Planning and Transport Working Group
(a) Purpose
- To consider all planning applications affecting Melton submitted to the district council
- To decide if a particular application, due to its impact on the village, requires consideration by the full council
- To recommend to full council the appropriate response to the district council taking into consideration the impact on the residents of Melton
- To consider future rounds of consultation by the district council on the Local Development Framework and make recommendations to full Council
- To consider all matters relating to Public Transport and Highways
- To consider all aspects of a Neighbourhood Plan
- To consider all aspects of Affordable Housing
- To consider all aspects of Traffic & Transport
- To consider all matters relating to Bus Shelters in the village including those owned by the Council and also those provided by Suffolk County Council
- Management of the budget allocated to the Planning and Transport Working Group
- To manage the working group communications within the Council Communications Strategy
- To consider matters relating to planning and transport arising from neighbouring towns / parishes which impact on Melton
- To consider the environmental impacts of all the decisions which it makes in accordance with these terms of reference
(B) Composition
Minimum of four Members, maximum of eight in addition to ex-officio Members unless the ex-officio Member is a substantive Member of the Working Party in his / her own right
(C) Meeting frequency
As required
Finance, Employment and Risk Management (FERM) Working Group
(D) Purpose
The FERM Working Group’s role shall generally cover all aspects of finance, employment, risk management, projects and governance. The following list (taken from the ToRs for the previous FERM Committee and Budget & Projects Working Group) describes the areas of coverage in more detail.
(E) Financial Management
- Strategic management of the Council’s budgets
- Provision of financial information to the Council
- Scrutinise any proposed in year changes to the budget and make recommendations on them to Council
- Scrutinise the adequacy of non-CIL reserves
- Scrutinise any recommendations to Council for expenditure from non-CIL reserves
- Oversee all aspects of the receipt and spending of CIL monies
- Consider applications for grants and to recommend allocations to Council
- Scrutinise any proposals for raising of funds
(F) Financial Planning
- Consider and make recommendations to Council in relation to budget expenditure and precept for the next financial year and beyond.
(G) Financial Control
- Oversee the internal financial controls including Internal Audit arrangements and the appointment of the Internal Auditor
- Oversee the work by the External Auditor
- To consider or review the banking arrangements in conjunction with the RFO and make recommendations for the approval of Council
(H) Employment
- Be responsible for the employment of council staff
- Provide contracts and other such documents as required by employment legislation
- Provide a staff appraisal system
- Agree salary levels for council employees
- Provide a Disciplinary Panel consisting of three members of the FERM Working Group
- Provide an Appeals Panel consisting of one member from the FERM Working Group not on the Disciplinary Committee and two other councillors who are not members of the FERM Working Group
(I) Projects
- Oversee the financial aspects of new projects
(J) Governance
- Oversee the risk management of all council operations
- Enter into and review contracts for the provision of services to the council
- Oversee the provision of council accommodation
- Enter into and review contracts for the provision of insurance services to the council
- Oversee compliance with the Data Protection Act
- Oversee the Council’s website and all communication channels
- Consider the environmental impacts of all the decisions made in accordance with these terms of reference
(K) Composition
Minimum of five Members, maximum of nine in addition to ex-officio Members unless the ex-officio Member is a substantive Member of the Working Group in their own right. The November Budget meeting will be extended to include the Chair and Deputy Chairs of Council and the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of other Working Groups and any other councillor.
(L) Meeting Frequency
Virtual Meetings
- Mid-April to review the provisional year-end outturn
- Late May/early June to review the Internal Auditor’s report.
- In each of the two months when Council does not meet (August and November) to review the regular financial reports.
Probable Face-to-Face Meeting(s)
In November to review all the information required to develop a budget and precept recommendation to Council. Sometimes, it may be necessary for FERM Working Group to hold subsequent meetings to fine-tune the budget proposals in light of the need for more discussion or the availability of new information.
As and when necessary
These meetings shall be at the instigation of the Chair of FERM Working Group, or at the request of Council. Examples of topics that might trigger a meeting are: unplanned financial pressures; a new project or initiative; any incident or issue having a significant impact on either of financial controls, council assets, staff or governance arrangements.
Recreation Working Group
The Recreation Working Group shall generally cover all aspects of managing Melton Parish recreational spaces, Pavilion and woodland on behalf of the Full Council.
(i) To consider, manage, promote and develop facilities on all Melton Parish Council land including the playing fields, Pavilion, play equipment and sports facilities
(ii) To manage and promote the woodland and trees on all Melton Parish Council land and to work with the Melton Tree Crew/Tree Warden to this end
(iii) To manage and promote the footpaths and Rights of Way
(iv) To act for the Council on planning matters relating to trees and Tree Preservation Orders
(v) To facilitate any special events, for example the Melton fete
(vi) To consider recreational facilities for the community, especially young people
(vii) To consider and manage the provision of litter, dog and grit bins in the village
(viii) To manage the budget allocated to the Recreation Working Group for the above
(ix) To manage the working group communications in relation to all areas of Recreation
(x) To consider the environmental impacts of all the decisions which it makes in accordance with these terms of reference
(N) Composition
Minimum of five Members in addition to ex-officio Members unless the ex-officio Member is a substantive Member of the Working Group in his / her own right
(O) Meeting frequency
As required