The Finance, Employment and Risk Management Working Group looks after the financial matters of the council including entering into contracts for work, banking, accounting, audit, authorising bills, preparing the budget, and reporting financial information to the full council on a regular basis. It is also responsible for the council’s Risk Management Strategy and for ensuring that all the employees are provided with the appropriate contracts, job descriptions and terms and conditions of employment.
Every year the Parish Council decides what it is going to do in the next financial year and what it is likely to cost. It then asks the District Council (East Suffolk) for the money by way of what is called a Precept. The District Council raises the money as a part of the council tax for the following year. The council tax year runs from 1st April.
April 2018 to March 2019: £73,366.30
April 2019 to March 2020: £77,998.27
April 2020 to March 2021: £86,948.17
April 2021 to March 2022: £93,706.34
April 2022 to March 2023: £104,536
April 2023 to March 2024: £117,261
April 2024 to March 2025: £123,687
In early 2018 the Council prepared a Business Plan which sets out the way the Council works, how it manages its assets and its priorities in terms of future planning, both to aid transparency and accountability to the community of Melton. In conjunction with the financial reports, the annual accounts and returns which are published on the website, this will give a clear picture of where the Council’s money comes from and where it is spent, and its current assets. You can view the latest version of the Business Plan.
Councillors on FERM are:
Cllrs Bourne, Brown, Emerson, Gradwell, Martin, Packard, and Taylor
To comply with the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 we are obliged to publish details of expenditure of items exceeding £500:
Expenditure Exceeding £500 2023-24
Expenditure Exceeding £500 2022-23
Expenditure Exceeding £500 2021-22