
REC(21)M06 Recreation Minutes from 10th November 2021

RecreationRecreation Minutes Uploaded on November 15, 2021

Recreation Committee

Meeting Minutes – REC (21)M06

Minutes of the meeting of the Melton Parish Council Recreation Committee held on Wednesday 10th November 2021 at 7pm at the Melton Parish council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.


Cllr Mr C W Taylor (Chair)

Cllr Mrs C Gradwell

Cllr Miss K S Martin

Cllr Mr A Porter

Cllr Mr M Holmes

Cllr Harvey-Smith

Cllr Mr P James

Mrs C McBurney

In Attendance:

P Alder Assistant Clerk & Management Officer to Melton Parish Council

4 members of the public

Melton Parish Council Footpath Advocate

Melton Parish Council Tree Warden

Part One – Open to the Public

 Item No               Item to be discussed

21.83                   To receive apologies for absence

 There were none

21.84                   Declarations of Interest

21.84.01                     To receive Amendments to the Register

There were none

21.84.02                     To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

 There were none

21.84.03                     To receive Declarations of Non Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

21.84.04                     To consider Full/Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared

There were none

 21.85                   Open Forum for Members of the Public to talk to Councillors

Two households from Hall Farm Close raised the issue of the small area of trees adjacent to their houses. They have been in contact with East Suffolk Council/Suffolk Coastal in the past as it was an area that was neglected and subject to littering. The trees are causing issues for their garden and it is becoming very overgrown. The patch is only accessible through the residents’ gardens after ESC fenced off the patch of trees. After discussion it was agreed that the Asst Clerk would speak to a Tree Surgeon for advice and bring back to Recreation in January 2022.

A resident from Hope Crescent requested that two sycamore trees, on land owned by Melton Parish Council, are removed as they are damaging his fence line and overshadowing the house. The resident offered to replant two trees at their own cost but feels that the council should pay for the removal of the trees. A quote for £495 was provided. Councillors empathised with the resident but explained that they had limited funds available and their approach to tree management was to only remove trees that were damaged, diseased or dangerous. A Tree Policy will be formulated (REC(21)89.01) and it was agreed to take this request to Full Council on the 17th November for discussion. A second quote for removal would also be sought by the Asst Clerk.

It was RESOLVED to take the following item out of order

21.89.04                     Tree Warden Report

The Tree Warden discussed his report (REC(21)89.04) and it was AGREED that the planting proposals suggested were agreeable and could proceed. Cllr Gradwell offered wire netting for the compounds and it was agreed that other items such as posts and fixings could be funded from the CIL Sinking Fund. By planting hazel at Bury Hill near Fernhill Close, this could potentially become a product that the Council could sell/give in return for management in future years. The walnut tree would be planted well away from any houses at Beresford Drive. The footpath advocate explained the coppicing work that he has carried out and that he has started work on filling the gaps in the Melton Road hedge using the coppiced hazel. It was NOTED that the hedge on Melton Road may eventually need replacing and replanting completely. He also hopes to create some dead hedging in Burkes Wood to encourage users to keep to the paths and protect some areas. The Committee conveyed their thanks to the Tree Crew and Footpath advocate for all their work. They also asked the Tree Crew to pull up any sycamore saplings they come across.
Proposed by Cllr Holmes              Seconded by Cllr James

It was RESOLVED to revert to the order of the Agenda

21.86                   To approve the draft minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED to agree the minutes of the meeting held on 15th September 2021 (REC(21)M05 previously distributed).
Proposed by Cllr Martin                Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith

21.87                   Recreation Name

It was unanimously AGREED that the Committee would continue to be called Recreation.
Proposed by Cllr Gradwell           Seconded by Cllr Taylor

21.88                   Melton Playing Field

21.88.01                     Playing Field Report

Members discussed the report (REC(21)88.01). It was AGREED that there was no need to provide a portable toilet for the football club whilst the Pavilion was demolished and rebuilt (there was no expectation by the club and the cost could escalate if the build takes longer than expected) and that the proposal for the new sign for the playing fields should be taken to Full Council for approval.
Proposed by Cllr Harvey-Smith                 Seconded by Cllr Porter

21.88.02                     Play Park Inspection Plan of Action

The plan of action (REC(21)88.02) resulting from the recent Play Park Inspection was reviewed and it was AGREED that the actions should be carried out and the Asst Clerk will investigate the cost of wider matting under the zip wire and bring back to Recreation for approval.
Proposed by Cllr Gradwell                           Seconded by Cllr Porter

21.88.03                     Pedestrian Gate

The Asst Clerk has looked at the feasibility of creating an additional pedestrian gate into the playing fields at the northern end, to align with the island crossing proposed on Melton Road. It was felt accessing through the entrance by Hutchison Meadow could be a possibility. The Asst Clerk has contacted the landowner and will report back to Recreation in January.

