
Upcoming events from Green Issues

  • Saturday 11 January, Lowestoft – group litter pick and survey

Join Suffolk Beach Cleans and Lowestoft Time Bank for a group beach clean and survey of the marine litter found. Meet at the car park at Links Hill at 10:30.

Beach Clean and Marine Conservation Survey | Facebook


  • Sunday 12 January: Southwold – Bicycle drop off point

Blyth Valley Rotary is hosting a used bike collection on Sunday, 12 January, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Southwold Putting & Cafe, located on The Green North Parade, Southwold, IP18 6BN. All the bikes collected will be given a new lease on life through renovation before being shipped off to Africa.


  • Tuesday 14 January: Leiston – Talk: Suffolk Wildlife Trust engagement with energy infrastructure projects

At the United Reform Church, Leiston, at 19:30. Illustrated talk by Rupert Masefield, Planning and Advocacy Manager at Suffolk Wildlife Trust about the Trust’s engagement with energy infrastructure projects including Sizewell C. Talk: Suffolk Wildlife Trust engagement with energy infrastructure projects | Suffolk Wildlife Trust


  •  Wednesday 15 January: Webinar, the Wildlife Gardening Virtual Symposium

A date for the diary for all those interested in wildlife gardening, and how to be sure that the actions taken actually do make a positive difference for nature and have a basis in evidence.

This sounds like a fascinating and useful learning opportunity in support of evidence-based approaches to effective action for nature in our gardens.

Please note that the event whilst not free does follow (for non-professionals) the ticketing model of pay what you can, rather than a fixed fee.

Wildlife Gardening Virtual Symposium Tickets, Wed 15 Jan 2025 at 10:00 | Eventbrite


  • Thursday 16 January: Webinar on swifts

Learn about the iconic Swift, threats to these incredible birds and what you can do to help by tuning in to this webinar from the Biological Recording Company. Swifts Tickets, Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 12:30 PM | Eventbrite


  • Thursday 16 January: SCCP webinar, Beta Streets

The Suffolk Climate Change Partnership launching a brand new series of webinars to upskill local people in Suffolk to take environmental action – and they’re free!

The first webinar is taking place with BetaStreets. BetaStreets is a street design tool for anyone. It is simple to use and free for anyone in Suffolk who wants to for the next month and a half, allowing you to see the environmental potential in your local area. This will take place on 16th January at 5pm.

It will be live streamed across Green Suffolk’s social media on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. You can find out more at, or by contacting .


  • 25 January, 8 February and 15 February: Felixstowe – Call for participants aged 18 to 30 for youth climate change empowerment project, consisting of 3 workshops to explore how creative roleplay and media coproduction might empower young people to respond to biodiversity loss and climate change in their locality. Apply to participate, by emailing by 3 January  Facebook


  • Friday 24 January: Brockdish, Reflections on 2024

Join River Waveney Trust at the Waveney Heritage Centre in Brockdish for talks on their work on natural flood management and community engagement.



  • 30 January (15:30-18:30), 20 February (09:30-14:00) and 27 March (15:30-18:30): Lowestoft – cycling activities hub

Have your bike checked or repaired at the LRBC Community Hub Whitton Life. Email for more info or to volunteer.


  • Friday 31 January: Wickham Market – A Changing Climate

Join Wickham Market Parish Council for an interactive evening of talks and presentations hosted by local climate champion Simon Hooton. Free entry; doors open at 19:00. Live music, bar and raffle!

A Changing Climate | Facebook


  • 8 February: Brampton – Seed and Plant Swap at Barleybird

Last year, the Seed & Plant Swap was a resounding success with over 70 people attending… Barleybird thought they’d do it again!

Please ensure your seeds are clean and dry, and clearly labelled with the variety and date. If you don’t have seeds to swap, you are still welcome to collect some free of charge. You can bring:

    • Opened or unopened packets of bought seed
    • Saved seed (as long as you are confident they will breed true!)
    • 1-2 year old seeds if they have been stored well
    • Spare seedlings & plants too!


Stay for chat over a cuppa and some delicious snacks from Wakelyns Bakery

Put your questions to experienced seed saver and growers David Price and Kate Ayre

Get information, advice and free trees from Graham Pleasants, Director at the Suffolk Tree Warden Network.

Enjoy a rare opportunity to see behind the scenes of Hodmedod’s Bean Store and browse the packing shelves for the full range of pulses, grains, edible seeds and more.

Barleybird Seed & Plant Swap 2025 — Barleybird


  • 9 February: SCCP webinar, Energy Saving at Home, with UK Power Network & EcoFrenzy

The second in the series of knowledge share webinars for 2025, from the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership. It will be live streamed across Green Suffolk’s social media on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. You can find out more at, or by contacting .