
REC(22)M04 Recreation Minutes from 6th July 2022

RecreationRecreation Minutes Uploaded on July 18, 2022

Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes – REC (22)M04

Minutes of the Recreation Committee held on Wednesday 6th July 2022 at the Melton Parish Council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.



Cllr Taylor (Chair)

Cllr Martin

C McBurney

Cllr Holmes

Cllr Darby

Cllr Harvey-Smith


In Attendance:

P Alder Clerk to Melton Parish Council

F Waters Assistant Clerk to Melton Parish Council

3 members of the public



Cllr Porter

Cllr James

Cllr Gradwell


Part 1/1 – Open to the Public

Item No               Item to be discussed

22.43                   To receive apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Porter, Gradwell and James

22.44                   Declarations of Interest

22.44.01                To receive Amendments to the Register

There were none

22.44.02                To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.44.03                To receive Declarations of Non-Pecuniary Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda

There were none

22.44.04                To consider Full/Partial Dispensations for Pecuniary Interests Declared

There were none

22.45                    Open Forum for Members of the Public to talk to Councillors

Two households from the Hall Farm Road area raised concerns relating to the newly installed basketball hoop and surface at the Jubilee Green. They highlighted 3 concerns relating to positioning, noise and Anti Social Behaviour.

Members sympathised with the residents however there had been a robust consultation process and residents were invited to comment at all stages and invited to be kept informed.

The Committee discussed the options to mitigate the residents’ concerns regarding noise and positioning these will be considered and where reasonable adaptions could be made. This could include removing the chain net, further noise dampening on the surface, changing the position of the hoop, replacing or painting the backboard to a different colour. Moving the equipment is unlikely due to cost implications (although one of the residents did say they were willing to pay) and no other appropriate location.

The committee urged the residents to report all incidents of ASB to the police via the online form so that it can be an area that is monitored.

A resident also asked for a replacement road name sign for Manthorpe Close as it is broken. The committee advised this would be under ESC’s remit and the office will contact ESC.

22.46                    To approve the draft minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 18th May 2022 (REC (22)M03) previously distributed) be received, noted and signed as a correct record by the Chair.

Proposed by Cllr Martin            Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith

22.47                    Recreation Ground

22.47.01                Recreation Ground Report

Members discussed the report REC(22)47.01 previously distributed. The Greenspace Management Company have assigned a new team to MPC and the office will continue to monitor the work undertaken.

The dog poo bins are not being emptied as frequently as they should be in recent months, due to staff shortages. They continue to overflow and Cllrs RESOLVED to AGREE to purchase a second dog poo bin for the entrance to Burkes Wood.

A request to use the Recreation Ground field for a cricket match had been withdrawn.

Cllrs would like to run a further SWT event later in the year. Assistant Clerk to liaise.

Following a complaint from a user of the tennis courts, Cllrs noted the comments and agreed to monitor.

Proposed by Cllr Harvey-Smith              Seconded by C McBurney

22.47.02                Pavilion
Members discussed paper REC(22)47.02 previously distributed. The clerk reported that an air conditioning unit would need to be a consideration due to the hall space having no windows or vents, advising the controls would need to be limited so that the temperature could not be altered excessively or left on when the building was unoccupied.

It was AGREED by the committee the Pavilion Hire Charges should be put before Full Council by email. There would be a 10% discount for charities/community groups and residents hiring for non-commercial events. The committee would like the rates reviewed after the Pavilion has opened. It was AGREED that The Music License (quote of £409.90 per annum) should be applied for. It was AGREED the capacity limit of the building should be 45 persons in total.

The committee discussed proposed changes to the Pavilion Hire Agreement to include a longer cancellation period of 7 days, that smoking/vaping/use of electronic inhalation devices would not be permitted inside the Pavilion building or the immediate vicinity. The committee decided the Pavilion should not be used for evening celebration events.  A line should be added to the Cleaning section about being charged for a professional clean if the Pavilion was not left in a good state. It should be the same wording as in previous hire agreements for the old Pavilion. It was AGREED the Pavilion Hire Agreement should be passed to FERM for approval and whether legal advice should be sought due to it being a risk management issue.

It was AGREED that Company 1 should be appointed as the cleaning contractors, although the terms of appointment need to be discussed and some flexibility initially until we know how busy the Pavilion will be and how often it will need cleaning. A daily clean for the external toilet and a weekly clean for the Pavilion is proposed initially.