21.88.04                     Car Boot Sale Dates

The proposed dates for the Car Boot Sales in 2022 were AGREED: 7th May, 11th June, 2nd July, 6th August, 20th August, 3rd September and 17th September. Should the Pavilion not be available and the car boot sales still wish to go ahead then the cost of hiring toilet facilities would fall on the organisers.
Proposed by Cllr Gradwell                           Seconded by Cllr James

21.88.05                     Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations

The request to light the beacon and raise a flag on the 2nd June 2022 was considered. The Committee is happy for this to take place but no-one from Recreation was able to take on the responsibility for organising the event. It was AGREED to take to Full Council on the 17th November to ascertain if any other Councillor is willing to take on the project.
Proposed by Cllr Martin                                Seconded by Cllr Taylor

21.88.06                     Tennis Courts

The Committee reviewed the hire fees for the tennis courts and considered a request from a user of the tennis courts to consider annual membership or a repeat booking reduction. It was felt that the tennis courts are well used but leaving the gates open was not feasible as they were likely to be damaged and the income from the hire was required to maintain the courts.  After discussion it was AGREED that the hire fee would remain at £6 an hour and that a repeat booking discount would be too onerous for the garage/office to operate. Cllr Harvey- Smith suggested asking the school to remind pupils that the courts are available for hire as some families were unaware they could book them.
Proposed by Cllr Harvey-Smith                 Seconded by Cllr Martin

21.88.07                Zip Wire

The Committee discussed the zip wire (REC(21)88.07) after receiving a report of a child fracturing their arm when using it. There was no indication that the accident was a result of a fault with the zip wire and it was NOTED that the zip wire is inspected regularly as part of our inspection plans. The Asst Clerk had contacted ESC and they were not aware of any safety issues regarding zip wires. It was AGREED that the zip wire would remain in operation, but a full inspection would be carried out by Kompan every 3-5 years.
Proposed by Cllr Martin                Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith

21.89                   Woodland and Trees

21.89.01                     Tree Policy

Since taking on the land from ESC the office has received a lot of enquiries from residents regarding trees, namely to remove them. After discussion the Committee AGREED that a Tree Policy/Statement should be formulated and circulated for discussion and approval at the next meeting. It will also be raised at next week’s Full Council meeting. The Council is reluctant to remove trees unless absolutely necessary ie if they are diseased, dangerous or damaged. It was suggested that a form should be placed on the website that residents could use to raise any tree concerns. The Asst Clerk will also check the process that ESC follows with regards to tree issues.

The question was also raised if any of the divested land could be sold or rented. It was AGREED to take this to Full Council on the 17th November.
Proposed by Cllr Martin                Seconded by Cllr James

21.89.02                     Emergency Tree Works

Due to a major limb failure on a horse chestnut in the Leeks Hill woods, emergency tree works were carried out in October. The tree surgeon has recommended closing off the entrance to the woods from Saxon Way and cordoning off the tree with a barrier and explanatory notices to reduce foot traffic around the tree. This will help protect the tree and is advisable for public safety. It was AGREED that this work would be carried out and the Tree Crew would be asked if they could undertake the task. Cllr Gradwell offered some rope.
Proposed by Cllr Porter                 Seconded by Cllr Martin

21.89.03                     Burkes Wood Pond

Suppressive matting was laid around the pond to help contain the invasive crassuli. The contractor advised that silver birch and oak trees should be planted around the pond to increase shading. Although this could impact the biodiversity, shading will help slow the spread of the crassuli. If left uncontrolled the pond will be covered completely by the crassuli.  It was AGREED to ask the Tree Crew to plant trees in this area.
Proposed by Mrs McBurney        Seconded by Cllr James

21.89.05                     TPO Applications

There were none

21.90                   Divested Land

21.90.01                     Hall Farm Road Sports Ground

The Committee discussed the findings in the report (REC(21)90.01a) and the SWT report on the wetland area (REC(21)90.01b). It was AGREED to progress with the following enhancements and take to Full Council for approval: remove existing football goal and replace with 1 x 9aside goal facing the other way to the existing goal, basketball hoop with a quiet surface, one bench to be placed near the fruit trees, move the bin nearer the bench, add bird/bat boxes, create a wilder area around the wetland area to encourage wildlife and biodiversity and add more trees by the fruit trees. From the report from SWT it was AGREED to get a quote for coppicing the trees. It is hoped that costs will be covered through grants, CIL and the playpot.
Proposed by Cllr Harvey-Smith                 Seconded by Cllr Gradwell.

