Melton Parish Council has to notify East Suffolk Council of its precept requirement for 2024/25 by 26th January 2024.
The proposed budget for 2024/25 was presented to Full Council in December 2023 (Papers MPC(23)127.03 and MPC(23)127.03a) and was recommended for adoption.
The Budget Working Group recommended to Full Council a Precept of £123,687 – an increase of 6.44%. This equates to an increase of £3.88 per Band D charge per year, bringing the charge per Band D property to £64.15 a year. This is a monthly increase of 32p. This is to cover inflationary increases and to cover the decrease in Precept of nearly 1% from the tax base reduction. The salary increases are set nationally and so outside the Council’s control.
In the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement it has been confirmed that there will be no council tax referendum limits for local councils in 2024/25.
Members are requested to formally determine the Council’s precept requirement for 2024/25 as £123,687.
Pip Alder
Clerk and Executive Officer
January 2024