Recreation Committee Minutes – REC (22)M02
Minutes of the meeting of the Melton Parish Council Recreation Committee held on Wednesday 16th March 2022 at 7pm at the Melton Parish council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.
Cllr Taylor (Chair)
Cllr Gradwell
Cllr Martin
Cllr Porter
Cllr Harvey-Smith
Cllr James
C McBurney
Cllr Holmes
Cllr Darby
In Attendance:
P Alder Clerk to Melton Parish Council
“The Committee shall consider the environmental impacts of all the decisions which it makes in accordance with these terms of reference.”
Part 1/1 – Open to the Public
Item No Item to be discussed
22.14 To receive apologies for absence
There were none
22.15 Declarations of Interest
22.15.01 To receive Amendments to the Register
There were none
22.15.02 To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda
There were none
22.15.03 To receive Declarations of Non-Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda
There were none
22.15.04 To consider Full/Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared
There were none
22.16 Open Forum for Members of the Public to talk to Councillors
No members of the public were present
22.17 To approve the draft minutes of the previous meeting
It was RESOLVED to agree the minutes of the previous meeting held on 12th January 2022 (REC(22)A01 previously distributed).
Proposed by Cllr Martin Seconded by Cllr James
22.18 Melton Recreation Ground
22.18.01 Recreation Ground report
Members discussed the Recreation Ground report (REC(22)18.01). Cllr Martin will confirm a new location for the bench that is being moved during the Pavilion construction. It was AGREED that the Jubilee Oak should be planted between the dead tree and the entrance to Burkes Wood, backing onto the pond to ensure a good water supply. It was also AGREED that the new Recreation Ground sign would be sited in the same place as the existing sign. It was decided that the MUGA project should be put on hold until after the Pavilion has been built and to bring it back to Recreation in September for discussion and prioritisation.
Proposed by Cllr Harvey-Smith Seconded by Cllr Martin
22.18.02 Flag Policy and Timetable
After a lengthy discussion of paper (REC(22)18.02) it was AGREED that some flags would be flown but that the second flagpole would not be erected and no Melton flag would be purchased. A Ukrainian flag and RAF flag have been donated by Cllr Gradwell. The following flags were offered by members:
International Women’s Day (C McBurney), St George’s flag (Cllr Taylor), Pride Flag (Cllr Harvey-Smith), Suffolk Flag (Cllr Porter), Armed Forces Flag (Cllr Taylor). Cllr Harvey-Smith will confirm which Pride date is most appropriate (potentially Suffolk Pride). The Clerk will produce a statement explaining which flags will be flown on set days (mainly National Days) with some exceptions. Other flags may be considered by the committee as and when required. Members agreed to share responsibility for hoisting the different flags, although it was suggested that a local resident could be asked to take responsibility. The Clerk will get some additional keys cut for the flagpole.
Proposed by Cllr Porter Seconded by Cllr Taylor
22.18.03 WTYFC Hire Agreement
Members discussed paper (REC(22)18.03) and unanimously AGREED that the Council should invoke the break clause in the hire agreement due to the new Pavilion being built and the tax implications. It is proposed that the hire agreement will include use of the public toilet and the green storage shed with no VAT applied and that any use of the Pavilion will be covered by a separate hire agreement and subject to VAT. The hire fee was also discussed, and it was noted that there had been no price rise for at least 10 years. It was AGREED that the Clerk will speak to Woodbridge Town Council regarding their hire charges to WTYFC and that the hire charge will be agreed by the Committee by email and ratified at the next Recreation meeting.
Proposed by Cllr Gradwell Seconded by Cllr Taylor
22.19 Woodland and Trees
22.19.01 Tree Warden Report
The members noted the contents of the report from the Tree Warden (REC(22)19.01) and expressed their thanks and gratitude to him and the Tree Crew. It was suggested that the full report should be included in the Melton Messenger. There was an offer of some mature potted trees from a local resident for a ‘reasonable return’. The Clerk will find out the cost and establish if the Tree Warden thinks these trees are useful and required.