21.90.02                     Hall Farm Road Sports Ground Fence, Paths and Bins

The maintenance officer is replacing the broken fence panels and has placed some oak chippings on the muddy paths. It was AGREED that no additional bins were required and that further chippings would be laid as this had been effective so far.  One quote has been received for clearing the vegetation from the stream. Once a second quote is received a decision will be made on how to proceed.
Proposed by Cllr Porter                 Seconded by Mrs McBurney

21.90.03                     Beresford Drive Play Area

The Committee reviewed the plan of remedial action as a result of the Annual Play Inspection of the Beresford Drive Play Area (REC(21)90.03). It was AGREED that the work would be carried out, including replacing the wooden edging strips.
Proposed by Cllr Martin                Seconded by Cllr Gradwell

21.90.04                     Saxon Way Footpath

A quote to carry out repairs to the steps was reviewed and it was agreed to proceed with this work. It would be funded through the CIL Sinking Fund EMR.
Proposed by Cllr Porter                 Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith

21.90.05                     AONB Reedbed Clearance

The Scrub Clearance & Reedbed Management will be taking place on Tuesday 7th December 2021. Volunteers can sign up through the website  and further information will be shared with the Committee.

21.91                   Maintenance Officer

In addition to the Maintenance Officer’s usual tasks he has installed the shed at the playing field, installed fence panels at Hall Farm Road Sports Ground and installed two new noticeboards. The Committee conveyed their thanks and appreciation to him and Cllrs Porter and Taylor for the shed install as it was particularly challenging.

21.92                   SWT events

Cllr Martin raised the possibility of running some family wildlife events by SWT on Melton Parish Council land, eg Hall Farm Road Sports Ground, or at the Fete. The Asst Clerk will contact SWT regarding the feasibility of arranging these events.

21.93                   CIL and Grant Funded Projects

21.93.01                     Pavilion

The Asst Clerk reported that the Pavilion will be closed off from the 21st November and demolition will commence from the 6th December. There will be a further update at Full Council on the 17th November.

21.94                   Melton, Woodbridge and Deben Peninsula Community Partnership

The small grant scheme was discussed and it was AGREED that the Asst Clerk would apply for grants for the basketball hoop and/or the SWT events.
Proposed by Mrs McBurney                        Seconded by Cllr Martin

21.95                   Grit Bins and Noticeboards

Two new noticeboards have been installed (St Andrew’s Place and Melton Hill). It was AGREED that a memorial plaque to the late Cllr Hosking should be arranged for the Melton Hill noticeboard. Cllr Holmes requested some more magnets for his noticeboard. Grit bins have been ordered for St Andrew’s Place and Beresford Drive.
Proposed by Cllr Porter                                 Seconded by Cllr Holmes

21.96                   Anti-Social Behaviour

Cllr Gradwell reported that the ASB meeting was very useful. The police have offered to run a local event regarding securing sheds and outbuildings following a spate of thefts. Cllr Gradwell will be reporting about our experience of Speed Indicator Devices at the January meeting and the recent indecent exposure incidents will also be reported on at that meeting. It was advised to book taxis in advance if required as there is a shortage of taxi drivers. ASB has increased in Elmhurst Park. Cllr Harvey-Smith reported that several NOx canisters had been found at Hall Farm Road Sports Ground. The Asst Clerk reminded members to report any incidents to the police (101) and ESC – details are on the MPC website. Cllr Gradwell reported that there was a rough sleeper being helped by the church. The Asst Clerk provided details of the team at ESC that can be of assistance.

21.97                   Committee Chair’s Urgent Business

There was none

21.98                   To agree items for inclusion in the Melton Messenger/In Touch

Members to email Alan with any content

21.99                   Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 12th January 2022 commencing at 19:00 at the Melton Parish Council offices. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:27.

Actions from Previous Meetings

Minute Item     

21.20.01               Asst Clerk to liaise with the Maintenance Officer about the feasibility of installing board walks in the muddy area near the protected oak in Burkes Wood. Status – May not be required as oak chippings are being used

21.85                     Asst Clerk to seek quotes from a tree surgeon for the removal of two sycamores

21.88.01               Asst Clerk to take proposal for new sign to Full Council

21.88.02               Asst Clerk will investigate the cost of wider matting under the zip wire

21.88.03               Asst Clerk to investigate feasibility of adding new pedestrian gate at northern end of playing field

21.88.05               Beacon lighting for Queen’s Jubilee to be taken to Full Council

21.88.07               Zip wire inspection to be arranged with Kompan for 2022

21.89.01               Tree Policy/Statement to be created and circulated. Form for tree enquiries to be placed on the website

21.89.01               Question regarding selling/leasing land to be taken to Full Council

21.89.02               Tree Crew to cordon off horse chestnut tree and maintenance officer to close off footpath

21.89.03               Tree Crew to plant trees near the pond

21.90.01               Hall Farm Road Sports Ground enhancements to be taken to Full Council for approval

21.90.01               Asst Clerk to seek quote for coppicing at Hall Farm Road Sports Ground

21.92                     Asst Clerk to contact SWT regarding family events

21.94                     Asst Clerk to apply for Community Grants

21.95                     Asst Clerk to order additional magnets

21.95                     Asst Clerk to arrange memorial plaque for Cllr Hosking