Report from tree-warden: 7/9/21
I have been considering the information on the page below in anticipation of ordering trees that are freely available to us via our tree wardens, through the Suffolk Tree Warden Network:
We, as tree wardens, and as a committee have yet to identify where we will be planting. Ideally we will confine our planting to land managed by the MPC – there will then, hopefully, be less fuss about seeking permission.
There are school packs available too, so we might, as a committee approach our local schools to encourage them, our schools, to apply for a school pack (again via and with the support of the tree wardens)
We can latch our tree planting efforts onto the “Queen’s Green canopy” initiative – celebrating HM’s 70 years reign. This will, not least, involve a broader demographic in our enthusiastic efforts to install an abundant supply of local, organic carbon sequestration units.
We will have a few months until the first of our saplings are delivered; we will next need to discuss and agree upon the location of the projects we wish to promote and – most importantly – the arrangements we can make for after care for the first vulnerable years of a small tree’s life growing up in a climate that is rapidly changing.
Free webinar: I, Martin, have booked up on:
Queen’s Green Canopy – free event
A webinar is being held on Monday, 13th September at 12.30pm for 90minutes to book your place SALC Queen’s Green Canopy Webinar – SALC
(SALC stands for Suffolk Association of Local Councils)
I would be delighted if other interested parties joined me – I think there will be a lot of encouraging, enabling information shared. I’m not a note taker and I have a patchy memory.
We are late in the day with our orders – it will be helpful to have the go ahead to order, from the committee, and rely upon our ongoing commitment to the project to be sure we will find locations in order to see our project through – for queen & country …and for the biosphere.
Tree orders from Suffolk Tree Warden Network
Before ordering your trees, please read the following conditions. You will need to confirm your agreement by ticking the box on the order form before it can be submitted:
- I will ensure the principle of ‘right tree, right place’ is applied
- I have found suitable planting site(s)
- I have obtained permission from the landowner
- I will ensure the trees are planted according to ‘best practice’
- I will ensure aftercare is provided according to the planting guide
- I will provide feedback of the tree planting & aftercare, including photographs, to STWN.
2021-2 Tree packs consist of 50 cell grown ‘whips’ between 20 and 60 cm tall depending on supply and species. All whips are UK sourced and grown with regional provenance.
As in previous years, you can order a minimum of 50 trees (1 pack), 100 trees (2 packs) up to a maximum of 150 trees (3 packs) per Tree Warden.Due to the great demand for trees this year and crop failure of some species, we are unable to offer the same range as last year.
Each pack of 50 trees had 10 each of 5 tree species, namely:
- Oak
- Hornbeam
- Crab Apple
- Wild Cherry
- A choice of either Downy Birch of Whitebeam.
Please state your preference for either Downy Birch or Whitebeam on the order form. If you order only one pack, we will endeavour to supply your choice. Two packs will get one of each. Three packs will get two of your choice and one of the other. The Tree Packs are supplied on a first come, first served basis and your choice of species is not guaranteed.
Planting Guide
This page gives extensive guidance on planting the trees in your tree or hedgerow pack. also for planting all trees
Tree Protection
1.20m guards and 1.5m FSC certified stakes are available to order as these have proven to be best overall to protect the saplings from deer browsing damage. In fenced areas or some urban locations, the tall guards might not be necessary. Please indicate on the order form if you do not require guards & stakes.
Spirals & canes to prevent damage by hares, rabbits and voles, are also available to order if you are planting in a deer and domesticated animal proof fenced off area.
Many Tree Wardens may already have tree guards/stakes and/or spirals/canes. Please indicate on the order form if you require fewer of these to save on plastics and Woodland Trust costs. Alternatively, you may wish to have a mixture of guards/stakes and spirals/canes up to the total number of trees you are ordering.
Hedgerow Packs
The 2021-22 packs include the following in varying proportions:
- Hawthorn
- Field Maple
- Dogwood
- Guelder Rose
- Dog Rose
- Crab Apple
- Hazel – bare root.
This provides approximately five trees and shrubs per metre to be planted in a double row.
Oak are supplied to be grown as standards, one every ten metres and include guards & stakes which are essential to distinguish them.
Hedgerow packs are available as either 50 metres or 100 metres.
Due to increased demand and some crop failures, the species mix may vary according to availability.
The hedgerow shrubs & trees are supplied in bundles of 10.
One bundle of 25 bare root Hazel per order is available as an optional extra.
Spirals & canes are available to order.
Hedgerow packs are supplied on a first come, first served basis.
Those who want more than the maximum of 100 metres should go to the Woodland Trust MOREhedges scheme
Other Items:
I have placed a supporting stake for the memorial oak on the playing field. We will have an autumn team effort just checking how our small plantings have managed over the summer. Also we’ll use the time to remove plastics as and where appropriate – especially on the footpath that skirts behind the watertower.
Councillors are asked to:
- Note and comment on the report
- Decide if they wish to authorise the Tree Warden to go ahead and order trees for the Queen’s Canopy and delegate authority to the Assistant Clerk to liaise with the Tree Crew regarding the planting on MPC land, using Alice Martin’s report as guidance, and the ongoing maintenance. Tree friends will be needed to water and tend the trees.