Melton Parish Council has to notify East Suffolk Council of its precept requirement for 2022/23 by 28 January 2022.
Papers MPC(22)07.03 (covering report) and MPC(22)07.02 (the budget spreadsheet) set out the proposed detailed budget for 2022/23 which is recommended for adoption.
For 2022/23 the budget reflects a proposed precept of £104,536 made up as follows:
- The charge for a Band D property in 2022/23 (£50.37) x 1,905.05 Band D equivalent properties. The tax base has increased from 1860.33 since last year thus yielding an increased sum of £95,957.37 with 0% change.
- Full Council adopted the recommendation from Budget Working Group to add a 3.1% uplift for CPI, together with an additional contribution to reflect the costs of servicing the new pavilion, particularly the public toilet provision, totalling £8,578.63. This gives a recommended precept for next year of £104,536. On that basis the in-year budget provides for a deficit of £13,325.00, which can be met via appropriate use of CIL monies.
The precept figure thus calculated of £104,536 represents an overall increase of about 38p per month/£4.50 a year for a Band D equivalent property. In the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement it has been confirmed that there will be no council tax referendum limits for local councils in 2022/23.
Members are requested to formally determine the Council’s precept requirement for 2022/23 as £104,536.
Pip Alder
Clerk and Executive Officer
January 2022