
MPC(21)98.09 Renewal of the Council’s Insurance Policy

Agendas & PapersFull Council Uploaded on September 21, 2021



The Council’s insurances are up for renewal on 1 October. 2020/21 was the last year in which the Council was tied into a long-term agreement with AXA which expires 30 September 2021. The renewal premium this year for a policy via Pen Underwriting Ltd is £3,837.50, up from £3,164.65. This new premium is within the 2021/22 annual budget. This includes an increase in cover for employee fidelity as agreed by Full Council and also reflects a premium uplift of £117.74 to reflect the additional play equipment and outdoor furniture acquired via divestment. Otherwise the increase in  premium reflects the result of any rate changes applied by the insurer and also includes a 3% index linked uplift in value for both buildings and contents.

The following documents accompany this report:

  • MPC(21)98.09a The revised policy schedule – which sets out the cover provided. One significant change this year is that the exclusion in respect of Covid linked claims is now replaced by a broader disease exclusion clause. However you will note that this exclusion does NOT apply to employer’s liability or public liability cover – hence the Council is covered in the event of a successful claim arising from Covid in respect of such claims.
  • MPC(21)98.09b Policy Summary – this sets out in broad terms the areas of insurance for which the Council has cover.
  • MPC(21)98.09c The Statement of Fact – this is a document which Members need to read carefully. Cover is provided on the basis that Councillors and the Clerk have not been convicted of any criminal offence (in any capacity) or have not been declared bankrupt, been prosecuted under environmental or health and safety legislation, been the subject of a court judgment or been disqualified from being a company director. The statements in relation to Council properties present no problems. I will advise our broker as soon as the contract for the demolition of the pavilion starts and a separate fire risk assessment in respect of 17 Riduna Park is in place.


 Councillors are requested to consider the documents accompanying this covering report, and:

  • Agree to pay the invoice for the renewal premium before 1 October 2021.
  • Decide whether the current level of insurance cover meets the Council’s present needs, or whether it is considered prudent to consider changes and seek quotations for further cover where necessary.
  • In the event that further quotations are required, to delegate any final decision on additional premiums to the Clerk and Executive Officer in conjunction with the Chair of the Council and the Chair of Finance, Employment and Risk Management Committee.

William Grosvenor

Clerk and Executive Officer to the Council

21 September 2021