Hall Farm Road
Play Equipment
The basketball and football goal have been installed at The Jubilee Green. The response has been very positive with reports of many people using the facilities and how much better the space is now. However, two residents have complained that the basketball obscures their view, has a surface that is very loud and is too close to the houses. One of these residents has also said that it encourages youths to loiter, and they have thrown a stone into his garden. They have been invited to come to the meeting to voice their concerns and advised to notify the police if there are incidents of ASB and vandalism. The maintenance officer has removed any larger stones from around the basketball area however the majority are just small pieces of gravel.
The wildflower area planted by Transition Woodbridge and local volunteers has flowered and there have been many compliments about the work that has been done. Two water butts are being installed by a resident’s garden, so volunteers have a ready access to a water supply for the saplings. Transition Woodbridge is proposing to plant some additional fruit trees in the autumn.
Javelin Throwing
The office received a report that a resident was carrying out javelin practise on the Green. Some Parish Councils have instigated Byelaws to prevent this sort of activity (eg, however this is a convoluted process that requires approval from the Secretary of State. SALC have advised that this should be done as a last resort and suggested that the resident could be spoken to and/or placing signage advising against dangerous activities.
SBD has been approached to quote for designing a sign for The Jubilee Green. Full Council agreed a budget of up to £1k.
Proposed content is as follows:
- History
- Flora and fauna of interest
- Polite rules – like on the Recreation Sign
- Encourage residents to get involved
- Contact details
Once agreed the office will craft some wording to be used in the design mock ups which will be brought back to Recreation for approval, hopefully in September.
There has been some graffiti to the fence panels. This has been painted over and the saplings fenced off with stock fencing to protect them. The incident was reported to the police.
Hall Farm Close Conservation Area
The residents at Hall Farm Close who have offered to maintain the Conservation Area at the rear of their property as volunteers are happy with the agreement sent to them (see REC(22.36.03). They won’t be contemplating any work until the winter as the woods are full of life at the moment, but they will be presenting a plan for the Committee’s approval prior to carrying out any work.
Members are asked to:
- Note and comment on this report
- Agree if any action needs to be taken regarding javelin throwing
- Agree the content proposal for the Jubilee Green sign
Pip Alder
Clerk and Executive Officer, Melton Parish Council
July 2022