Useful Links & Info

Useful Links & Info


Melton Parish Council does not own any allotments. There are some privately owned allotments near the Wilford Bridge pub but the Parish Council does not hold contact details. The nearest allotments are at Wickham Market and details can be found on their website:

Antisocial Behaviour

You can report a number of non-urgent crimes including theft, retail theft, criminal damage, hate crime, anti-social behaviour, and traffic collisions through the Suffolk Constabulary website, by calling 101 or report incidents when they happen to the Police through calling 999 if it is an emergency.

You should call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response. For example, if your car has been stolen, your property has been damaged, you suspect drug use or dealing in your neighbourhood etc. You can also give police information about crime in your area or speak to the police about a general enquiry.

Burness Parish Rooms – village hall in Melton – Burness Parish Rooms website

Dog Fouling – ESC Environment Website

If you see a dog owner who allows his or her dog to foul our streets then you can report it to our Environmental Protection Team. Where there is a persistent problem, officers will try to identify irresponsible dog owners. The Public Space Protection Order makes it illegal to fail to clear up after your dog if it fouls any land that is open to the air and to which the public have access. Inconsiderate dog owners could face a fixed penalty fine of £80 or a fine of up to £1000 if there is a conviction in the Courts.

East Suffolk Line

The East Suffolk Lines Community Rail Partnership (ESLCRP) is an unincorporated association of local government, public transport operators and community groups.

The Partnership aims to bring together representatives of the local transport authority, local planning authorities, train operating company, infrastructure operator and a wide range of local community groups, with the objective of securing the future of the Ipswich – Lowestoft and Ipswich – Felixstowe railway lines through increased patronage and revenue.
East Suffolk Lines website

Electric Car Charging Points – discover the nearest electric vehicle charging stations with this interactive tool.

Flooding – National Floodline website

Fly Tipping

If you see someone fly-tipping, or you want to report an area where fly-tipping has taken place, take note of the date, time and place of the incident, what the waste looks like and how much there is, descriptions of any person and/or vehicles involved along with the registration number. Do not approach them or put your own safety at risk.
East Suffolk Council  (East Suffolk Council Fly Tipping) will deal with reports of smaller scale, more frequent incidents. The Environment Agency (tel: 0800 807 060) will deal with larger scale, more serious incidents of illegal waste disposal, or fly-tipping including hazardous wastes and tipping carried out by organised criminals.

Highways – how to report an issue – Suffolk County Council Highways website

Melton Good Neighbour Scheme

A small group of dedicated volunteers
Melton GNS website
Phone: 0333 3355366

Melton Old Church

Melton Parish Council is not responsible for the Church or the Churchyard.
Melton Old Church is a Grade II* medieval village church, declared redundant in 1977. The Melton Old Church Society was formed in December 1980 to preserve the building and its history for future generations. Further information can be found on the Melton Old Church Society website.

The Melton Churchyard is closed to burials except where plots were reserved prior to closure. Ashes of those who lived in or had close connections with Melton may be interred in the Churchyard.  All enquiries about interment should, in the first instance, be discussed with a funeral director.  The Churchyard being a ‘closed’ churchyard is maintained by East Suffolk District Council.

Further information about East Suffolk District Council’s management of closed churchyards can be found on the East Suffolk Council website.

Melton Registration Office

The local office for the registration of births, marriages and deaths
26a Quayside, Woodbridge, IP12 1BH
0345 6072070

Police Connect

Police Connect is a messaging service connecting you to the very latest policing news for your area via e-mail, text or phone.
Police Connect website

Public Rights of Way – how to report an issue – Suffolk County Council public rights of way website

Salvation Army (Woodbridge branch)

The Salvation Army in Woodbridge provides weekly food parcels for those in need. They can be collected in person or delivered to your door. Find out more about getting help or how to donate

St Audrys Club

There is a range of activities on offer including Cricket, Football, Country & Western, Darts and Pool. The Function Room is available to hire for Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries etc or for local groups to meet.

Street Lights – how to report a fault – Suffolk County Council street lights website

Suffolk Coastal Disability Forum

Making a difference to the lives of disabled people in this area –

Suffolk on Board

Suffolk Passenger Transport –

To Live With Dying

To Live With Dying’ is a website for residents in East Suffolk. It is a portal to information and support around subjects related to death, dying and cherishing life.

Death is a natural process and one that comes to us all, albeit in many different ways. It is part of life, yet many of us are hesitant to talk about it, or plan for it. This website will guide you to local and national resources that provide helpful information and support. From how to live with a life-limiting illness, to finding bereavement and practical support when someone dies. It has been created by NHS Ipswich and East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group and Suffolk County Council in collaboration with local health and wellbeing organisations.

By talking about death and dying in our everyday lives and making plans for the future, we can cherish every moment of the life we have and improve the experience of end of life, for both for ourselves and our loved ones.

Winter Matters

Tips and advice to help you and your loved ones look after your money, health and wellbeing and safety during the colder months. Winter matters