
Library News – January 2021

All libraries in Suffolk will be closed until further notice. The mobile library, home library and reservation services will also be suspended until further notice.

All loans and charges will be suspended until 1 March 2021. At the moment there is no planned date for libraries to reopen but any updates will be shared on their website and via social media. The decision to close libraries has been approved by Suffolk County Council.

The only exception to the closure is Stradbroke Library as it hosts a post office which is classed as an essential service and will stay open.

Items can still be returned to Woodbridge Library via the book drop box. You can also email the library at as a member of staff will be monitoring the email inbox remotely.

You can still download and stream free eBooks, eAudio, magazines, newspapers, films, documentaries and music. Suffolk Libraries is also running events online to enjoy from home at and via Suffolk Libraries YouTube channel.

Customer service for Suffolk Libraries is available Mon-Fri 9-5pm, closed bank holidays. Leave a message out of these hours.

01473 351249

Up to date information can be seen at