22.19.02 TPO Applications
There were none
22.19.03 Tree Works
The Clerk reported that tree works had been carried out at Hall Farm Road Sports Ground and on the cedar tree at Bury Hill. Seating had been created from the cedar tree. There was minimal damage from the recent storms; a dead tree fell at Love Lane before the storm and a willow fell across the pond which will be left to provide shading.
22.20 Divested Land
22.20.01 Hall Farm Road Sports Ground
The Clerk reported that the bench had been installed and the bin moved out of the bushes. There has been significant planting and a wildflower meadow strip will be planted this weekend by Transition Woodbridge. Further fruit trees will be planted next winter, and the play equipment installation will begin on the 25th April. It was decided that the basketball hoop post should be white for visibility reasons. The bird box event with Suffolk Wildlife Trust is taking place on the 22nd April at 10am. It was decided that an additional dog poo bin at the entrance from Manthorp Close was not required. The two redundant signs will be repurposed to potentially display ‘land owned and maintained by MPC’ signs.
22.20.02 AONB Reedbed Watercourse
The Clerk reported that the drainage ditch running along the boundary of the reedbed land owned by MPC required clearing out. A contractor has been appointed and the cost (£1890) will be split 50/50 with the other landowner. This will be carried out later this month. The Clerk will also distribute a record of birds recorded in this area in the last 20 years and place it on the website.
22.21 Maintenance Officer
The Clerk reported that the Maintenance Officer has carried out his usual tasks as well as installing the bench at Hall Farm Road Sports Ground. He will be replacing the broken steps in the Leeks Hill woods and putting up the SCC walking signs on the footpath fingerposts. Grass cutting will soon resume, and the play park actions are being carried out. The Committee conveyed their thanks to the Maintenance Officer.
22.22 Queen’s Jubilee
Paper REC(22)22 was discussed and it was unanimously AGREED that there would just be an event in the evening to light the beacon and read the proclamation. Cllr Porter will try to source a bugler and Cllr Taylor will find the Risk Assessment from the previous beacon event. Cllrs Gradwell and James offered their services in helping to marshal the event.
22.23 Footpath 22
The Clerk reported that Cllr Nicoll offered £700 towards the cost of clearing and providing infrastructure for Footpath 22. It was agreed to put this project on hold until the next Financial Year but it was felt that SCC should bear the costs or perhaps apply for District CIL.
22.24 Anti-Social Behaviour
There was nothing to report as there had been no meetings. There have been reports of human defecation in the local area which Cllr Gradwell will report at the next meeting.
22.25 Committee Chair’s Urgent Business
Cllr Porter raised the issue of the Sports Pot and has asked Bromeswell PC to encourage Woodbridge Rugby Club to use up the remaining sum. He also asked about the Garrod Memorial sign near the Pavilion. It was explained that this is part of the Pavilion project. Cllr Darby mentioned that the area of land near the Community Garden at St Andrews might be used as allotments. It was raised that access and parking could be an issue.
22.26 To agree items for inclusion in the Melton Messenger/In Touch
Tree Warden Report and the request for people to water saplings as they pass by in the summer.
22.27 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 18th May 2022 commencing at 19:00 at the Melton Parish Council offices. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:20.
Actions from Previous Meetings
Minute Item
22.05.01 Monitor the boggy area near the play park
22.05.01 Keep an eye out for grants available for resurfacing the tennis courts – look at resurfacing in 3-5 years
22.09.02 and 22.23 Clerk to contact Cllr Nicoll regarding locality budget for Footpath 22 – move to FY22/23
22.18.01 Bring MUGA project to Recreation meeting in September 2022
22.18.02 Clerk to create statement and timetable for flag flying and get additional keys cut for the flagpole
22.18.03 Clerk to contact WTC re hire charges and invoke break clause in hire agreement
22.19.01 Clerk to establish cost of additional trees and if they are required
22.20.01 Repurpose signs at Hall Farm Road Sports Ground
22.20.02 Clerk to distribute bird watching record and place it on the website
22.22 Cllr Porter to source bugler. Cllr Taylor to find previous Risk Assessment for beacon event.