Hall Farm Road Sports Ground Consultation
Melton Parish Council took ownership of the Hall Farm Road Sports Ground earlier this year. The Council is consulting with residents about how they want this land to be maintained and potentially enhanced.
A Working Group of residents and Councillors has been created to manage the consultation and implementation of these ideas.
An open event is being held on Saturday 25th September 2pm-4pm at the Hall Farm Road Sports Ground. Greener Growth who have done the planting/benches around Riduna Park are also attending the event.
Flyers (MPC(21)100a) that double up as a survey have been distributed to residents this week. The survey can be returned to the office or at the event, or it can be completed online. The survey closes on the 30th September.
Councillors are asked to:
- Note the contents of this report
Pip Alder
Asst Clerk and Management Officer
20th September 2021