Recreation Committee
Meeting Minutes – REC(22)M06
Minutes of the Recreation Committee held on Wednesday 23rd November 2022 at the Melton Parish Council offices, 17 Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, IP12 1QT.
Cllr Taylor (Chair)
Cllr Gradwell
Cllr Porter
Cllr Martin
C McBurney
Cllr Holmes
Cllr Darby
Cllr Harvey-Smith
Cllr James
In Attendance:
P Alder Clerk to Melton Parish Council
Tree Warden
Part 1/1 – Open to the Public
Item No Item to be discussed
22.76 To receive apologies for absence
The Assistant Clerk sent her apologies.
22.77 Declarations of Interest
22.77.01 To receive Declarations of Interest in Respect of Items on the Agenda
There were none
22.77.02 To consider any applications for dispensations
There were none
22.78 Open Forum for Members of the Public to talk to Councillors
No members of the public were present.
It was RESOLVED to take item 22.83.01 out of order on the Agenda
22.83.01 Tree Warden Report
The Tree Warden gave a verbal report to the committee. He estimates that there has been a 60% survival rate of all the planting done this year which is remarkable considering the drought. The watering carried out by Transition Woodbridge and Hall Farm residents was greatly appreciated and it was lovely to have community buy in. The dogwood planted in the Rec Ground is doing well and it was suggested that it should be coppiced in the Spring. The other trees planted at the Rec Ground and woods are thriving. The Tree Warden will look at using drainpipe tubes by the hazel on the bund to act as funnels when watered. Two black poplars (native to Suffolk) have been donated and will be planted in the margins of the reedbed scrubland that MPC owns. The tree warden will liaise with the Clerk on the location. The trees that have not survived at Beresford Drive will be replaced. The Clerk will check with the Tree Surgeon if the lime trees on Melton Road will regenerate after the tree works later this year.
It was RESOLVED to revert to the order of the Agenda
22.79 To approve the draft minutes of the previous meeting
It was RESOLVED to agree the minutes of the previous meeting held on 5th October 2022 (REC(22)MO5) previously distributed) and they were signed as a correct record by the Chair.
Proposed by Cllr Darby Seconded by Cllr Holmes
22.80 Recreation Ground
22.80.01 Recreation Ground report
Paper (REC(22)80.01), previously distributed, was discussed and it was AGREED that no further work would be carried out on the pond at this time, the resident at Hope Crescent would be given permission to have two sycamores removed and that no charges would be imposed on the pop up coffee van at the moment but it would be revisited in January 2023. The community orchard proposal from Transition Woodbridge was considered. None of the proposed sites were suitable as they were either highly trafficked areas or were too close to the football pitches. It was suggested that the trees could be planted either side of the memorial bench at the top of the football pitches (used to be by the beech hedge). The spare bat and bird boxes would be donated to the Primary School and the Asst Clerk will contact SWT about running another event at the 2023 fete.
Proposed by Cllr Gradwell Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith
22.80.02 Pavilion
The Pavilion paper (REC(22)80.02), previously distributed, was discussed. It was AGREED to order 2 packs of the unpadded folding chairs (16 in total) and 1 pack of 4 chairs with arms in black. Two cycle racks would be installed by the Pavilion (in view of CCTV) in the spring. The committee were happy for the Pavilion to be hired for dance classes and decided that there would be a minimum hire of two hours (£15 during the day and £18 for evenings and weekends).
Proposed by Cllr James Seconded by Cllr Harvey-Smith
22.80.03 Recreation Ground Play Park
Paper (REC(22)80.03), previously distributed, was received and it was NOTED that the proposal for the pump track will need to factor in maintenance time and associated costs.
22.81 Hall Farm Road Noticeboard/Sign
The wording for the sign at the Jubilee Green, as found in paper (REC(22)81), was unanimously AGREED. The Asst Clerk will seek a price for creating this sign.
22.82 Beresford Drive
Paper (REC(22)82), previously distributed, was received. The wording for the public consultation flyer/survey was AGREED with the inclusion of (please specify) on the other choice on question 3. It was suggested that all properties in the roads surrounding Beresford Drive, including those in Woodbridge and Longwood Fields, would receive flyers. Cllrs Harvey-Smith and Gradwell offered to help with distributing the flyers. Posters would also be placed in noticeboards, at the Primary Schools and at the Warwick Convenience Store/Post Office.
22.83 Woodland and Trees
22.83.02 TPO Applications
DC/22/4561/TPO 55 Fernhill Close was considered and it was agreed to submit No Comment as the response.
22.83.03 Tree Works
The Committee received an update on the Tree Safety Survey. The TPOs have been submitted to ESC and we are chasing the decision. The Tree Surgeon is hoping to start work before Christmas.
22.84 Maintenance Officer
The Clerk reported that the Maintenance Officer had been very busy in recent months, finishing off the Pavilion kit out, installing road stone on the steps behind Saxon Way, fixing the steps in the woods, putting up lights along the tennis court path, cleaning bus shelters, grass cutting and installing the bike racks and bushes at Winifred Fison House.
22.85 Recreation Budget Update
The Recreation budgets for 2022/23 and 2023/24 (REC(22)85a-b) were received and NOTED.
22.86 Car Boot Sale Dates 2023
It was AGREED to change the date from the 6th May to 13th May 2023. The Asst Clerk will let the football club know the car boot sale dates for 2023.
22.87 Committee Chair’s Urgent Business
The Chair raised a concern that there was no life saving device at Wilford Bridge, especially as this was now a popular swim and water sports area. The office will contact the Environment Agency. Cllr Gradwell attended the Green Forum on Monday and will circulate the materials when received.
22.88 To agree items for inclusion in the Melton Messenger/In Touch
Promote the warm homes grant information
22.89 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 11th January 2023 commencing at 19:00 at the Melton Parish Council offices. There being no further business the meeting ended at 20:26.
Outstanding Actions from Previous Meetings
Minute Item
22.05.01 Monitor the boggy area near the play park
22.05.01 Keep an eye out for grants available for resurfacing the tennis courts – look at resurfacing in 3-5 years
22.09.02 and 22.23 Clerk to contact Cllr Nicoll regarding locality budget for Footpath 22 – move to FY22/23
22.65 and 22.82 Initiate public consultation for improvements at Beresford Drive Playpark
22.80.01 Revisit consideration of imposing a charge on pop up coffee van at Recreation Ground in 2023
22.80.02 Install two cycle racks at the Pavilion in Spring 2023
22.80.03 Pump track proposal to factor in maintenance time and costs
22.81 Seek quote on sign for Jubilee Green
22.87 Contact EA regarding lifesaving devices at Wilford Bridge