It was AGREED the bookings would be taking manually via the office initially, with a separate calendar on the website for Pavilion bookings only. The office had received a demo of the booking system used within Scribe but Cllrs felt the initial outlay for the system was not required at this stage but will be reviewed. Initially no deposit will be taken but this is subject to review. Photos of how the kitchen cupboards/chairs/storage area etc should be left at the end of a hire should be put in the Pavilion as a reference point.
Proposed by Cllr Harvey-Smith              Seconded by Cllr Taylor

22.47.03           Recreation Ground Play Park
Paper REC(22)47.03, previously distributed was considered. Cllrs would like further information following the meetings with the play equipment companies in terms of the redesign of the space. The office will look at tyre trim trail options and it was RESOLVED to have an upper cost limit for moving the slide set at £1k.
Proposed by Cllr Martin                        Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith


22.48                    Hall Farm Road

Paper REC(22)48, previously distributed was considered. After some discussion it was AGREED that certain mitigations could be explored with regards to the concerns raised by residents of Hall Farm Road in relation to the Jubilee Green.

Cllrs AGREED with the proposed approach to the Jubilee Green sign, with wording discouraging dangerous activities for the benefit and safety of other users of the space.

Proposed by Cllr Taylor             Seconded by Cllr Darby


22.49                    Beresford Drive

Members discussed report REC(22)49, previously distributed. It was RESOLVED to wait until after the play park inspection before proceeding with replacing the items noted in the report.

Proposed by Cllr Holmes                       Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith


22.50                    Woodland and Trees

22.50.01                Tree Warden Report

Paper REC(22)50.01 previously distributed was received and noted. Members accepted the offer from a resident who has kindly offered potted trees to the Parish Council. Ideally, they would be planted in the autumn although if the resident needs them taken before then members agreed they would look after them in the meantime. It was AGREED that a plaque would be placed on one of the trees as a memorial.

Proposed by C McBurney                      Seconded by Cllr Darby


22.50.02                TPO Applications

DC/22/2373/TPO 12 Norman Close

It was AGREED to respond with no comment.

Proposed by Cllr Martin                        Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith


22.50.03                Tree Works

Clerk reported that the tree safety survey will be taking place in early August. The Jubilee Oak will be inspected as part of this survey.

22.51                    Maintenance Officer

The Maintenance Officer has been completing his usual tasks of cutting back, along with installing the new swing bushes and caps at the play park. Cllr Martin asked if further cutting back of brambles could take place along Melton Road.

22.52                    Recreation Budget Update

The Committee was shown the new budget document produced in Scribe which will be presented at each meeting.

22.53                    Melton Primary School Project

A group of year 6 students presented their findings on a geography project to some members of the Parish Council, which gave information on the modes of transport used to get to school. The pupils expressed a need for safer routes for walking and cycling. This information will be shared with SCC as part of the ‘mini Holland’ project and the presentation will be distributed to the Recreation Committee.

The students also expressed a desire for more adventurous play equipment in the Recreation Ground as well as an off-road cycle track. It was noted to add this item to the next Recreation Meeting agenda.

22.54                    Anti-Social Behaviour

There was nothing to report.

22.55                    Committee Chair’s Urgent Business

There was nothing to report.

22.56                    To agree items for inclusion in the Melton Messenger/In Touch

No items for inclusion.

22.57                    Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 14th September 2022 commencing at 19:00 at the Melton Parish Council offices. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:10.


Outstanding Actions from Previous Meetings

Minute Item

22.05.01 Monitor the boggy area near the play park

22.05.01 Keep an eye out for grants available for resurfacing the tennis courts – look at resurfacing in 3-5 years

22.09.02 and 22.23 Clerk to contact Cllr Nicoll regarding locality budget for Footpath 22 – move to FY22/23

22.18.01 Bring MUGA project to Recreation meeting in September 2022

22.45     Office to investigate if any changes can be made to the Jubilee Green basketball equipment

22.47.01 Asst Clerk to liaise with SWT for further event this year

22.47.02 Pavilion Hire charges to be circulated to Full Council by email. Hire agreement to be updated and approved by FERM

22.47.03 Asst Clerk to report on improvements to the Play Equipment/Play Park at the Melton Recreation Ground at Recreation Meeting in September 2022

22.48     Office to create wording for Jubilee Green sign and brought back to Recreation in September 2022

22.49      Asst Clerk to report on the Beresford Drive Play Park at Recreation Meeting in September 2022

22.50.01 Donated trees to be accepted and a memorial plaque installed

22.53      Bring Melton Primary School Project play equipment suggestions to Recreation meeting in September 2022