Recreation Working Group
Recreation’s responsibilities are:
- To consider, manage, promote and develop facilities on all Melton Parish Council land including the playing fields, play equipment and tennis courts
- To manage the Pavilion and its operations
- To manage and promote the woodland and trees on all Melton Parish Council land and to work with the Melton Tree Crew/Tree Warden to this end
- To manage and promote the footpaths and Rights of Way
- To act for the Council on planning matters relating to trees and Tree Preservation Orders
- To facilitate any special events, for example the Melton fete
- To consider recreational facilities for the community, especially young people
- To consider and manage the provision of litter, dog and grit bins in the village
- To manage the budget allocated to the Recreation Working Group for the above
- To manage communications in relation to all areas of Recreation
Councillors on Recreation are:
Cllrs Taylor (Chair), Darby (Deputy Chair), Martin, Gradwell and De Vita.
Peter James also non-councillor members.
Recreation meets as and when required.
The Playing Field in Melton Road is one of the proudest possessions of the village. It was opened in 1952 and replaced the Garrod Memorial Playing Field in Dock Lane. The field provides football pitches, tennis courts and a range of modern play equipment, including a zip wire, with safety surfacing aimed at all ages.
The Pavilion was rebuilt in 2022 and provides a much needed public toilet. Details about the Pavilion and hire information can be found on the website.
The two tennis courts at the Melton Road Playing Field provide excellent hard-court facilities. To hire a court (£6 per hour) call in at the John Grose Spar shop on Melton Road or phone 01394 380664.
The field adjoins Burkes Wood, a part of Melton Woods, which also belongs to the village having been given by the late Sir Roland and Lady Burke. In April 2021 East Suffolk Council divested 21 parcels of land to Melton Parish Council. This includes Beresford Drive play area, Hall Farm Road Sports Ground, and the remaining public woodland adjacent to Burkes Wood.
Most of Melton Parish Council’s land is looked after under contract by our greenspace management team, Nurture, who make sure that the grass and hedges are cut, and the land maintained for residents and visitors to enjoy. The play equipment is kept in good order and any occasional acts of vandalism are cleared away by Phil Donoghue, the Maintenance Officer.
The play areas are inspected regularly by the Council’s Maintenance Officer and condition reports submitted to the Parish Clerk. There is an annual inspection carried out (usually in July) by an independent professional organisation called The Play Inspection Company.
Annual Inspection Melton Road Recreation Ground 2024
Annual Inspection Beresford Drive Play Area 2024
Annual Inspection Melton Road Recreation Ground 2023
Annual Inspection Beresford Drive Play Area 2023
Annual Inspection Beresford Drive Play Area 2022
Annual Inspection Melton Road Recreation Ground 2022
Annual Inspection Beresford Drive Play Area 2021
Annual Inspection Melton Road Playing Field 2021
Annual Inspection Melton Road Playing Field 2020
Flag Policy and Calendar
It was agreed at the Recreation Meeting on 16th March 2022 that flags would be flown on set days (mainly National Days) with some exceptions at the Recreation Ground. Other flags may be considered by the committee as and when required. Flag Policy and Calendar
Bird Watching
A record of the bird species spotted at the Melton Reedbed land (off Fayrefield Road) 2002 – 2022
Bird Recordings – Melton Reedbed
Tree Safety Inspections
Inspections are carried out every 18 months by a qualified arboriculturist. The latest surveys are:
2024 Tree Safety Survey – Divested Land
2024 Tree Safety Survey – Recreation Ground and Burkes Wood Report
2022 Tree Safety Survey – Divested Land
2022 Tree safety Survey Recreation Ground and Burkes Wood Report
2021 Tree Safety Survey Recreation Ground and Burkes Wood Report
2021 Tree Safety Survey – Divested Land
If you have any concerns about trees on Melton Parish Council land please complete the form below:
Any clubs, organisations or businesses wishing to use the facilities need to seek permission from the Parish Council first.