It’s been a busy summer. Councillors have been preparing for the departure of our Clerk, Pip who has found a new role. Unfortunately, our Assistant Clerk, Fliss, has also given in her notice for personal reasons.
On Monday, 5th August, we offered the position of Clerk to a successful candidate. I am pleased to say she accepted the role and started almost immediately to work with Pip and Fliss before they moved on. Judi Hallett may already be known to some of you as she is currently the Clerk for Ufford and Hollesley. Judi comes with the most excellent references, and I am sure she will get to know many of you over the coming months and years.
My thanks to Cllrs Brown, Martin and Hillier who have supported me through this appointment process. Working whilst on holiday to get through the process as quickly and efficiently as possible shows real dedication to the village. Thank you all.
We now need to appoint an Assistant Clerk and have already started the process. Whilst we are short staffed and going through another round of recruitment, our focus will mostly be on completing urgent activities. Managing the finances and Melton’s properties, handling emergencies and responding to requests for urgent information from various parties will be our focus.
Responding to resident requests is likely to take longer, so I would urge you to check whether you can get the help you need from elsewhere in the first instance. Footpath and road traffic issues should be directed to Suffolk County Highways whilst requests for guidance on refuse collection, planning issues, parking problems and street cleaning should be directed to East Suffolk District Council.
During this time, our office hours may vary, so if you need to visit the office, please call ahead to make an appointment. Please bear with us. Councillors will be doing their best to support our new clerk and to cover key activities where necessary. These activities may be unfamiliar to us all so some patience may be needed. Thank you for your understanding and support.
We heard with sadness that Rachel Smith, Senior Planning Officer at East Suffolk District Council passed away recently. Rachel had been a great support to Melton over many years. I know she will be a great loss to the team at East Suffolk and we have sent them our condolences and best wishes.
We also heard that Keith Stebbings, former Park Warden for Melton, died recently. Keith looked after the Melton Recreation Ground until retiring in 2015. Katy Martin and Alan Porter represented Melton at Keith’s funeral. We hope to plant a tree in Keith’s memory at the Recreation Ground later in the year.
You will no doubt have seen that Active Travel have now published their report after the consultations which took place earlier in the year. The response to the consultation exercise was significant; more than many would have expected. The report has been written in such a way as to acknowledge the comments made in general by residents and responders and to reflect those comments in the revised proposals. We are pleased to see that they have considered our request, and the request of residents in the Bredfield Road / Pytches Road areas to reduce the speed limit to 20mph. If you want to see the report in full, please go to Active-Travel-Woodbridge-Report.pdf (
We had some lovely reports from those who attended the circus saying it was great family entertainment and good value for money. My thanks to the James Richards Circus who left the Recreation Ground in an immaculate condition. We hope others will be able to enjoy their show on another occasion.
The fete was fantastic this year. The volunteers, including Councillors from MPC, managed to raise over £3,000 profit which is a record year. The BBQ, bar and raffle, run by MPC Councillors and former Councillors and friends raised in excess of £2,300. This money will be set aside for improvements to the Recreation Ground play park. £600 will be split equally between St Andrew’s, Melton School, the Melton Good Neighbour Scheme and the Burness Parish Rooms. The balance will be added to the start up fund for next year’s fete. Despite the rain, many took shelter for a while and then came out again to enjoy the free entertainment from the bands and the Punch and Judy show. We have already started planning next year’s event. Thank you to all those who attended and helped.
Finally, the Citizen’s Advice Bureau and the Mind Shop in Woodbridge have asked me to put out a plea for volunteers. If you have a couple of hours to spare and fancy putting your skills to good use, do get in touch with them. I am sure they will make you welcome.
Kind regards
Chair, Melton Parish Council