Flag Policy and Calendar

Flag Policy and Calendar

It was agreed at the Recreation Committee Meeting on 16th March 2022 that the following flags would be flown at the Recreation Ground. The table was last updated in January 2023.

Occasion Date Flag In stock
International Women’s Day 8th March IWD flag C McBurney to source
Commonwealth Day 2nd Monday in March Union Flag Yes
St George’s Day 23rd April St George’s flag Yes
Pride Month June Pride Flag Yes
Official Birthday of HM King Charles 2nd or 3rd Saturday in June Union Flag Yes
Suffolk Day 21st June Suffolk Flag Yes
Armed Forces Day Last Saturday in June Armed Forces Yes
NHS Day 5th July NHS Flag 2021 version
Merchant Navy Day 3rd September Red Ensign Resident to supply
Battle of Britain Day 15th September RAF Ensign Yes
Remembrance Sunday Nearest Sunday to 11th November Union Flag Yes
Armistice Day 11th November Union Flag Yes


The flags will be flown on set days (mainly National Days) with some exceptions. Other flags may be considered by the committee as and when required.