis Courts
The courts have been popular and over £750 has been banked since they reopened in April. The office received a request for hooks on which to hang coats/jumpers on, especially after wet weather. The maintenance officer is looking at solutions. Melton Primary School is currently using both courts on a Monday afternoon for an hour for an after school club.

Memorial Bench
A new memorial bench, funded by a resident, was installed near the zip wire.

A resident has expressed concern about the height of some of the concrete plinths in the playing field:

“I note that the concrete bases for benches and picnic tables have been set well above ground level for some reason leaving a rather sharp edge which is potentially a little dangerous especially at the corners. The base of the bench between tennis courts and pavilion is exceptionally high. I suggest some of the soil from the car park excavations is used to bring the surrounding ground level up to the level of the concrete (while allowing drainage from the surface of the concrete). It is possible to somewhat reduce the sharpness of the edges with an angle grinder.

If any further concrete bases are made, I suggest use of an edging tool to give a safer rounded edge, such as this example:

As demonstrated here:

A resident has asked if a bin could be placed next to the new bench near the zip wire to encourage those sitting there to put their rubbish in a bin.

Pavilion – Pop-Up Café
We have received an email from a mobile coffee business asking if they could run a pop up café service at the new Pavilion. They have asked if their details can be kept on file and contacted when the Pavilion is being constructed.

The maintenance officer is carrying out weekly checks of the CCTV to ensure it is working correctly. An additional camera has been placed above the door of the Pavilion, which gives clear close up images day and night, on a trial basis, due to ongoing ASB issues. If considered effective and necessary, this camera could be installed on the storage container during construction of the new Pavilion.

Memorial Trees
Two memorial trees (1 oak and 1 wild cherry) were planted at the beginning of May by the Tree Warden and his gang. Memorial plaques have been ordered and a dedication ceremony is proposed for the 28th June at lunchtime. Alan would lead the ceremony and has liaised with Jim’s and John’s widows regarding the plaques and the ceremony.

Tai-Chi Group
The Tai-Chi group that normally meets at the Burness are now meeting on the playing field on Tuesday mornings. They have supplied a copy of their insurance.

Suffolk Babies
They are running their post-natal outside meet ups on Tuesday mornings at the playing field.

A new hire agreement will come into effect from August 2021. This is to be discussed in item REC(21)38.02. The club has asked if they can play one weekend match on the 12th June (finished by 10.30am) as they are unable to arrange the fixture mid-week. No matches should be taking place at weekends in June and July.

Cricket Bat Willow Trees
I contact the company J S Wright & Sons Limited, who maintain the cricket bat willows. They visited the site and reported that “two trees are ready, one is a good tree and the other is very poor, as they are sheltered from the wind I think it would be a good idea to leave them until there are more ready in years to come. All the young trees are looking fantastic, one tree guard is missing but couldn’t see any sign of vandalism so fingers crossed they will stay like that.”

Councillors are asked to:

  • Note and comment on this report.
  • Decide if any action should be taken regarding the concrete plinths
  • Decide if an additional bin should be installed by the new bench, or if an existing one should be relocated there
  • Agree if the additional camera on the Pavilion should be retained
  • Agree the date of the 28th June for the dedication ceremony
  • Agree if the football club can play a match on the 12th June

Pip Alder

Asst Clerk and Management Officer

20th May 2021