
FRM(21)30.01 Risk Register

FERMFERM Agendas & Papers Uploaded on July 15, 2021

Melton Parish Council Risk Register                                    FRM(21)30.01


Area of risk Risk Identified Date Updated Risk Level


Management of Risk Comment
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) ASB at the Playing Fields/Pavilion/Car Park 15/07/21 H CCTV is operational covering the car park and pavilion areas of the playing field.  However ASB has increased recently. Incidents are being reported to the police and East Suffolk Council but the risk level is considered to be increasing and Full Council at the AGM on 5 May agreed that the risk rating would be increased to HIGH. Advice has been provided by the police in relation to designing out crime as far as possible in respect of the design of the replacement pavilion, and the recommendations will be passed on to the architect. Also it was resolved at the Council’s AGM on 5 May to proceed to demolition of the existing building by separate contract at the earliest opportunity. An asbestos survey has been undertaken and prices for the demolition will be sought.

Risk Owner – Recreation

Continue to monitor
Financial Financial risks facing the Council through the uncertainties of Covid-19 & Brexit  


M Members of the Council are conscious that the economic uncertainties created firstly by Brexit and now by Covid-19, may well have a serious impact on the Council’s financial position, and this risk will be closely monitored. Strategies for mitigation will be developed as required.

Risk Owner – Full Council

Continue to monitor. Currently it appears that the Council’s financial position will largely be unaffected
Covid-19 Meetings 09/06/21 M Face to face meetings for public authorities resumed from 17 May 2021. A report on mitigations to the Council’s meeting room required to resume face to face meetings after 17 May was submitted to FERM Committee on 14 April. A report to Full Council on options after 17 May was agreed by Full Council at the AGM on 5 May. With effect from 19 July all restrictions are removed and the onus will be on individuals to behave responsibly. Guidance for those attending meetings will be provided in the hope that given the rising number of cases everyone will wish to behave with caution to promote optimum safety for all.  

Risk Owner – Full Council


Continue to monitor and follow Regulations/Guidance
Covid-19 Play areas

Tennis courts

Football pitches



After the 1st lockdown ended in July 2020, a detailed report was submitted to Full Council on 15 July 2020 and following consideration of that report, the play area was reopened, subject to the actions and mitigations set out in the report being put in place. Under the lockdown announced on 4 January 2021, play areas could remain open but tennis courts were closed and the football pitches were not used. Tennis courts reopened from 30 March following refurbishment. Risk Owner – Recreation Continue to monitor and follow Regulations/Guidance


There have been no issues with outdoor activities and this risk could be reduced to LOW


Pavilion Pavilion project 08/06/21 L The pavilion project was signed off in terms of design and facilities by Full Council and a planning application was submitted in March 2021. Planning consent was granted on 25 May and further instructions issued to the architect in terms of demolition of the existing structure, maintenance of services, designing out crime as far as possible in the new building and wc provision. There is a need to closely monitor progress to ensure that there are no delays which will either increase costs or affect the spending of CIL monies within the required timescales.

Risk Owner – Full Council

Staffing Project / work overload / Staffing issues 11/03/21



L Concern that having too many projects open at the same time may lead to failure. Need to monitor workload and be realistic about what it is possible to achieve.

Risk mitigated by recruitment of additional staff member in April 2019. Revised job descriptions agreed and new roles assigned in November 2019. Revised working hours in place from 1 April 2020. There will be a need to review structure and staffing arrangements and prepare and agree a JD in the context of appointing a new Clerk and Executive Officer and consider recruitment arrangements. FERM will be considering all this in the summer of 2021.

Risk Owner – FERM/Full Council

Maintenance Officer Managing risks associated with the employment of the Council’s Maintenance Officer 15/07/21 L Training modules in Health and Safety and Working at Height delivered for Village Handyperson. 1-1 training undertaken on safe use of a petrol strimmer / brushcutter on 28 January 2019.  Keep in view for additional training requirements.

Accreditation for qualification on carrying out Play Area checks has lapsed and refresher training is needed as soon as a course is available (delayed because of Covid-19).  Arrangements have been made for this to be carried out in August 2021.

Risk Owner – Recreation




Governance and Accountability Clerk to have specific qualifications for MPC to be eligible to adopt the power of general competence 13/07/2020 L FERM Committee to keep in view.

Risk Owner – FERM





Reviewed on:      __________________________



Signed:  __________________________________ (Chair of Finance, Employment and Risk Management Committee)