
Woodbridge Library Opening Times and Services

Most libraries in Suffolk have been open for the last few weeks, offering a select and collect service. There have been around 3,000 requests to use this service with nearly 41,500 books and other items borrowed since libraries reopened.

Woodbridge Library is open Tuesdays-Saturdays 10am-4pm and is closed on Mondays and Sundays. Please phone the library on 01394 330855, email or go to the library’s web page for current information. Out-of-hours book return available.

Reservations from the library catalogue are now available again and due to its popularity the select and collect service will remain available for the foreseeable future.

Libraries are offering access to computers for tasks such as Universal Credit applications and job seeking. Photocopying and printing have also been reintroduced. Customers will have to contact their library directly to make an appointment to use a computer and there will be cashless payment options for paying for printing and photocopying/scanning.

Suffolk Libraries intends to reintroduce browsing in libraries by the end of September with activities being introduced from November onwards. The aim is to also reintroduce normal library opening hours when and where possible over the coming months with the aim to get libraries back to their pre-lockdown opening hours by the end of the calendar year.

As with all these plans, everything is subject to changes in government advice and local COVID-19 infection rates.

It is now a legal requirement for all visitors to a library to wear a face covering. Once customers enter the library to use a printer or pc, they will also be invited to take part in the test and trace process by leaving their name and contact details. Their details will only be used for test and trace purposes and staff will dispose of the information after 21 days.

You can still download and stream free eBooks, eAudio, magazines, newspapers, films, documentaries and music. Suffolk Libraries is also running events online to enjoy from home at and via Suffolk Libraries YouTube channel.

Customer service for Suffolk Libraries is available Mon-Fri 9-5pm, closed bank holidays. Leave a message out of these hours.

Up to date information can be seen at